Sanctioned harassment through voice commands

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tharovinn, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. Tharovinn

    Is it so orthodox in this game to bark that you need to catch a ride after you kill me in a gunfight? Who seriously uses that line in the expected situations? In-fact most of the voice commands that enemy players uses isn't useful for me to hear and is usually used for degrading and disrespecting others, where as if I hear these voice commands from friendly players its informative.

    Use cases for Voice Commands
    Friendly: Commonly heard when accepting a revive.
    Enemy: Used to express gratitude for the easy kill (you). Teabag optional but prefered

    Both: This VC is used correctly by both sides when either needs healing for themselves or others around them.

    Both: This VC is used correctly by both sides when either a MAX or vehicle needs reps

    Both: This VC is used correctly by both sides when an engineer needs to drop an ammo pack on the caller

    Friendly: You drive off in your sunderer and ppl shout out to you to stop so you can transport them to the next base.
    Enemy: Used to ridicule someone after they are killed, like the "Thanks" VC

    Both: Used to degrade

    Friendly: You accidentally get ran over due to reckless or careless driving, and receive and apology
    Enemy: Used as a taunt but more rare based on my experience.

    Both: Rarely used

    Both: I hear those most when a harasser drive needs a gunner.

    I've been unmoved by these call outs for when I played consistently. Now that I play infrequently its one of the things that made me turn my dialog audio down to zero. Getting killed, waiting for a revive or for my respawn timer to finish is humbling enough.

    I'd preferable want an option to squelch any enemy voice commands while still being able to hear friendly ones since hearing theirs is more useful. Spot call-outs can stay, hearing those is actually useful as cue that you position is revealed

    What should really happen is making this behavior punishable if it has to stay.

    Teabagging my corpse, or honking your vehicles horn after you run me over isn't getting a pass either, I hate that ****, and I don't want to hear it.
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  2. sIcGER

    My goodness you can simply ignore that... Sometimes i use 'sorry' after i kill an enemy just because the enemy almost killed me...
  3. Twin Suns

    *spits out coffee*
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  4. Aris12

    I use this callout after getting kills right before I honk my kazoo horn. The idea being, that the guy I just farmed got rekt and needs it. As the farmer, I need this guy rezzed so I may re-harvest certs.

    Being a snowflake is toxic also. You could become insensitive to it, and it wouldn't be a problem (#it's only a game, why you have to be mad? meme intensifies). Maybe I'm just some insensitive person myself having grown up in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer lobbies of 2008-2010. You could also just join a zergfit and only play when the swarm is online, that way, losses are socialized over the zerglings and no one player would feel the brunt of the *v6*/*v5* + *honk* + teabag slayer combos. Alternative, just faction swap to the side that is winning to not have to deal with this as often.
  5. UberNoob1337101

    Most times I've seen teabagging, they get instant karma as a sniper ventilates their skull.

    I only use voicelines because I'm playing with randoms. No time to troll dead ppl when I need to focus from kill to kill in a lightning fast paced game.
  6. Effect

    Get over it.