A Simple Fix To Infil Cloak Without Neutering The Class. DO IT.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ps2 player, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Ps2 player

    I Made a Deployable Dark Light as ive been suggesting for awhile as well as others have. Do this, And it will Help without completely trying to break down Infiltrator.

    infiltrator has already been nerfed in the past.

    1. Kill cam
    2. Making cloak slightly more visible
    3. Deep operative Nerfed

    People These days who cant see infils and claim they are "invisible" Have yet to tell me their PC Specs, ive already challenged most people who complain about infil and not a single pleb has yet to post their PC specs and graphical settings to me, truth be told they are just running on low end PC specs. its not the games fault, its theirs.

    unfortunately thats how most of the playerbase is so to counteract this to give them what they want you can simply add this into the game and it will clear out most issues with infiltrator that people claim, hence i myself have no problem seeing cloaked infils as well as many other players.

    Instead of trying to neuter the entire class due to bad players just add in this.

    How it Works: When a Cloaked Infiltrator enters the Boundary Zone for The Deployable Darklight, It will Uncloak infiltrators. Players cannot place multiple close to eachother as there are boundary limits where they can be placed distance wise. (Just like how Pain Spires and Construction Turrets Work when you try placing them down.)

    This Concept is already inside Playermade bases, except it doesnt decloak them, but keeps them highlighted under darklight conditions, and its relatively easier to kill and see them when they are under a darklight, anyone who tries to argue that is a clown.

    IF you cannot script the action to decloak an infil while in the boundary zone, simply just highlight them like a dark light already does when pointed at a cloaked infiltrator. (i actually forgot i could of scripted an audio effect when you enter the zone, you could do that too, or make the light turn red as another indicator that an infil is in the zone..)
  2. FLHuk

    I'm happy in my clown shoes. I'm also VERY below average and I could not give one poop!

    And then you got this nice bug to show how broke cloak is all ways.

    And construction darklight is kinda borked too.
  3. Somentine

    Even pretending this worked and wasn't buggy af, how does this, at all, solve the issues of Infils being seen by some and not by others, giving them on demand clientside?

    Considerations and issues:
    - The Infil has to be able to see that area, somehow, or else it is just cancer for the Infil, allowing them to stay out of the area.
    - You have to be able to place these new devices close enough/cover a large enough area that an Infil cannot get past or it becomes worthless, which is again cancer for the Infil.
    - Has basically zero effect on any Infil able to sneak past them, or just stay out of range of these.

    In order to make this not just another useless darklight 2.0, you'd have to make it absolutely cancerous for the Infil, and it still wouldn't solve the issue.


    What's so bad about making cloak a positional tool, rather than combat, by increasing cloak/de-cloak timing, and then buffing their health back to baseline and buffing cloak's invisibility (read: make it basically 100% invisible no matter the movement state) and/or duration/recharge?

    You've even posted a video of yourself being able to play Infil "easily", without cloak, "proving" that even a 900hp Infil is perfectly viable without using any of its class tools. So why not make Infil far more consistent, without the negatives?
  4. vlaamseleeuw

    i say reduce cloak active timer on long range smg stuff, and buff health pool of stalker( a stalker has no chance against a well build heavy for the moment).
    also reduce the range of the dark light,or make it so it doesn't shine true walls and rocks.
  5. Glykool

    I would not mind this idea of yours. It could be a useful tool for removing sundie/terminal cloaking behaviour.
    I play all classes and don't have a horse in this eternal infiltrator class debate. If I die to them it is usually just camping terminal/sundie lowlife players, but that is just human nature and not a class issue, so this would help minimize the cheese if anything.