[Suggestion] Merge the servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HunterXXHunter, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. HunterXXHunter

    For a few days, it seems some servers were down and as a result, there was some very cool activity on miller as if other servers had migrated there, the fights were really amazing and it really felt like the game was truly alive again, multiple 48-96/96+ fights going on on the map at different places, it was really amazing.

    I really think merging the servers should be considered, because of course, no one wants to grind back everything from scratch and this game really shines when there is a lot of people as we know, otherwise its really meh

    What do you guys think ?
  2. FLHuk

    I would suggest that the total lack of communication on this weekend. With the issues with Cobalt not being switched on. With an event designed at helping the game being a resounding meh that.....

    Suggestion threads are pointless beyond belief unless it's "T A L K T O U S !"