
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TiffyvanKIOSK, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. TiffyvanKIOSK

    Whats wrong with the Game, how the ****! Great Idea to change the medic tool and make it not usefull! Years and Years we have to endure the op Spys, and no one fix it, but the medic tool, easy! Great great Job...who needs player for this Game?
  2. T.A.94

    Calm your Nanites.
    This will be reverted in the upcomming patch.
  3. TiffyvanKIOSK

  4. FLHuk

    Don't rely on the visual cue for revives, just hold it on the corpse.
  5. TiffyvanKIOSK

    I know it. No front, but i have many medic playtime, and that is not practicable and not usefull, sorry