Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raiden Huttbroker, Nov 2, 2023.

  1. Raiden Huttbroker

    CALLING ALL AURAXIANS, scour your steam friends lists, look for people you play other games with who maybe have never played the game or played a little bit, ask family members to come join us, find those old vets who are taking a break from the game,
    Join us November 17th-26th and show these people our small but addicting one of a kind game!
    Talking with many outfits over the last few weeks, the results are quite encouraging. We need EVERYONE to at least try, and if each of us gather people, the results will be truly something![IMG]
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  2. Raiden Huttbroker

    Calling upon everyone from all servers to join in on this event.

    Fellas, I know outfit wars was not the news we wanted to hear, but if we don't like it, we don't have to play it. The recent med tool change has shown the developers are willing to listen.

    I personally have been in contact with numerous outfits across the Emerald server as of now. Vast majority are willing to assist in helping out with this event. They are asking friends they play other games with to come try it, they are getting family members aboard, things have been very encouraging. I am now in the process of reaching out to other outfits to bring their friends along as well. I hope you guys all join us.

    Some tips for bringing back / bringing a board players:

    Be in a voice call with them and almost them alone
    Too many people inside of a voice call will overwhelm them, and the voice chats in-game I am not sure are the best (I could be wrong)

    Use the scale of this game to the advantage!
    Do armor columns, galaxy drops, valk drops, heck even do a foot-zerg just for the stupid fun of it. This is a one of a kind game that always brings people in awe over its size and uniqueness.

    Don't do dogfights or flying, I understand the flight controls are wonky to most, flying is very hard.

    Try not to go too fast for them, essentially hold their hand and teach them about the game.

    Make sure they know that the starting weapons are some of the best in the game, and to utilize what certs they get towards new upgrades.

    Thank you all! Let me know if there are any other tips, or if you have questions on this!
  3. TripSin

    How could I in good conscience bring anyone to play on dead server Connery? I don't have the 500 friends it would take to make Connery server worth playing on. Unlike the devs of this game, I don't want people coming on to Planetside 2 just to have a **** time.
  4. BlopTheBlam

    every new person/player i show planetside, ends up leaving shortly after because of how buggy/ inoperable the comm situation is, added to the fact that outfit chat (typing) hasnt worked for over a year.....

    means we all have to be on discord/ have 2 monitors and additional hastle to attempt to communicate.....

    have made a bug report... but the basic communication/ playablility being an issue on a 10+yr old game makes soooo many turn there nose before they can enjoy the vastness of the game...
  5. Raiden Huttbroker

    I understand the concern of this, however, there are those who fall in love with this game as we once have. Squad and Platoon chats both text and voice seeeeeem to be working fine? Correct me if im wrong though.

    Basically we are just looking to show as many people as possible this wonderful game, no matter the odds or outcome of it all.

    I appreciate the feedback
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  6. Raiden Huttbroker

    You are 100% right and I get your frustration. Connery needs to be merged or server transfers over to Emerald need to happen. I believe I know why this is taking so long, based on leaks I have been hearing, and its pretty annoying that no one has said anything.

    Connery guys, you are 1000% welcome to come play on Emerald (or SolTech, or wherever) they want to play and bring players for this event. It's not the most ideal at all, but it is honestly the best I can offer you guys
  7. BlopTheBlam

    suddenly started working today, wasn't a setting or anything, wasn't working for 5 days in a row, no explanation wierd, but the outfit chat still doesnt work, hasnt for over a yr, makes it hard to casually organize \o/