Same Cheater every night on COBALT

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by NMdamien, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. NMdamien

    is name NightSoldier12 or otherS
    same story since 01 week now every nights
    AIMBOT throught wall / spaw room etc...
    Mouvement cheats etc..

    BAN THIS ADRESS IP §§§§ !!!!!!!
  2. NMdamien

    New Name for tonight : MusufDan

    kill with the bulldog underwater in OSHUR....
  3. NMdamien

  4. Deffington

  5. Deffington

    Can we get a tool to root this out before the fight ends? Would be nice if mass report of a low BR actually kicked him out of game for some time.