Ew! Oshur Time to Log

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OneShadowWarrior, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. OneShadowWarrior

    What's wrong with Oshur?

    1. Construction bases as capture zones is a horrible idea. Time to get to the grindstone and put bases back at each capture zone that is non destructible.

    2. Water fights are to slow, it should to be only used to go to and from. Put bio domes underwater similar to Biolabs.
  2. AuricStarSand


    See Wellerman Watch? Top right of the map. I just saw that base yesterday for the first time after 80 alerts of Oshur.

    Forgot that the base has a tower. Just speaking of the bunkers that leads to isolated bridge walkways.
    So those bunkers. Ye Put those bunker 2 story walkways that Wellerman's has. Put those tall walkway bunkers at the mid grass field.

    If not those then just give the players what they want boulder bridges everywhere. Fix the links to Astira and Pommel so fights happen at all 3 mid bases and not just mirror bay. Essentially Pommel Gardens is still a better infantry farm than silo verse silo empty grassfields are. Yet Pommel Gardens is ignored since silos stalemate the mid lane. So would require other roads to pommel gardens. Tho mid requires more paths to everything anyways. D point ignored since only one side road leads to it that nobody sees. A gets hit with tons of lockons, snipers. B. C are underwater kinda too close to the seaport not sure. For sure C B D are out of the way & A is only for 2 factions not 3. Since not enough walls to have cover for all 3, surrounding the building.

    The sunderer garage is essentially the main fight of Oshur. As far as positioning and that's not good enough. One lone sundy garage amid a empty field. Eh. Pommel Gardens is better. Astira woulda been better too if they just added a freak ton of boxes, warehouses, floor levels to flank to, and made the base a DM base. Pommel is sweet, better with more trees and even more boulder mazes.

    They made a Ocean map. When the safe bet and better map woulda been a Jungle map tbh. Maybe with one lake underwater zone they get to really focus on a underwater base design for. Also Oshur's colors have always been too disney and not edgey enough. As I've said before they went for Virgin Islands color scheme, when for a battlefield game Okinawa, Vietnam, Normandy is what you want. Something tropical yet still dreary some. While Oshur reminds of family vacation style.

    Ultimately tho making a whole map water before player feedback obviously is a group lesson. Then how players view lane verse lane gameplay rather than freestyle open map field links. Oshur a map that requires bridges. However they expected everyone to swim more & that didn't happen.

    I don't think locking everyone down to one region only if the way to go for any planet. Even for mid. Mid suggestively is better formatted for 2 to 3 main stages. For any map. Ti & Crown should be equal. Ascent, Raven, & Lith should have equal fights while giving Lith & Raven a remodeling for the sake of equality.

    Then either add more stuff to Nasons or else make the other roads more available to farm. If they remodel Nasons to add more, I'd suggest turning half the trees surrounding the Nasons base to be Ewok wooden bridge walkways with stairs around every tree and tons of wooden bridges amongst the Hossin trees. Surrounding Nasons with Hunters Blind type walkways. Yet without jumpads just stairs that wrap around the trees. So infantry tree fights everywhere surrounding nasons. If they don't do that that delete Hurkan Amp for a regular base design & give more roads to Hurakan. Else make more 3 empire fights happen around Wooden and Broken Vale.

    TI & Crown I'd just return the Rock Bridge yet make it more epic by adding multiple rock bridges & adding more land to the north side hill of TI. For siege fight north of TI's hill. For better Hydropon to TI battles.

    Lith I'd edit the ground roads to have more land to roam surrounding Lithcorp. & give Lith a extra road to Chimney Rock. Raven I'd more a 2nd road from Lithcorp to & a 2nd road from Ascent to. Then also edit Ravens Landing for more road access. So Lith & Raven don't just have narrow roads they have wider roads. Also I'd give a tunnel Ravens landing to A of Ascent.

    For the future. Try polling what everyone top 10 favorite base designs are and nature field fights are and build a map based on everyones favorite votes. Later.
  3. Amador

    If the Developers are actually willing to put a bandaid on Oshur, then there's at least one place where they can start. If you do anything at all, focus upon the center of the map.

    1. Completely drain and remove the water at the dead-center of the map, formerly known as "Bathala Gardens". (NOTE: Players do not like engaging in water combat while at a major base, especially during low-populations.)
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    2. Relocate Excavion/Mirror Bay Tower to the dead-center of the map where the water was completely removed, formerly known as "Bathala Gardens". (NOTE: This will also help alleviate some of the focused attacks that bear down upon the Central South East side coming up from the Centri Mining Operation.)
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    3. Lower Pommel Gardens, Bathala Overlook, Wakerift Plateau and Astira Hydroelectric to just about sea level. Corsair boats should now have increased relevance by being able to offer better fire support and spawn support within these areas if utilized. (NOTE: Be sure to include additional cover, such as rocks along the beaches leading up to the central area of the map.)
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    4. Completely demolish and rework Astira Hydroelectric so that it no longer obstructs players from traveling clockwise/counter clockwise around the central area and reconnect lattice accordingly so that it is symmetrical. (NOTE: Astira Hydroelectric serves no purpose now that the water within the center of the map has been removed.)
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    5. Raise new central Excavion/Mirror Bay Tower slightly higher than surrounding area. (NOTE: The relocated Excavion/Mirror Bay Tower should be high enough above the beach, but low enough to still receive fire. This base should -NOT- be designed like "The Crown" or "The Ascent". Players must have an adequate foothold and cover to assault the tower. If players are being "funneled" from a singular direction, then this is unacceptable.)
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    6. Be sure to add additional cover to this redesigned central region, preferably with adequate tree cover around the newly relocated Excavion/Mirror Bay Tower. (NOTE: Trees offer defensive concealment from above and also provide defensive cover while at ground level. Rocks are not ideal, because even though they offer cover, however they do not offer adequate concealment from the elevated threat while approaching the newly-centralized Excavion/Mirror Bay Tower.)
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    With adjustments to this region alone, it will help make the center of Oshur more of an enjoyable "sandbox" than a wide-open stalemate death trap that it currently is.