[Suggestion] Resuscitation of Playstation Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheLastMrBigg, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. TheLastMrBigg

    I hAve been instructed to find a way to try to rephrase My request. i will not oBjEct to a constructIve discussioN for the General Community to join.

    as i havE expressed previously in NumerouS OtheR placEs, i've loveD this game for a very long time.

    It once thrived and the future looked bright. We had updates and promises. New things on the horizon. Then... it stopped. Playstation players have to watch PC get everything while we wait.

    My suggestion is to open a place where the community can go to speak about the future of the game they love. Is this common? No! Of course not. Why would any developer wish to hear from the players begging to play their game?

    We can be pioneers though! We have a wonderful starting product. A game that, at its core, is functional. Maybe some changes could be made to revert to an older version if that's possible. We also have a forum that could feature a new section. One that listens to players concerns and maybe let's someone knowledgeable reply.

    There use to be posts and notes of updates for Playstation. Now we don't even get events anymore. There is no news. It's just desolate.

    So I encourage anyone who plays Playstation to speak up. Offer suggestions on where a community can go to speak to those who should want to hear us. Do not revolt! Let's work together to fix the real issues at hand! Let's save Planetside!
  2. Mechwolf

    Now keep in mind, these options are possibilities, not guarantees that the developers would even start to pay attention to us again.

    We could collectively give them more money than PC in order for them to look at us, we'd have to spend about $200 per person to get another update, or one person would have to spend about $200k. That should rival roughly what they make in a month with their current PC player base.

    Another option would be to try to word-of-mouth planetside through all other games, probably get banned from half of them for advertising, but try to get people to download this game and play it for an extended period of time to rival PC player base.

    We could also make our own game to rival Planetside and enable crossplay, but I have zero knowledge on how to build a game, even though I really really want to.

    Or we could find a developer willing to work for dirt pay and happens to love console gaming and development, and maybe they'll be able to shape the game into another version and we could call it "consoleside."
  3. xLluisett

    Yes please,more support to PlayStation versión gonna be wonderful.
  4. TheLastMrBigg

    I had no idea the numbers had fallen that far. Now what if I told you we could get several hundred back using reddit and X, if they were able to unlock Esamir and remove the storm. Those won't immediately all be paying members again because trust has been broken. Given time though more funds will begin to flow. I myself only days ago canceled my membership. I've had hopes for years. Fees that I work hard for. Yes I buy old cheesy cosmetics but come on... give me new cosmetics to buy. Give us back our favorite continent. Removing Esamir broke a lot of players.

    Thank you for your input.
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  5. TheLastMrBigg

    I invite a Dev to speak to this if they can. I believe they would have knowledge about what can or is being done.
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  6. Mechwolf

    What the community has pieced together, EG7's interests are in cookie-cutter games because the grass is greener... they'll probably be selling off IPs soon, hopefully Planetside gets picked up by a good company in the coming years.
  7. TheLastMrBigg

    Thank you for replying on the various threads. I've learned a good amount from these interactions. I do have one question that may be a no win thing.

    How do I inspire or keep my outfit alive, when everything they experience and each passing day get seeming more bleak than the previous?
  8. Mechwolf

    Planetside is a great testing ground for milsim training, and milsim training can be carried onto multiple other games, try adding value that goes beyond Planetside. (MOUT training for instance)

    We've also been having ops nights that aren't focused on winning alerts, and just having fun, we recently did an "all flashes" event which went over well last week.

    I'd honestly like an "exploit night" and figure out glitches just for fun, but most people are afraid of their accounts getting banned.
  9. Mechwolf

    There are no FPS games that have anywhere near the level of MMO inclusiveness that Planetside does, it makes for finding new members for other games (especially free games) extremely easy in comparison to say... buying a server in an EA game and hoping people join the server to join your team.
  10. AntDX316

    Just force merge all the Playstation people over to Emerald.
    Show them how to connect their Playstation controllers to PC.
    Show them how to make their PC faster and use a mouse and keyboard.
    Show them spending $1000 on a PC will make their Planetside 2 experience 5x better than Playstation.

    Maybe give incentives such as Discounts on upgrading PC parts like $200-$300 off combo parts? When people come to the PC than Playstation it opens up new markets to them.

    It can also remove the development for the Playstation engineering team. They can just work on maintaining the PC code instead.

    Give a pop-up for the Playstation people everyday for like 30-days before the merge. The Emerald Outfits can get people acclimated with the PC version quickly.