( Question about Cheater investigation ) Last 4 Weeks? Discussion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dEPUTYmEHLaUGE, Aug 1, 2023.


    I have some friends who tell me about invisible cheaters.
    It is said that 1000 players have unsubscribed from Planetside in the last 4 weeks.
    I myself hunt cheaters on a voluntary basis with video evidence.
    And I try to encourage players to record videos so they have proof
    when they find a cheater. Then I'll explain to you how you can report the cheater.
    Nowadays anyone can always record a video and thus report cheaters if they find one.
    So you should consider whether you can do something to encourage people
    to look for cheaters and report them, right?
    I would suggest that for every cheater you report the man and then get banned
    and get a bounty of 200 certs or so to encourage people to hunt down and report cheaters.
    So you bring a new element into the game that shows people
    that something is being done about cheaters.
    I would think it would be a shame if at some point nobody would play
    Planetside 2 anymore just because people think nothing is being done about cheaters.
    I'm looking forward to your answers and hope for a stimulating discussion.

    this post was build with google translate ...

    and this are the german original:
    Ich habe einige Freunde, die mir von unsichtbaren Cheatern erzählen. In den letzten 4 Wochen sollen sich angeblich 1000 Spieler von Planetside abgemeldet haben. Angeblich. ich selber jage ja Cheater ehrenamtlich mit Video beweiss. Und ich versuche Spieler zu animieren Videos aufzunehmen, damit sie einen beweiss haben, wenn sie einen Cheater finden. Dann erkläre ich ihnen noch, wie sie den Cheater reporten können. Heutzutage kann jeder immer ein Video aufnehmen und somit Cheater reporten, wenn sie einen finden. Mann sollte also überlegen, ob man was machen kann, damit man Leute animiert, Cheater zu suchen und zu reporten oder? Ich würde vorschlagen das man für jeden Cheater den Mann reportet und der dann daraufhin gebannt wird eine Prämie von 200 Certs oder so bekommt, damit es Leute animiert Cheater zu jagen und zu reporten. So bringt man ein neues Element ins Spiel was den Leuten zeigt, dass etwas gegen Cheater unternommen wird. Ich würde es schade finden, wenn irgendwann niemand mehr Planetside 2 spielt nur, weil die Leute glauben, dass nix gegen Cheater unternommen wird. Nun freue ich mich über eure antworten und hoffe auf eine anregende Diskussion. LG Twitch BuGjESUSfISTUS aka Youtube sIEnANNTENiHNbRUECKE
  3. Degenatron

    I haven't seen these invisible cheaters. I have seen the game struggling to render players, even at close range. I don't know if that's the actually explanation, but it might be a part of the problem.

    I'm not a fan of offering rewards for reporting because that can lead to false reporting.

    I agree that the best thing to do is to record your sessions and send the evidence to cheater@planetside2.com.
  4. FlashBang

    I have never seen a invisible cheater. I see a ton of aimbots, and aimbot bots that people put underbases to spot or snipe routers. On occasion if the person doesn't care about getting caught they will actually kill from in the ground. Then there are the guys that eliminate portions of the gun game that only devs could really detect.
  5. Ps2 player

    ok so this specific hacker is a one man guy whos been doing these hacks for awhile, constant name changes and constantly cracking the new string of code they try to tether in to prevent him from coming back.

    my guess is that this specific hacker, was done dirty by the devs and pissed him off to the point where he is on his relentless edgelord darkside roleplaying to ruin this game till it dies, i am sure he was the one responsible for the DDOSS attack.

    a game i play has a same kind of hacker who just hates the game and the indie dev mods in general, we have dedicated servers, he comes in and starts team killing everyone, the devs had to add in team kill points and once reached they were kicked out of the server and perma banned, but its easy for him to bypass this via VPNs, he even DDOSSes individual servers, mainly AOD duel servers, (this is a Starwars game im talking about)

    im not saying this is the same hacker but from what ive seen this ps2 hacker do its kinda clear that whoever this ps2 hacker is, is clearly out to ruin the game and make it die, once again maybe they did him dirty and he is pissed so he is doing everything in his power to ruin the game.

    as somone who mentioned the servers to be merged, i am sure this hacker is exactly what he wants to happen so now he will be able to piss off even more players without having to switch servers ending in more people leaving the game.
  6. Niamar

    I log off after I report. Since it’s just a few minutes of game play it’s not worth playing.
  7. Keiichi25

    I have seen the following:
    * Aimbotters in MBT tanks - Who somehow snipe ESFs with AP rounds from a distance (Still going on), and not just TR, I've seen an NC player on Connery do it a lot.
    * Some heavies who are managing to fire what seems like an LMG and doing damage to Lightnings at range.
    * One Outfit was literally flying a Valkyrie with an Burster Armed MAX
    * Engineers who are headshotting MAX with the AMRs, that looks like they are firing from the hip, NOT down the scope.

    There are a lot of suspect playing going on.
  8. Anderqual

    Reporting cheaters needs to be revamped. It needs to be in-game. I suggest everyone gets one report every 6 months. If it turns out it was a cheater your report is restored if not you have to wait 6 months to report in-game again. This will help the devs from being overwhelmed with reports. Maybe rewards for people that are good at finding the cheaters.
  9. The Wolf

    In the MBT its easy if the ESF is just floating there. Like not moving and sometimes I have gotten good lucky shots that way. Not saying there aren't any hackers or anything. Just saying I do it sometimes. Connery feels easier though compared to Emerald maybe that is just me though.
  10. oOHansOo

    The NC directive LMG called God SAW has a secondary firemode, which allows it to damage heavy armor, but reduces the damage to infantry.
  11. allen9527

    too many cheating players
  12. FLHuk

    As an aside if you're on Cobalt there's a guy who you will love to meet.

    He is roleplaying internet sheriff but his content is pretty unique. If you comment in yell and he's bored he will check your K/D and then this NC will abuse you to hell and back via PM if you're above 1.6k/d....

    Serious, it's brilliant content and well worth engaging with. I wont spoil the details so you can enjoy :D