Not to talk about PS1 but....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hifi, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. hifi

    So moving forward to make PS2 better and add a new dimension wouldn't you guys like to see some old PS1 gameplay in the game ? for example:

    • All continents open with lattice links connected to each continent , this could help slow down 3 ways and also give smaller outfits / recon outfits a purpose in the game.
    • Command rank, PS1 command structure was so much better, not everyone had it / wanted it and you had good leaders / structure in the game - coordinated outfit attacks and people voting for someone to lead that fight.
    • Sanctuaries i miss the OLD TR,NC,VS home lands just having your faction and setting of to open a new continent or battle with the whole faction was amazing , 50+ galaxies 100+mozis and 100+reavers was amazing to see.
    • Outfit point system, people use to love looking at your outfit point total in the outfit panel like a friendly leadership system
    • Outfits meant something, in every server on PS1 you had your big outfits / small outfits but they were always good for something , holding generators to stop people using tech , killing the gen on a intel to stop you have access to the Radar, these were great times
    These are just suggestions and i know the game is not PS1, but lets be honest it is Planetside.
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  2. Kakihara

    Everything you said would awesome however in its current state ps2 is a dead game and cant be salvaged.

    After a long layoff from the game, its completely broken and destroyed. Fights boiling up just about hit 100 degrees BOSH orbital strike, okay its a hinderance we can go again BOSH orbital strike and so on. Absolutely pathetic and puts newcomers off since its pure cancer just like the flail.

    Outfits im not even sure what purpose they serve in the game nowadays.

    The flying side of things was never addressed ? Really after all this time its the same **** ? I know flybois will say get good but those people will always be good its there ting., Whether it be here or Battfield games etc but the whole thing is cancer and they know it.

    Infiltrators are a joke

    Ooh new faction NSO lets give it a whirl....oh a chimera and dervish awesome LOL

    Now lets talk about hackers a simple google will lead you to a plethora of different hacks and hell a lot of people using them. The people in denial will say they dont come across many but they are ********. Quite simply this game is one of the easiest games around to to hack on and get away with.

    The netcode is ****, the hit reg is ****, the optimisation is ****.

    Sorry just ranting coz i used love this game would be awaesome if they put them things ingame :)
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  3. OpolE

    Definitely talk about PS1. I've spent a decade talking about PS1 stuff in PS2. Some of it has come but the METAGAME of capturing has not
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  4. OneShadowWarrior

    Oh, we need to talk alot more about elements from Planetside 1.

    1. How they had more maps and caverns.

    2. Assault Buggies and that includes the true Skyguard.

    3. Better base designs like Dropship Centers, towers, generators and actually ants that needed to fuel the Silos. You could also interchange vehicle weapon loadouts at the silo.

    4. Max suits like the Sparrow and the Starfire that actually had anti air. Everyone knew flak sucked, still does.

    5. Deliverer vehicles and there variants.

    6. Cloakers that actually infiltrated, they could hack vehicles, doors and consoles with speed. They could carry combat engineer stuff and lay booby traps. Putting a boomer down, like C4, a spitfire. Sniper rifles used to be common pool, not used by infils.

    7. Looting your opponents backpack, I miss when we had a inventory system and lockers. Even trunks on vehicles. Even the Galaxy had a cargo hold that could fit a vehicle.

    8. Emp grenades or firing thumper jamming rounds or emp mines that actually jammed vehicles.

    9. Implants like surge, audio and darklight.

    10. Aircraft that had thrust from behind, not this VTOL crap. However when you did come to a dead stop it hovered without the drop.
    Also, mosquito, reaver and wasp were all common pool aircraft.

    11. Combat engineer stuff where you could put 10 mines and 5 turrets and then shadow turrets, cerebrus turrets, motion sensors, small one man pivot style turrets with advanced combat engineering. Base turrets could also be upgraded.

    7. Give me my Switchblade hover bike from Core Combat as well as my Spiker, Maelstrom and Radiator.

    8. Bring back the old Advanced Mobile Stations that could drive better and had a smaller cloaking bubble.

    9. Lets also talk about the wraith, you could cloak, but it had no offensive abilities, you couldn’t run people over with it either, but it had no cloaking timer, you could also park it invisible.

    10. You had the option in your vehicle management settings to decon your vehicle.

    They don’t need to really look very far. Plenty of elements to pull from the original PS that would keep people excited till the day comes when they move on to something better or newer.
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  5. hifi

    Ah I am glad did not just turn into a flame thread!..

    I logged on the PsForever project and even being the only one online it felt so good, just hacking the CC and sitting there for 15minutes, made me have a tear in my eye!...

    I loved PS2, when it first came out it was amazing , all the old outfits , spawning system etc, but now its just like you said good fight then ruined...

    So many old aspects from PS1 would make the game amazing, i use to love the 2 day bridge battle on Cyssor, or the defending a base for 6 hours (Interlink) and you have 10% NTU, working as an empire to get an Ant in to fill the base!...

    They just went to Battlefield / COD for me but saying that PS2 has a lot of good just needs that loving!...
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  6. Mechwolf

    NGL, all of the features of PS1 sound so unique, idk why none of it made it into the second installment. I understand they reduced the TTK to be "more modern" but the whole game is an arcade shooter, not a milsim.
  7. TheMercator

    You know *unique* is very often an euphemism for "There is a reason nobody else does it that way".
    TTK is in my eyes to high for a large scale combined arms game. Especially if you consider mechanics that make it necessary to burst fire at mid ranges with weapons that often take 8+ shots to kill.
  8. ican'taim

    planetside 2 originally was designed as a cash cow f2p battlefield clone and made in 10 months, higby (old ps2 dev) had a whole livestream about it a while back.
  9. darktr00per4

    Honestly i would pay $15 a month to play PS1 right now, Even with the ancient netcode and the BFRs.
  10. darktr00per4

    I can still here the sound of that damn Sparrow along with the PTSD from 30 Chain guns in a stairwell. I miss the inventory system and specing out load outs with either heavy armor , medium armor, Deci, explosives, ammo, or dual bolt drivers. Orbital strikes had timers and a double OS was rare unless you really pissed someone off. The auto run, Old school max crashes. Holding the main terminal with all you had to defend the hack. OG thumper with the plasma grenades and hot swapping ammo types. SO many good times. We didnt know how good we had it boys.