[Suggestion] A Change to Directive weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KhlorosTesero, Jul 6, 2023.

  1. KhlorosTesero

    So, walk talking with some players today while stuck in a farm, and got on the topic of the directive unlock weapons.

    Anyone else feel that the jump on the final requierments is to much? Every rank up increase from each of the previous ranks was pretty reasonable.
    10 kills with 2 weapons
    60 kills with 3 weapons
    160 kills with 4 weapons
    Then outta left field, 1160 kills with 5 weapons.

    This jump seems ridiculous even for an Arux weapon. We got to talking and everyone kind of seemed on board that making it 200 kills with 5 weapons or reaching Arux with a single one would be good enough, because either way it would be 1000 kills.
  2. VakarisJ

    That would be lessening the achievement of everyone that have done it in the past. It would also cheapen the directive weapons themselves.
  3. KhlorosTesero

    Nah they still got it does not lessen it. Just brings it into a more reasonable state

    Asking for close to 6000 kills for a weapon that in some cases is not even that good or an upgrade is a bit much. The increase from novice, all the way to expert is pretty reasonable, but the jump from expert to master is insane.
  4. VakarisJ

    None of the weapons are supposed to be upgrades. All of them are sidegrades. That's the point of this game – there is no progression ladder. The shiny directive weapons you get are primarily there for bragging rights, even if they have some gimmick attached to them.

    Since the directives use the old medal system, which had always been 10-60-160-1160 for copper-silver-gold-auraxium, the "jump" is to be expected. It has always been that way, since beta even. Mastery is supposed to be difficult, something not everyone might achieve. 200 kills is nothing – insignificant – you can get that in a day if you want to. 1160, on the other hand, is rather symbolic.

    If you hadn't noticed – pretty much everything in the game follows the same exponential curve. Certs start small and rapidly grow: 150-200-250-500-1000 for the Ambusher Jets, 1-10-30-50-100-150-200-400-500-1000 for ammo capacity, 30-100-200-1000-1000 for Sunderer Cloak. It's the philosophy behind the game. If you demand to change the one bit that you dislike, you may as well overhaul the entire thing.
  5. KhlorosTesero

    I mean thats not true at all, Beetle is 100% a stright upgrade to the Orion, same with the godsaw, butcher is a side grade ill give you that.
    Certs are not the issue, there are ways to earn certs quickly, a single play session can easy net you over 1k certs its not hard.

    Having increasing difficulty and goals is fine, im saying that the increase for Arux weapons is a bit much. when rank 3 is get 160 kills with 4 weapons and rank 4 is get 1160 kills with 5 weapons', thats excessive.200 on 5 weapons is more then enough to be reasonable, thats 1000 kills total, thats not something you can just do in a day or 2. Especially if you consider that rank 3 is a grand total of 640 kills, rank 4 to unlock the directive weaon being 200 each is pretty reasonable, or hell even 500 each would be reasonable that's 2500 kills.
  6. -Zlodey-

    Higby had idea to change directives from getting kills to getting enough experience points to complete directive, and that was good point.
    By the way, its would be nice to get ability to equip Auraxium weapons into secondary slots with ASP perks.
    There is not reason to keep current restrictions.
    • Up x 2
  7. KhlorosTesero

    Truth be told, i think that changing it from kills with x weapon to experience with x weapon would be VASTLY better, it should be like earn x amount of experience with LMGs and it could be any combination of them, hell that would even insentivise people to buy boosts and member ship to make it go faster.

    But Right now IMO the "hey just get over 6k kills with multiple guns to unlock this one" Is insane to me.
  8. Botji

    Its supposed to be, literally the 'last' achievements available for each category supposed to show off having mastered it.. not a "I spent a couple of hours the last two weekends playing."-badge of honor.
  9. KhlorosTesero

    over 6k kills with a a single class of weapon is beyond mastering it at that point.
  10. Walking Shark

    This is endgame content, it's something for the most dedicated players to work toward in the near/medium term or for the casual player to work on over years. Feels pretty reasonable to me. I've only ever auraxed like three weapons but I like to change things up and try different guns and play styles. Eventually I'll get one of these directive weapons.