Every PS2 server has low population

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TyphusAlGhoul, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. TyphusAlGhoul

    Is there a reason why the EU have three servers when all of them have low population? According to https://www.daybreakgames.com/status/, every single server in the game is low. Maybe you guys at DBG want to address this by merging them?
  2. Liewec123

    Ceres is the playstation server, so EU only really has 2 servers, but yes there should only be one.
    people have been calling for merges for years but DBG don't seem to want to.
    i remember the glory days back when Ceres was a PC server,
    you could hop on to any of the 3 maps (amerish indar and esamir) ad have massive battles,
    i quit playing in January and will keep fond memories of those pre-wrel days.
  3. OgreMarkX

    RPG might not be able to transfer characters to another server at this time, or merge. An understandable hurdle.

    And I suspect the same exec guy who thought Planetside Arena was a great idea (to extract cash) also thinks players restarting on another server is a sustainable source of revenue via purchases of Daybreak Cash so players can speed up access to unlocks--that they already unlocked...derp.

    Well, no, Chief Goatee Executive, Planetside Arena was a much scaled down side-version of Planetside 2, and they wanted us to pay extra for it. They actually thought that my paid account since 1999 needs to pay even more for a downgraded version of the game that I am ALREADY paying for...and that downgraded game, if even marginally successful in attracting players, would actually speed up the death of the original game that I actually enjoy? REEEEEAAALLY?

    I mean, Planetside Arena was the Bud Light fiasco years before the Bud Light fiasco.

    For me, why I would restart on Emerald, for example, when I have spent since game release unlocking and advancing my character on Connery (10+ years)? Why would I either grind again (not fun) or PAY to speed up a grind that I shouldn't have to do again? Only to get right back where I started on a server that will have since reduced in pop as well?

    Really? REALLY? That's some "Real Planetmen of Genius" stuff right there.