Construction is a golden opportunity to help balance infantry vs vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OSruinedPS1, Jun 11, 2023.

  1. OSruinedPS1

    Defending infantry should be super strong in the immediate vicinity of their "fortification" primarily against vehicles. This would help balance infantry vs vehicles so vehicles wouldn't need to be weak, vehicles could be buffed, because when you don't take terrain into account when balancing vehicles vs infantry then vehicles become weak in open field battles.

    How many times have you seen 10 infantry with lockons completely annihilate 10 tanks on a totally flat plane on Indar, where infantry have no cover and are just running around foot zerging in the open. Too many, that's because infantry vs vehicles really isn't balanced as it is now.

    Instead of looking for gimmicks to make construction useful (orbital strike, spawning superweapons, free vehicles), look to real life "fortification" for inspiration. And in real life "fortifications" provide defending infantry with an acute tactical advantage.
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  2. Anthrage

    This is an interesting idea, and I can see several ways to do it - the simplest and easiest might be to take the regen field abilities that Medic has, or that from a territory Module, and create new spires that can manifest those; like a pain spire but in reverse. Something that uses existing code and assets, has a current implementation with the territory Module you can apply for regional health regen, and also very easy to tweak up or down. Very solid concept, I like it.
  3. OSruinedPS1

    Infantry Tower, Bunkers, Walls with a 1-way shield that didn't let HE pass through to kill infantry inside would have done wonders against short to short-medium range. We really didn't need anti-tank AI, we just needed those damn 1-way shields to work without letting HE pass through, and have more HP. It was fine the way it was.