Is Nano-Armor Cloaking worth the certs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ClampFlash, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. ClampFlash

    Hi! I'm a TR CQC SMG Infiltrator using Hunter Cloaking. Someone previously recommended Nano-Armor cloaking to me, and I was wondering if it was worth the certs?
  2. AuricStarSand

    SMG Infil is the least played class so not sure if you'll get a honest reply. I haven't used nano armor enough to know. When I tried it didn't seem all that good, as you're not really getting shot at when invis.

    So it's extremely niche less you practice you're timing and the timing would only work if you run into a enemy when reloading and you're near a box or door to run around and you get shot at a few times, so you stealth before you get shot at and absorb some dmg. Is super niche lol.

    As when you're invis you're not ever trying to get shot at. I'm sure it has it's uses if you find ways, tho they should buff this type of invis.

    I suppose it's general use is if you're running away from a enemy with your back turned and getting shot at while escaping. So if you need help " running away " then sure. Yet it'll have less stealth timer then hunters timer.

    I usually don't die very often running away. More so offense. Lunging at enemies recklessly, since that's my playstyle.

    The only use I'd imagine to use for, that I haven't tried yet. Would if you're running down a Nasons tunnel fight of bullets. & You're too lazy to run around the tunnel. & You'd rather try to dodge the tunnel bullets to get behind the enemy, with a few attemps of running that tunnel and dying. To absorb some bullets on the way to the other side of the tunnel. Since people see you easier, when you're invis, when you're running face value at them for tunnel fights.

    Still I haven't used it much, so if you find out of the box ways to use the armor, then try. It'll have to be timed right. However if you're low with certs, you may want to wait till certs aren't really a issue.

    If you want to main SMG Infil. Well I would suggest for you to get your implants max rank. " Survivalist " is the best, for the run speed when you're shield breaks. Then for a 2nd implant I'd run with " Nightmare " if you like to switch between knifing and smg for entertainment. If not then " Catwalk " for jumping over enemies and jumping top of walls at Hydropon for example. " Deep Op " Isn't really required for hunter smg infil, that's for pistol stalkers.

    Then again just trying to shop for & recycle implants to afford max rank, isn't worth the certs. As it's possible to spend 8k of certs and still not get the implant you want and the recycle won't offer much either. Usually it's something vets save for, not mid tier planetmen.

    So just get by with what you have. Survalist is ok at Rank 3. Catlike won't get you the extra jump till max rank & it's for entertainment don't really need for skill. Catlike without max rank offers no jump. Nightmare is ok at rank 3. Some of them may not be worth max rank.

    If you find knife entertaining. Then rebind your " switch to melee " key to either the " Q " button ( if Q, you have to replace " spot enemy " with " Tab " ). Or bind Switch to Melee button to " V " ( If V replace your emotes, with X button) or Melee to " B ".

    I have switch to melee as " V ", then " B " is for my pistol. & " Q " is for my melee swing, since my middle mouse button broke. Yet I find Q better than when my middle mouse worked.

    When you get to ASP lvl, get " smoke grenade " access for sure. To have one smoke grenade to throw b4 you storm a building.

    & if you want to duel tanks hybrid style. Get " Hunter QCQ " with Explosive arrows. As you don't really need a pistol less you're clearing rooms. Since field SMG infil is able to stealth run away for reloads.

    & Lastly " Adrenaline pump " for run speed less you already have. Is best. Less you play reserve & not kamikazee, then maybe something else.
    • Up x 1
  3. Johannes Kaiser

    I play it occasionally, and it can give you a bit of an edge to survive with a sliver of health instead of dying. But to have any benefit you'd have to have the shootout be as close as possible, which you ideally should avoid as SMG infil, and have the tools to do. Sneak up and open up. If they catch you, you're likely outnumbered and going to die anyway. Though I will say when running away this has occasionally saved my miserable hide in tandem with a convenient corner to round.
  4. Somentine

    It was BIS until it was nerfed. Still good, but not as oppressive as before. If you have the certs, sure. If not, get the other necessary things you want and then revisit it.

    With NWA removal lowering the global TTK, Infil is even more about trying to 1-frame people and the extra cloak time of Hunter can help by giving you more time to aim/setup. For higher play you probably want NAC over Hunter.
  5. Sumowning

    Unfortunately it's not, NAC used to be viable mainly due to it's +100 shield making you in line with other classes. However ever since it's nerf it has become obsolete, as now it's just a bad 'resist shield' from Heavies. Except you can't shoot back, it's more visible, it lasts a shorter period and it recharges slower than a Hunter Cloak.

    So in all in all, not worthwhile using anymore. Just use Hunter cloaking as it has a better uptime, recharge rate and invisibility.
    • Up x 1
  6. ohknoh

    Agree, unfortunately the devs are willing to nerf something into uselessness, instead of developing a way to make it work.

    The Hermes cloak actually does what you would expect the NAC to do, it allows you to get out of return fire with your life. It too comes with very low up time, and very long recharge time, but the +20% sprint speed does work. It will be nerfed as soon as people start using it more, with no compensation given to the VS.
  7. TR5L4Y3R

    should have kept the extra 100 shield imho ... would have been for me the prefered suit to actualy play a close in aggresive infil instead of passiv with huntercloak
  8. Somentine

    All Infil cloaks have the same visibility and states.
  9. AuricStarSand

    Hopefully they buff.

    I'd personally want a stealth type, that instantly makes smoke puff around you when you use the button. Without having to throw a grenade. " Smoke stealth ". For knife.

    They better not nerf Hermes, it's the best feature from the last patch. I still don't understand why it has to be empire specific. I get they want diff abilities per class for empires, yet meh, I'd rather suggest those skills be given to every empire. I mean is the medic skill even as entertaining as hermes is?

    As for Hermes, still want a Pistol and Knife version, with 10% more run speed.

    Pistol & Knife Hermes with 30% run speed.
    Primary Weapon Hermies for smg and scout 20% run speed.

    I'm mostly using Hermes to Knife with.
    I also play SMG at times with too, with the run speed.
    Still hasn't made sense to use the same spec for 2 varying playstyles.
    Knife & SMG play out so different & if anything, trading out the primary for 10% even more run speed sounds fair.

    Heck I'd be fine even without the pistol, just a knife only stealth type, that gives you free grenade bandolier too without losing Adrenline Pumps slot. & reduced grenade nanite price. & Allows you to carry one more mine 3 mines total With budget mines.


    - Buff Armor Stealth +150 shield hp

    - Toss Hunter Cloak +2 more seconds.

    - Hermes cloak 1 for smg & scout 20% run speed

    - Hermes cloak 2 for pistol & knife 30% run speed

    - Smoke activated around body stealth type

    - Nerf Stalker stealths pistol dmg by 10% to negate campers

    - Give all empires Infils all utility mine types & all empires all new abilities

    - & stealth type built for knifers only, no primary, no pistol, just knife, with 40% run speed, free jump height, & budgeted grenades & mines.