Shotgun directive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pnut, Apr 2, 2023.

  1. pnut

    I play VS.

    The Chaos is just the thanatos.

    Why not doing something like the darkstar, where you'v added a cure grenade.

    Maybe, give the chaos lashing or unstable ammo.

    Make it a bit more wild with its "spray" of damage all over the place.

    Could be fun!

    And do something similar for TR and NC

    NC - maybe bullets that penetrtate for multiple enemies, does 50% of the damage to the person behind?

    TR - More choice of spread? Very tight? or very wide? I don't know.

    Maybe NC and TR guys can come up with better ideas for your weapons.

  2. T.A.94

    Dont underrestimate the Chaos. It having a heatmechanic is actually very powerfull, because it is always "reloaded".
    Died and getting revived? No problem your weapon is reloaded. Other factions need an implant for this!
    Switching to the secondary shotung as engineer? No problemo just spray your targed and afterwards change back to the primary while your secondary cools down in your pocket.
    Your only drawback is having a 7 round default mag compared to the Havoc's and Brawler's 10 rounds.

    Yet I understand the uniqueness of special ammo on directive shotguns, since the NSOs Rutherford is basically a onehit pumpgun from the hip AND a thumper while aiming down sights. While aiming you shoot explosive slugs with it :cool: .

    The Havoc is just full automatic.

    And the Brawlers special trait is, get this, an underbarrelshotgun (UBSG) which is removed when picking a more usefull attachment! Out of all directive shotguns this one looses its special trait for equipping an other railattachmen that is not the UBSG. The UBSG should be forcefully attached at all times :rolleyes:

    If I would give the NC VS and TR weapons one of their respective special ammo it would be
    - Manticore ammo for the Chaos
    - Impact ammo for TR
    - Disruptor on the Brawler

    All of those give each weapon a significant drawback and a "new" benefit and should also only work while aiming down sights.
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  3. TheMercator

    The Brawler definitley needs a rework. It still has the special trait "UBSG" it got when all the auraxium weapons were memes.
  4. netBattler

    Isn't it great that most of the guns in the game that you have to grind to get and are supposed to be special, aren't actually special? Except for VS. VS guns get the heat mechanic. Because they deserve all the love.
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