[Suggestion] At least two fire modes for every G2A weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Demigan, Dec 3, 2022.

  1. Demigan

    G2A weapons have many inherent problems. One of which is that any weapon capable of reliably hitting an ESF would have no problem hitting a larger aircraft, guaranteeing high damage resistances against G2A weapons. To illustrate, the Liberator has a 75% damage reduction against some weapons supposed to be designed to counter it.

    Its not fun for a large aircraft and have to flee the moment they receive damage or be destroyed.
    Its no fun for a G2A weapon to engage an aircraft that has plenty of time to kill something (including the G2A source) and get away. Worse is that it destroys the whole "deterrence" ideology*.

    To counter this all G2A weapons need to have two fire modes, one for small aircraft and one for larger ones.

    A simple example with flak:
    - normal fire is current flak.
    - secondary fire simply deactivates the flak and forces you to score direct hits. This would then deal both direct and AOE damage. The direct damage can be balanced around how much damage it does to larger aircraft, simulating it penetrating and exploding inside the aircraft.

    Its a simple, easy way to make G2A weapons viable against any aircraft type without making large aircraft have massive effective healthpools against the weapons supposed to counter them.

    *this is also exactly why deterrence as a concept will always fail outside of a Milsim.
  2. Cyropaedia

    They can also revert the lock on buffs.

    It should require 3 annihilator missiles to destroy an ESF. (I would not mind 2 annihilator missiles bringing an ESF to burning).
  3. Demigan

    Revert the nerfs you mean?

    I dont care for lock ons. They arent well designed. They require too much time to lock, give multiple warnings, the counter is stupid and the effort to lock is too easy but also too easily foiled by people walking by or the smallest twig passing your view.
    Lock ons should get a smaller lock on angle (aim closer to the target), they should require to maintain lock (no fire and forget), the missile should be less agile (cant do a 180 turn as quickly if at all), lock on faster, be able to lock after being fired and change who to lock on to. Aircraft can then try to move erratically to avoid a lock while lock ons can be fired much faster and have more options on how or when to fire.

    You can easily have several variations of G2A rocket/missile launcher:

    - dumbfire flak missile
    - dumbfire coyote missile (especially fun if the missile has limited agility and speed allowing aircraft to try and avoid one after it locks and asks the user to lead better)
    - laser-guided missile. Can have variants with flak, coyote or direct hit warheads, each with a different damage profile.
    - have different magazine sizes. A micro-missile launcher version of each would functions differently than a single-shot version.
    - you can also vary the speed of the rockets/missiles, possibly as a secondary fire mode. Slower means more damage for use against larger aircraft and faster deals less damage but obviously is better at hitting ESF.

    Its not hard making skillful, effective G2A variants of infantry launchers* that would give aircraft the ability to dodge the shots while giving the G2A user something fun and actually functional. Especially since such weapons could also have secondary uses against ground targets.

    * you can easily make a few vehicle versions too!