Construction Bugs

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Miss Atley <3, Jun 9, 2022.

  1. Miss Atley <3

    I love you guys but come on... you promised contruction 2.0 and to fix the bugs and all we've gotten was
    "Made adjustments to how construction object placement works to prevent certain exploitative behaviors."
    taken stealth away from ants, removed HIVES so now no one attacks our bases, removed structure invulnerability modules.... I've been posting bugs here that actually affect builders for years and we get nothing other than you guys trying to "fix" exploits that literally no one even uses or they only help building be a little bit easier since it has insane time and awkwardness to connect things and then we just keep getting "nerfed"
  2. VillusVill

    Kinda have to back Atley on this one yes you guys did give us Oshur for construction but our tools for building are so limiting that we can hardly use the new map to it's fullest & as a result of that it's lead to larges chunks of the community actively trying to avoid Oshur rather to play on it. Heck even if we take into consideration Oshur has a few pit falls especially if you count all of the choke points that could be fixed by adding a few more bridges around the place to avoid 2 to 8 construction bases just flailing a bridge fight for 2 hours farming up to perhaps 500 to 1000 kills total split between 8 people. Look I love the cheese but even I have to call it where it is. And for as much as I'm getting on Oshur's case and not construction as a whole is because I've already done videos on the other aspects of its short comings and don't feel like repeating myself yet again. But I can if you so do wish.