I've alt f4 past 2 days, due to the zerg outfit ignoring the bigger battle for 8 hours.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, May 24, 2022.

  1. AuricStarSand

    Lets get rid of zerg outfits that shuffle redeploy to little 24 man fights, to protect their outfit resources. All day.
    Lets get rid of outfits who try to win the alert for the 1,000th time, without finding fun alternatives that rival the experience of winning an alert.

    I'm still in the process of taking a long break from PS2. Months long. Tho still I played the past few days, prior to my return to the gym. & All I did was sit on the map, waiting for a big battle. Using 4 shield & attack beacons. Telling the leaders why they are war pathing the wrong way.

    Only for 1 Australian Wildcard zerg dude to be like " Oh you don't like us redeploying to lamer fights? Well I'm gonna do it for the next 4 hours. Even knowing you'll alt f4 due to this. " The guy literally told me he's gonna keep redeploying his army, despite finding this redeploy shuffle lame, while waiting on the map screen for 20+ mins at a time. For over 8 hours, per 2 days, 2 times alt f4'ed due to this. Indar & Oshur. For Indar I told them how to get to the big battle, then they redeployed a lot, lost a ton of regions anyways, then loligagged, wildtards pulled a meaningless Bastion, they flew over empty skies, the bastion died, & no good fight over 24 pop happens for over 2 hours. Even after me telling the leaders, they ignored my requests on purpose. For what? For hours upon hours of not even a middle sized fight happening. & both explanations, happened during the Evening hours.

    It's like ALL the objectives for this game; are to avoid big battles.
    1) Zerg Outfit Resource Campers, Cappers, Ghosters, Defenders: Ignores big battles
    2) Winning the alert by Ninja'ing Regions: Ignores big battles

    These are the 2 major fundamentals or " goals " of this game. Both require the zerg outfit 90% of the time, to redeploy to small 24 man fights. To either ninja for alert wins, or defend their precious outfit resources.

    Neither make for a good fight, yet that's the top 2 premises of the game. With no zerg outfit limit either, so obviously the whole zerg is going to be doing these 2 lame tasks. As a ultimate vet, winning alerts as the top faction that already wins alerts, over the years. Isn't my goal. Def not from the start of a alert, when were all huddled at the warpgate. It bugs me, when some leader is trying to ninja regions, from the start of the alert. " Like dude, stop, just go find a big battle, stop tryna win alerts every single time. " Yet they do. They literally try to win every single alert, they rarely alternate.

    The cheesiest way to win, which happens 60% of the time, is just to ninja regions, while NC & TR are fighting eachother. Then you'll have 1.5 hours of nothing happening for VS. Just so we may win 150 certs. I don't need 150 certs, not ever. So Yes I'm gonna yell at leader chat over this. I want a 200 man battle that lasts 8 hours, not 24 man fights or 48 man fights. If the 200 man fight happens for a ton of time, then sure we can go try to win after.

    Yet that's not the case. A huge 3 way fight in a unique location happens x100 times less, then some medium tier zerg leader, trying to win the alert by redeploying. I believed I lead my faction yesterday to TR's Oshur warpgate. To Siege them. Half of the vs army left at the tr gate. They left to go " defend mid " then 30 mins later, they redeployed back to the tr side. I was like " Why? Are you going back to tr side, you just bailed on my TR gate farm & ruined it. To go mid ". Now they want to return to the tr gate, after ruining the bigger battle siege gate there? So they go back to tr side, once they defend some Interlink or meaningless resource farmed region. They leave again.

    So they just bounce, from 1 shoulder of the map, to mid, to the shoulder, & back to mid. Never warpgating anyone. & never finding a unique region to have a 3 way fight at. Which is #1 in my books.

    Redeployers of zerg outfits to win the alert, has become the lamest thing ever. Maybe if we were last place in winning alerts, it would make sense. But were not, VS is 1st place. Also the goal of outfit resource defending, is higher on their list for them, than winning alerts is.

    The irony of some zerg outfit member, telling me why zerg outfits are fine & this is all they do. This is all they do. Ruin big fights to defend junk for hours. Ruin 3 ways. Ignore 3 ways. Ignore warp sieges. IF they get to the warp, they are all amatuers at staying there longer than 20 mins. So no huge fight stays there for long. So zerg outfits aren't able to siege warps properly either. & getting them all there is tough as it is.

    I have to spam pub platoon invite for hours & lead them to the warp, then yell at them all to stay there to fight & they won't. Then yell at leaders to not reploy & they redeploy all the time.

    Solution: Make warpgating more important than outfit resource defending.
    Make warpgate events. castle sieges, trebuchets, trenches, doors to knock down, something.
    Give unique region bonuses for regions with 120+ pop at it, which is 48 + 48 + 48. 3 faction fight.
    Then highlight pub class combo crashes > more important than ninja'ing to win alerts.

    I'd straight up punish leaders for redeploying to defend their resources hour after hour after hour, it's the worst way to lead a outfit & should be #1 reason to disband all outfits & start over fresh with a outfit limit of 200.

    Now adays I find a 48vs48 man fight, not worth my time. Small fights are okay sometimes, tho they def happen more often then huge fields of action. TBH I mainly want 3 faction fights. No I don't want them to happen only at mid either. Sure, it's fun to try to win sometimes. Just not when you're taking advantage of the other 2 factions farming eachother.

    Watched the zerg outfit ninja camp regions or redeploy to defend for outfit resources: 100,000 times
    Won the alert: 10,000 times.
    Successful 3 way warp fight: 100 times.
    Unique 3 way fight region not mid: 100 times.
    Long lasting warpgate siege 3 way fight that lasts 1 hr & people don't redeploy: 10 times
    Pub platoon that does awesome class combo crashes (besides medic or max crash only): 0 times
  2. Zaros

    Solid post, reasonable reaction from someone that cares. As someone who plays solo, I deal with overpop everywhere I go; hence, the reason why I can agree with this post. Here's the thing though; a plethora of these players don't care other than enjoying a big fight. There are a ton of casuals that don't get to win often against "tryhards" and often time, end up dying to such players constantly. How do they "vent", so to speak? They get their "feeling" of winning by capturing such bases with such overwhelming pop.

    I do agree that they should limit the outfit members to 200, but considering that a platoon size is 48, maybe it should be lower than 200. The problem is that leading a platoon is annoying, overwhelming to some degree, players don't listen (such as: tunnel vision, selective hearing, they like fighting at that base, they might be "popping off" and don't want to redeploy and so forth). What's the reward for leading a platoon? A helmet from the Leadership directive and that's it. As a solo player, I tend to look at the map constantly to the point where it may seem that's all I'm doing, so, imagine a platoon leader trying to communicate with 47 other players while trying to play the game themselves? Not so rewarding in my perspective, hence, I don't platoon lead (I'm also more effective playing solo and have prevented ninja caps to some degree (5 organized players is very hard to compete against as a solo and that's not even a full squad so imagine a 12-24 ninja capping)).

    I do agree that they should focus on the concept of warpgating or being warpgated more meaningful, more impactful. The same concept applies when such bases: The Crown, The Ascent, Nason's Defiance, and the Techplant on Esamir gets captured or lost.
    And your suggesting of warpgate events sounds enticing but that has protentional to cause severe double teaming and we already see this often. Regarding outfits capturing bases and then only defending theirs, yes, they do get punished but on a different scale because that other outfit is now obtaining outfit resources, which leads to enemy Citadels or outfit Orbital Strikes or worst, a Bastion. I'm not entirely against outfits but at the same time, I am because of what you've stated. But managing such a concept is very difficult to do. I've captured bases as a solo where I outperformed other outfits huge numbers stacked against me and when it was time to defend, they wouldn't respond. As annoying it is to lose your one base, I don't hold it against them because they might be: pre-occupied (actively trying to take a key base or prevent a warpgate etc.), feeling some apathy, joined the alert too late (I've been here), just wants to play and socialize or whatever.

    As someone who constantly plays solo, don't sweat too much when you lose a base or an alert because at the end of the day, majority of us are here to have fun, work on the directives, and the continent will eventually unlock where you can try again.

    *Note: Outfit resources (Orbital Strikes) should not give kills nor experienced when used just like Citadel. Bastion top guns shouldn't be allowed to shoot through itself, bottom gunners should receive weapons lock much sooner for being careless and Citadels should be effective in countering a Bastion (Yes, Colossus is the thing but I've witnessed an outfit bastion completely destroy two colossus from it's bottom guns, Orbital Strikes, A2G ESFs, Valks, Libs, and infantry C4ing and placing Land Mines on it (or simply doing that dumb trick to instant kill a Colossus lol, so dumb)).
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  3. Exileant

    :( I can understand the frustration of not winning basses the way you want, but that is part of the challenge. I usually play solo, and I take basses from larger outfits. In situations where the battle is hopeless, your goal should not be to take the base, but to farm as many kills off of them as possible without dying. ;) Eventually their goals will change, and they will be more into killing the person that has decimated so much of their equipment, that is when your team can take the base from them some all but abandon the objectives just to have a shot at being the one to silence the annoyance.

    :confused: If Orbitals gave no credit, there would be no reason to earn them, so they should absolutely give points. Any tricks other that C4 on a Colossus however should not be able to stop one, pulling anything other than roadblocks to get vehicles stuck should not be possible however. If you manage to drop an Anvil on something without using cheese, however? o_O It should die.
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  4. Zaros

    OSes should be used tactically; enemy armor column will be in distraught when an OS gets dropped right on it. They will usually scatter in all directions, thus, making them easy pickings for those that survived. An organized armor column (outfit members synchronized) would prevent this "scattering" by having a plan of action of a "worst case scenario, A.K.A., a nuke dropping right on them" meaning majority move in together in a general safe direction. Of course, this isn't real life war tactics, so, this hardly happens. What did the OS accomplish in this situation? The OS accomplished time. It takes time to replenish nanites, it takes time to build up momentum, it takes time to "form" up and continue the column of either infantry and armor or both. It takes time to spawn multiple tanks/vehicles from one base. But because it gives experience when killing with OS and counting as kills, OSes mainly gets used selfishly, and not tactically.
  5. Zaros

  6. AuricStarSand


    enough said
    just now

    VS paved the NW shelf of the map. Fought a huge infantry fight at the Suarva bio & before. Wasted 3 Anvil solo outfit 150 green sunder resources for roof of the Bio. Then we finally reach the NC gate, where tr is also near fighting & making nc go offline. To finally a 3 way fight from the NW shelf, to nc gate there. So then does the zerg outfit, keep going? To finish the touchdown or end zone? No. They redeploy to Scarred Mesa, at the bot right of the map to ninja a base there.. Resetting all that work, for nothing. Just so everyone not with their outfit, has to watch them gain resources. Woo. good gameplay for all the people, not with their outfit. It isn't.

    Edit: Maybe alert winning also shouldn't overshadow other game play elements or events. However these people pretend they are trying to win, when that's only true 1/4th of the time. Most of the time they pretend like winning is the main reason, when it's mostly just outfit gold holding. I've solo'd many collosus many times. I wouldn't say that saving for these outfit resources is the main reason for playing.

    Outfit resource shuffling doesn't benefit the gameplay of the server, def doesn't add to the action of the hour, & not even the gameplay of how the other factions get to experience the gameplay. Meaning usually zerg ninja'ing leads to boring hours for enemy factions too. It's all for their outfit resource only, that's their only 1 dimension flow. That's all they're about. Or so 80% of the time. Maybe more.

    Sometimes happens to be a good warp 3 way. Yet its still always 10% of the time, or 1% of the time. The other 90 to 99% is them guarding their dragons gold. Meh. Some worldly objective, they may as well be the NC. They play like walmart associates, these zerg vs.

    That doesn't mean I don't value the outfit resource panel, it's good. Seems every world requires some world event tho. No touchdowns, no end zone, no unique pathing. reset, rinse, repeat. blame the zerg.
  7. Exileant

    ;) They are used tactically, with the exception of the 2 I dropped on a group of team-killing padders, all of mine are dropped with care. They have to be considering al most all of the vehicles except the Sunderer can escape the blast zone before the beam hits. It is already fells like a waste of materials to make them because any time I have dropped Orbitals directly on a building full of say 40 people, they would somehow survive and I get 2 kills, but ANY time I am in a building and an Orbital falls, :( I would die, and my Max will die even if I am in a SPAWN ROOM.

    It does not take that much time to form and back-build, because half the time the Orbital will miss if you try to aim it at vehicle clusters. As you said they simply scatter like roaches, however unlike your account, they do not stay that way. o_O They go right back to the epicenter the second after the wave hits. An Orbital dropped that kills is a big help, no matter how you look at it, however it is no where near as profitable you would think. :D So selfish drop or not, they should absolutely still award Kills and E.P.
  8. RabidIBM

    Did you make a 1 man squad so you could try to boss command net around? Did it result in trolling? I'm shocked! Also, if you're logging in to try to boss people around, that's not what taking a months long break looks like. Of you are trying to start your own outfit that's all about you then taking a months long break is probably not the way to make that happen.
  9. Demigan

    I was wondering why I was nodding along to Auric's words, then I got to the good parts: He just wants to farm at the enemy warpgate and he wants to warpgate enemy factions.

    You quite literally point to the incentives for the game to be around ghost capping and Zerging for Outfits due to Alerts and Outfit Resources, and then at the last point you turn around and add a reason to still Zerg the hell out of a single lane with an Outfit without solving the actual issues of Resources and Alerts focussing on winning easy fights.

    You want a solution? Make hard fights earn more than easy fights. This can be done by increasing the time it takes if you have an easy fight (directly by lengthening the timer or indirectly by letting defenders add timer for each kill they make), or by increasing the value of capturing/defending a hard fight (more resources and more value for the Alert). Not by adding another goal that is going to be zerged.
  10. Mechwolf

    It looks to me like you probably main VS. As somebody who also mains VS, we both know we're overpopped almost everywhere, our solution to this problem has been simple, goad zergs into fighting eachother, and ghost capping the bases around them.

    our end-game is to usually try to get a big fight near the end of an alert, you have to just be patient and ghost cap until they redeploy. With the new/old redeployside mechanic being brought back into the game, we're going to have a much tougher time dealing with 2 to 1 odds, our best bet is to probably just ghost cap with MAXes for our new players to stand a chance and not ragequit a new game.

    Redeployside tends to be a bigger problem on PC, because the game doesn't crash often.
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  11. Mechwolf

    On PS4, there's this mechanic some call "bluescreening" it's when the game crashes from a memory leak. You can use this to your advantage as VS player, by making them continuously redeploy long distances. For every 1 person who crashes on VS, 2 people crash on another faction, TR tends to have 40% of the server population, so it's most effective against TR.

    It's just a matter of willpower and knowing why you do it, this is why my player retention is high when I lead squads, we use all this to our advantage.
  12. Mechwolf

    On PS4, you'll hardly kill anybody who isn't in a MAX, because the redeploy mechanic only takes 4 seconds, you can redeploy before the OS even connects.
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  13. Mechwolf

    Near the end of OP's initial rant, a better solution would probably be a resource that the entire faction can benefit from if they hold the base at someone else's warpgate.

    If all outfits who capped the base got 1 polystellarite, and then would get .20 poly per minute for holding as a faction, they'd be way more incentivized to not only capture, but to hold as a faction.

    Personally I think warpgating should count as a situational -10% towards an alert, where if somebody is at the wg, they just get a reduced 10% to their overall alert percentage until the base gets retaken, something that would show like 40% (-10%) on the alert score, to symbolize that if they push somebody off of their warpgate, they'll get their true 40% instead of having 30% for the alert.
  14. TR5L4Y3R

    what incentive would you give NSO non outfit players (i would run a solooutfit if i could but as non member am not allowed to)
  15. TripSin

    I just don't care who wins. I couldn't play this game if I cared about who wins the alert. Especially not now that TR is the overpop faction all the time on Connery.

    But I'm also a person who doesn't like running in a squad doing ops. Feel like they're always trying to get me to do stupid stuff and fight at fights I don't want to be at. But I care too much about my kdr. I gotta learn to stop caring about it.
  16. Mechwolf

    Well if you're in a legacy outfit as an NSO, I think you could still get poly if you were fighting for the same faction.

    But I think if you were a freelance NSO, you should be making more certs at the end of an alert at all times. Because you may have just won the alert for a faction that you're about to fight on the next continent, so you should be compensated for your trouble instead of being rewarded like everybody else. I'd be grateful as a newer player or as a new character to get an extra 50-100 certs, and with the way things are right now, a freelancer is a second account.
  17. Exileant

    :( The saddest thing is the Orbitals on P.S.4-5 are messed up as well. I have been hit directly with an orbital and survived with only my shield stripped. o_OAs I stated before, buildings sometimes act as cover and the blast will not touch a soul inside save for a Max, no re-deploy even needed. Sunderers? They survive with like a scratch unless every so often you get them to start flipping or get lucky and blast them into the air, but even then is a roll of the dice. :confused: I have seen Sunderers blasted 300 feet into the air, fall back to the ground, and land on their wheels like a cat, and sit there smoking for a second, and then drive off after the driver finished laughing.