[Suggestion] NSO Additional Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drgnx, Sep 26, 2021.

  1. Drgnx

    1. Add faction specific Harasser weapons
    2. Add a faction specific Flash weapon
    3. Add a faction specific Heavy weapon
    4. Allow NSOs to use faction chat (not sure if it works for PC, but it doesn't work for PS4)
    5. Make sniper riffle crosshairs more visible (see examples)
    • Get rid of the faction specific nso color skins and replace those dynamic skins that change to the skin of the faction that the nso is currently on (ex: instead of an nso specific flight-suit camo, the camo would take on the appearance of the NC, VS, or TR flight-suit camo depending on the faction that the nso is on
    • Do something about the feet, especially for the security force pack, it looks really bad having the bulky armor with the skinny feet
    • Consider allowing them to use non-faction specific helmets from earlier bundles (ex: NS Fantoma Helmet, Spectrum Skull, Nanite Systems Holiday Hat)
    • Up x 2
  2. OneShadowWarrior

    Agreed that they have unfinished projects with NSO.


    -Removal of the oversized handle the blocks field of vision on LMG.
    -More helmet choices
    -More Armor cosmetic choices that includes max suits
    -More cosmetic NSO skins for vehicles and aircraft for NSO
    -Making Dervish have a functional pilot nosegun, where are additional fuel tanks like other aircraft?
    -More choices on tanks and javelins, mineguard, or the Javelin with more turbo tiers.
    • Up x 3
  3. Drgnx

    Bump, considering the new changes coming through, would have hoped the Gameplay suggestions were considered.
  4. Liewec123

    Since you've bumped this here are some more

    Add scout radar
    Remove ridiculous damage drop off from celeste
    Rework Hydra entirely
    Dream change that won't happen: revert back to the old javelin handling/mobility, it was VASTLY superior.

    Add nosegun swivel (similar to how spur works on liberator)
    Radical idea:
    Add a new utility slot module which removes the second seat and causes the topgun to become automated
    within close range (30m) the topgun will target and shoot at enemy aircraft.
    (It won't lead targets so Pixie will probably be the safest option, Xat will miss everything except stationary targets!)

    Replace the wheelhub seats with HCG turrets with limited 100 degree of rotation
    Allow 4 passengers to sit inside the tank and control these turrets.
    Radical idea:
    Add a new utility slot module which would remove the passenger seats and cause these turrets to be automated,
    the AI would require close proximity (25m) and using this utility would lower the damage of the turrets.

    Increase the damage and radius of timebomb, it is currently a small aoe that deals the damage of A SINGLE TANK MINE.
    Make timebomb detonate if you are killed while it is charging (with the damage being based on how much charge it had)
    Allow Seraph Shield to be toggled on and off, draining 20% energy each time it is turned on.
    Dream change that won't happen: rework defector entirely to be an actual max with actual weapons
    (gorgons, bursters, and yes grenade printer)
  5. Demigan

    This is exactly why I did not want NSO's to become its own faction. Now a lot of effort and dev time has to be wasted trying to balance the available arsenal and individual weapons of a fourth faction. Time that could have been spend solving the problems that NSO was supposed to solve and was doomed to fail at from the outset.

    Dont add to NSO's. Instead do nothing with them until we can find a niche where they fit in. Not as units that reinforce the lowest pop faction but without any actual incentives or designs that make NSO's useful for that task. In fact NSO vehicles seem especially designed for larger groups who already have vehicle superiority, and terrible at being on the underpop side who actually needs to spend more manpower to get the things effective enough to be worth it.
  6. Rowe

    I agree with the feet thing..looks odd as is.
    Also agree if im VS nso id like to look more VS and not get shot at so much by team.
    Add Better choice for anti air for nso max ( hummingbird schmummingbird)
    harasser headlight wont work for nso.. ?
    also as nso if ive unlocked goose or vs faction spec weapons id like to be able to use them.
  7. Drgnx

    You know what I would settle for?
    Dervish: An ESF that doesn't require two people to be effective when it's likely to be mainly used on the lowest pop Faction of a dying game, but I'm looking for the quick wins

    Not having to switch 5 times to go from the secondary weapon back to the main weapon when I'm playing solo
    Its quicker to exit the vehicle and get back in
    Anyways, 6 people in my Chimera would be like half the faction Pop sometimes
  8. Drgnx

    If they gave them access to the weapons and vehicles of their assigned factions, it could solve many complaints. Just don't let them get directives done when using other factions tools.
  9. Drgnx

    Actually, to rephrase, let the weaponry/vehicles community count for directives, but the reward should only be the NSO reward.
  10. JibbaJabba

    Just this:
    Either fix the crappy clip size or get rid of the re-equip penalty for extended mags. The two combined disproportionately nerf the entire NSO carbine and AR arsenals.
  11. Liewec123

    That's why I think AI controlled guns would be a perfect faction trait for NSO vehicles :)
  12. Silamphre

    Hi !

    I saw this thread and I just wanted to add a few things.
    I a main LA and Medic. I have a blast with my CB-100 and my CBX-75 and I can't wait to unlock the Newton.

    But, on the other hand, I don't want to play medic because of the guns available to NSO Medics : the NS11-A is strong but I've auraxed it already 4 times so I'd like to play something else and the choices we have are so underwhelming : ok all guns have nice recoil but such short magazine and such low DPS.

    Could we have a gun as competitive as the TAR/HV45/GR-22 ? Or at least as good as the Carnage/Terminus/Cycler ?
