[Suggestion] Ant Directive Prons Upgrade

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VillusVill, Apr 14, 2022.

  1. VillusVill

    Can we give the ant directive mining laser A. fixed so people can see it further away than just 10m & B. give it a gimmick like all of the other directive items? I mean it is technically a weapon and all of the other directive weapons have gimmicks. Some ideas could be give it a boost to cortium mining, let it mine up enemy structures, or heck let it mine up enemy armor so the driver can partake in the fighting with their gunner but only in CQC armor combat. Or you could do something different all together.
  2. Botji

    I agree, even just giving it the normal and alt-fire function of the engineer tool with some additional range could be enough of a extra function to make it worth aiming for.

    Driving around in a Ant that can repair vehicles and disarm mines/C4 as a support vehicle could be fun not to mention the obvious use of being able to repair base structures without being a Engineer... perhaps even let it disarm Cortium bombs to really mess with all the infils that just sit and camp them, waiting for someone to try and disarm them.
    • Up x 1
  3. VillusVill

    I like where you're going with this. Hmm perhaps we should expand upon that and just give this out to all ant miners just so give them more utility.