lets all go play TR i guess, new mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by krozerg, Mar 30, 2022.

  1. krozerg

    TR gets concussion mines, NC and VS might as well get nothing such is the power gap.

    Honestly don't know wtf these devs are thinking
  2. Liewec123

    i just dont think any of the new mines will see play.
    why would i want to cause effects on a player who steps on my trap
    when i can throw down a claymore/proxy/betty and kill them instead?
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  3. SikVvVidiT

    Because mines a lot of times don't kill said player unless you put 2 of them on top of each other...

    These new mines will allow me to become a even better killing machine with my new VS main.. I dunno what that OP is talking about but as soon as you hit that mine I'm turning that corner and laying into you with my AR engy.
  4. dpbherrmann

    You know what's stronger than mines that stun? Mines that kill.
  5. Demigan

    You would use those mines to make these players an easier kill. The EMP mine does this by stripping their shield... and the proxy mine can also strip that shield and some health to boot, assuming the player isnt killed outright. And while flak armor exists, so do implants to protect against these new mines.

    Proxy mines are superior.
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  6. Scroffel5

    You guys are so dramatic. "Lets all go play TR i guess." Like chill.

    Its simple. The proxy mines detonate and either get 1 person or get no people. You gotta place 2 mines to ensure you get someone with one. The other mines probably have a higher detonation AoE, and the effects most likely work to degrees just like the grenades do, right? So while you aren't guaranteed the kill, you get to play off of your mines against multiple people better than just sacking one guy and damaging a few who are also entering the doorway.

    Really, its just another way to play, an alternative. Don't be so melodramatic. We cool. Its all good.
  7. AuricStarSand

    The idea of new mines is good. Tho they def need editing. & ye all factions should have every utility mine unlocked for Infil / Engi. Not empire specific utility mines.

    VS gets flash mine & so far, you flash 1 guy maybe, even the blast radius for flash mine is less than proxi mine. So you flash 1 guy, get ready to kill him, & before you kill him, some other enemy kills you. That's how flash mine works right now. For 75 nanites, when its really only worth 25 or 50 nanites.

    Dropping a flash mine of a group of people, gets you killed too. 1 or 2 guys outside the pack your blinding; shoot you. I'd personally favor a smoke mine more than flash, perhaps. To the people saying Proxi mine doesn't score 1 kill enough times. Ye it does. Proxi or dmg mines, score 1 kill 3 out of 4 times. So they only fail 1 out of 4 times. So they mostly work & no you don't need to double them. Especially TR doesn't need to have double mines for 1 kill. I never double mines. 3 out of 4% chance for a kill, is enough, to not need to double your mines.

    Then if you drop 1 or 2 mines, near 4 to 6 enemies, your going to score a few kills. With dmg mines. Yet with flash mine, like I said you get shot even if you manage to blind 4 enemies. I favor more the merrier things I can use with stalker infil, as that's my main. Still yes, these mines need editing. Less nanites. Better Aoe Range. All types unlocked for all factions. Effect mines should be allowed to carry more, without needing mine spec. So +2 mines, per person, without spec, just normal. If utility mine. Or other ways to make the mines more useful. A reply'er mentioned letting these mines stick to walls.
  8. JibbaJabba

    Why would I want to injure or possibly kill one player when I could auto-conc the entire push without lowering my weapon? Whole squads get taken out this way, not 1-2 people.
  9. JibbaJabba

    It "auto-concs". In a pointhold if one firelane gets overwhelmed you conc the enemy push to buy time for the reserves or other firelanes to rotate to help. This does it for you. You don't have to time it right, and you don't have to stop firing to do it (because that is like the worst moment to stop firing)

    It doesn't kill. Yes, this is bonus. The proxy/clay/betty can't be used in friendly areas. I know people still do it and they are stupid.

    When combined with it's owner's gun or the owners whole squad this mine will shred all others. Prox mine will kill the opening guys of a push who were going to get killed anyway. The remaining enemies in the push get through freely, possibly one of them injured. This mine leaves most of the push stunned.. The AOE is vastly greater. The first guys die as before but so does the rest of the push that got hit.

    Reasons against:
    Someone has to be there for the kill to happen. And you have to be able to shoot well enough to take down several stunned enemies. If you've been crutching on mines to get you free cheese kills because that's what you need to get kills then this mine is not for you.
  10. Demigan

    Because the concussion mine will hit virtually the same amount of people as the proxy mine will damage. That is: the first 1 to 3 people through the door in a rush. Just think of how rare it is to hit multiple people with a mine that detonates almost immediately and is placed around corners so it wont be spotted and disarmed in advance. So to "conc an entire rush" you'd have to ask the rush to surround the mine and step towards it simultaneously. But if yoi have that power, you stack up proxy mines and kill many while seriously harming the rest right?
    The advantage of the proxy is that the effect lasts at least until the shield is recharged, assuming the target(s) arent now dead.
  11. AuricStarSand

    For door fights. Door rushes of many troops only happens 10% of the time or less. The other 90% is simply 1 or 2 guys at a time, mostly 1 at a time. 1 at a time equals = he maybe steps on the mine & then you go in for the kill & you get shot from his buddy's flank side.
  12. JibbaJabba

    A mine with a maximum 2m radius is not going to hit the same number of people as a mine with a 12m radius. Period. I don't buy that. 12m is massive. 24m diameter. Literally 35 times the area.

    "you'd have to ask the rush to surround the mine and step towards it simultaneously." I think not. Do I have to have everyone rush over to a thrown conc grenade to make it work too?

    It doesn't make sense to place them the way you would place a prox mine. If it goes in a door it goes off when the first person goes through possibly solo. It will need to be in from the initial chokepoint so it comes into play when enemies are actually getting somewhere.

    Look, if you wanna run the prox mines, go ahead. :)

    I'll do me.
  13. Demigan

    If you can hit people in a 12m radius, then those people can also SPOT the mines and defuse them before they reach it. That is why I specifically mentioned how mines are used: Placed just behind cover to hide them, then when they detonate they'll only hit the people who actually walk passed.
    The only exception would be the EMP mine (assuming it goes through walls like the EMP grenade). But that is a double-edged sword. It will more likely kill off your own deployables and it also means any ally could not take cover from the mine within a 12m radius.

    So again: It would hit virtually the same amount of enemies. And because of how people place it the increased AOE just means you are more likely to blind/concuss your allies as well.

    No, but a thrown conc grenade is THROWN, and is supposed to land out in the open where it can hit the most players rather than hidden at a corner to ensure it's not discovered prematurely and defused. It's like saying "well my knife can be used just as effectively in a ranged fight as my gun as I don't have to make sure my enemies are hugging me when I attack with my gun!".

    Let's put this in perspective.
    You are asking players to place a mine out in the open, away from the door, so enemies don't see it until they passed the door and more players are hit when triggering. With a mine that has a 12m radius. In other words the mine would hit anyone with a 24m sphere and you cannot have allies within that 24m sphere, so you have essentially limited your allies in where they can stand and shoot the enemies from.

    Besides that that mine would only be useful in the way you describe in large-scale fights rather than small-scale fights where it would simply be found and defused. Unfortunately in a large scale fight you've just cut down the amount of space where all your own allies can stand by placing the mine. Good job!
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  14. krozerg

    Engineer with catlike, jump on a wall edge or something where i could cover the door. Drop a single mine as soon enemies started pouring in. Doesnt even matter that it hit a few allies, the enemies cant aim or even move, they just die to any spam. Cant even dodge grenades. Easiest max crash defense ever.
  15. Scroffel5

    Well, the same people who run into a mine that is just sitting in the doorway and die to that will be the same people that will run into a mine thats in the open and get concussed, EMP'd, or flashed to that. They'lll still be around, so you don't have to place it at the same places as the other mines. If you place it improperly, you'd have an argument there. Also, EMPs dont kill your own deployables.

    Same thing about the hidden in a corner thing and mine placement he was talking about earlier. And no, its not like saying that a knife can be used just as effectively in a ranged fight. He actually has a point. With proper mine placement, maybe not directly in a doorway but rather at a place where the enemies won't check since they will be preoccupied fighting your allies, you don't need everyone to group up on your mine. You just need 1 idiot to trip it, and you can conc, flash, or EMP the rest of the guys within a 12m radius.

    Again, do they damage teammates? And if they have to stand away from it for a bit, so be it. I think its a better idea than hoping your team doesn't stand near the explosives. Plus, very often what happens in fights is that the enemies who die to the mines get revived, especially in big fights. In small fights, not necessarily, but theres typically not enough allies to keep them at bay, so they just respawn and run back. Mines buy time in small fights, whereas AP mines don't do much in big fights. A 2m radius is pretty small, and you may not even score a kill within that radius. I have very often walked over mines and jumped at the last second to reduce my damage, and thats in small fights. In big fights, it matters even less who dies to one. And very often someone has walked over my mine and taken damage, but they didn't die. So these new mines aren't a bad addition.
  16. JibbaJabba

    Ok, then don't use it :D :D :D

    Keep using the prox
  17. Peebuddy

    I haven't used or even seen them being used. As its been said I find killing a person occasionally here and there to be far better than annoying someone more consistently.

    Like...Can you carry more non-lethal mines than lethal w/o a suit slot? Can you have them down at the same time as lethal mines or is there a cap on personnel mines in total? Seems like an awful lot of set up for those very rare occasions you fight anything other than the zerg, where it's a battle of attrition and the side with the most usually wins.

    So the lethal ones are probably your best bet delaying the waves of blueberries until you get reinforcements. But I guess if they're on their own category and are affected by the mine pouch suit slot, getting a couple engineers laying down dozens of mines and spitfires you could be really annoying to those leap froggers ahead of the main force :p