[Suggestion] Make Minor cloak deactivate on firing.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Avrien, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. Avrien

    Make it so you don't have to move to decloak. This would make this thing extremely useable. Especially for snipers. This would allow it to be worth it's extreme cost also.
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  2. SilentSueRia

    If I remember a previous patch more then a year ago, decloaking on firing was suppose to be how all cloaks, including the minor implant cloak, was suppose to work. Given the fact that it has not worked that way for the implant cloak, it seems to be a neglected bug they simply have put no time to set as a priority to even fix.

    It's a bug.
    They know it is a bug.
    They have not bothered to fix it.
    Yet it is one of "THOSE" bugs, that takes less 5 minutes too look up the code, write 1 or 2 lines of code to fix and likely won't take even 15 minutes to test.
  3. Somentine

    Game needs less cloaking, not more. The fact that Minor Cloak has terrible mechanics is a blessing.
  4. AntDX316

    I used to think Minor Cloak is garbage for this reason but it's balanced. Minor Cloak is designed more for being like a stalker on the roof with light assault or in other areas of course. When I'm Minor Cloaked in the right places, there could be hundreds of enemies near me and I never get seen as I semi-AFK.

    For it to work like a combat-infiltrator would be OP and it would destroy the game.