Emerald - Terran Republic Dying As a Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jeffrey, Dec 11, 2021.

  1. Jeffrey

    A lot of people are quitting TR because it's becoming not enoyable playing as TR. Over the past few weeks,TR's world population has become the lowest out of all the three factions during primetime. TR gets doubled team everyday because of these reasons below.

    This basically summarizes what happens everyday during alerts.

    1. NC doesn't want to fight the VS because VS guns are overpowered as a result hits TR(Creates a double team)
    2. VS is losing the alert so they "throw the alert" on purpose and hands the alert to the NC(Double team on TR)
    3. VS pushes TR and NC pushes TR, but VS never stops hitting TR and NC gobbles up VS territory to win alerts. (Second point)

    When TR is winning the alert:
    1. VS gives up or "Throws" the alert by hitting TR and letting NC capture their territory. As a result TR loses because of this poor sportsmanship displayed by the VS.
    2. When TR has the highest territory percentage and VS is close behind, NC purposely hits the TR and not the VS and makes TR lose (Goes back to Point 1 above).

    I have nothing against the VS and i respect that they have the most coordinated outfit(SKL), but they "stoop" to really low standards when they are losing alerts to the TR. The whole VS is basically made up of SKL and Vanu Katz.

    TR, VS and NC all knows that this is true.

    To fix this and make the game more enjoyable, make alert rewards the same for everyone that way you eliminate this toxic culture of people "throwing" alerts because they are losing.

    The other alternative is to Nerf the VS "no bullet drop" but of course that isn't going to happen.
  2. RabidIBM

    I don't think taking away alert win rewards is the way to go. 1. The people who are doing this aren't doing it over certs or ISO, and would still do it anyways. 2 why punish the people out there who actually play to win and succeed at it? Remember, just because some of a faction are intentionally playing like a bunch of cu**s doesn't mean that they all are. The factions are not homogeneous.

    I would go the route of adding more incentives rather than taking existing ones away. We're clearly in an mode of ramping up exp pay out, from the addition of missions to the regular double xp events. I'd say pay out an exp boost when dealing damage to opponents based on the percentage of territory that faction owns. A faction owns 62% of the territory? 62% bonus exp to kill them. A faction owns 6% of the territory? 6% exp bonus to kill them. The regulars who play like cu**s will still try to give the same orders as ever, but the player base will be reluctant to follow such orders and pass up a bunch of certs just because the public PL is a poor sport.

    Connery has similar problem children with similar problem behaviors sometimes depending on who is online. Some play straight, some absolutely play just to make TR lose and give alerts to the NC. I played with a certain largest VS outfit on Connery for a year, I won't name them like you did, but anyone on Connery knows who I mean. In house they openly brag about how they're not actually trying to win, just making TR lose. That even if the Vanu are 3rd, as long as they pulled TR down to 2nd that's a win to them. They of course loudly deny this if anyone who isn't in their circle accuses them of it. I ditched that outfit because I got tired of arguing with poor sports. Even in Outfit Wars these guys hammered on the the TR warpgate base all match while giving their own warpgate base to the NC, then got on the Arshee stream post game interview and accused us of double teaming them.
  3. Scroffel5

    You are looking at this from a limited perspective. Used to happen to Emerald NC. This is just how the game goes. You lead and try to win, and maybe you'll win.

    Also, I'm pretty sure NC hates VS more than TR.
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  4. JustGotSuspended

    Pretty sure everyone plays on all factions
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  5. JibbaJabba

    I play all 4 factions (see the sig)

    Big picture:
    You're wrong. It's just confirmation bias piled on more. Both factions double team the other. Sometimes due to proper game theory, ie both attacking the leader. Other times it's bad politics by platoon leaders - warpgating for example, or retaliation for something hours earlier. Other times it's players just spiteful.

    But here's the kicker. It happens to all three.

    And furthermore, they are balanced. Everyone on all factions thinks the other guy is op. Each has some highlights and lowlights but they are good. And dude they got rid of the VS no bullet drop thing like 8 years ago.

    Smaller picture:
    You're right. At this moment.
    There is one political dynamic on Emerald right now that is making TRs life miserable. And I think this is what you are feeling.

    It's only during limited hours though. There is an outfit leader who has come over from the Connery server. It's someone who has proudly cheated during outfit wars. And he directs his outfit of otherwise decent folks to attack VS exclusively. Not making this up, he'll tell you if you ask him.

    VS seems a bit tired of the poor sportsmanship, so they've started the cycle of retaliation. And as they become more tired of it they've started focusing TR if all other things are equal.
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  6. VeryCoolMiller

    terran are a bit outdated ...

    Prowler is probably the worst tank
    The TR max is arguably the worst
    TR has probably the best Assault rifle ... but the Worst heavy
    Vanu and NC have some of the most interesting thing

    Vanu best ESF , strong MB (magrider) and best LMG (BJ)
    NC strong LMG and ASP point for the heavy with shotgun (jackhammer), best MB (vanguard) best max (and this is a lot... dealing with NC maxes is always a pain)

    I mainly play TR... but I feel a bit meh (I mostly play heavy)... especially when it comes to the faction skill.... anchor have always been pointless on maxes... strong on prowler before nerf... nowadays is simply an another key to press to have what vanguard has by default...
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  7. Bonemiser

    Let us know when someone figures out why TR doesn't want to win. I'm 100% ready to use the Mosquito, Prowler, Kindred, MWS-R, Watchman and the one decent empire-specific pistol in the game. There's no way horizontal recoil is causing a 6% win rate discrepancy. Something is different in the average TR playstyle and culture that is causing them to choke. Statistically all of the things I named are clearly or at least debatably best-in-class. It's not as if the Goose and GODSAW are *so* good that it's causing a 6% buff for an entire empire; the average player can't even wield these things properly. Think about what the average 0.98 KDR player is doing, and what the bottom half *below* them is doing, that is causing VS and NC to overperform, then compare it to their equivalent on the TR side. Where is the 6% deficit coming from, and how can TR close the gap?
  8. RRRIV

    ladies and gents, the TR victim complex in action.

    Prowler best DPS. its an ambush predator at range or up close.
    TR max is on par with VS max for anti infantry. TR max on par with NC max for Anti armor
    TR AR is yes, good, but the CARV is really good aswell. TR only have a few exceptionally bad weapons, the rest is your perspective on them.
    VS having best ESF deals entirely with its shape. weapon wise, ESF A2A is the most even playingfeild.
    ASPs are literally the same across the board and the chaingun is pretty ok. not exceptional, but don't sleep on it. if you are using a DMR or a ranged LMG like the TMG, the chaingun is your best companion for when the front comes to you.

    also, anchor is deadly vs vehicles at range, specifically with fractures and bursters. The prowler anchor is still really good, giving a passive reload and velocity buff.

    yes, there are problems with TR weaponry (dragoon and arbel****) and there is sometimes a bias against them (the new auto reload suit slot for the max is useless), but TR, on paper, isn't weak/the worst.
  9. RabidIBM

    I hate the fact that some content creators popularized this term. Now it's a low effort put down for anyone who wants to sound clever without bothering to turn their brain on.

    The Prowler is NOT an ambush predator. Nobody should be able to be ambushed from range, if they are then they are bad. "It's good as long as your opponent is bad" doesn't make the Prowler good. Up close the Vanguard wins every fight. Even if the Prowler gets first hit rear armour the Vanguard simply presses F to win. If the Magrider can't escape an ambush then they don't know how to use the Magrider, and we're back to "It's good if your opponent is bad".

    The only tank I would call balanced is the Magrider. It may have a high skill floor, but it also has a high skill ceiling. It's survival is based on reading the play and executing skilled maneuvers. If you lose to a magrider you probably were killed by a skilled player. They do run into trouble in massed numbers as the Magrider is trash without elbow room, so they don't scale well.

    Conversely, if you lose to a Prowler, you lost to somebody who's strength comes from holding still in a game with a strong movement meta, and if you lose to a Vanguard you lost to somebody who knows how to press the F key.
  10. BlackFox

    Addition for the Magrider - in a duel they always have their front (0% additional damage) pointed towards the Prowler while being able to strife faster than the Prowler can turn, landing shots in the sides (15% more damage) more often
  11. RRRIV

    It is often overused, yes, but coolmiller basically went down a list saying almost everything the TR has is bad/sub par, which fits the stereotype of TR victim complex.

    also, im a TR main. i know victim complex when i see it from TR.

    as for the magrider bit, there is a looooong thread somewhere on here where a lot of people go back and forth about the tanks, and the common conclusion is prowler has highest dps. i wont claim its the best tank in the game, i agree the best is the magrider, but i will argue that it isnt a bad tank.
  12. VeryCoolMiller

    Tbh I said "outdated". I play mainly TR... and what I said is the feeling that I experience when I play TR. It's not about pure strength of a faction... but with time other factions "have grew up" better compared to TR , that remained the same as before.
  13. KhlorosTesero

    So voice of reason here.

    Much to the shagrin of many people TR are NOT underpowered overall. The main issue is their gimmick, low damage high ROF, ends up being a very high skill ceiling, and because ROF is based upon frame rates in this game, also means that if you are not fighting at 60 FPS, or really above 40 FPS you are not getting the full ROF of your weapon.

    Because of this, low ROF weapons outperform TR weapons when at low FPS, which, happens a lot in this game. Because of that it feels like they are weaker. However, do yourself a favor if you are a TR player, Set your graphics to low, turn of shadows, turn off lighting, and hell even turn off particles get your FPS as high as you possible can, and then go out and fight, you will literally see night and day difference i 100% grantee you.

    Now to the idea that TR weapons are underpowered or suck, this again, is statistically NOT true, all of the base weapons across all factions have the exact same TTK values. If anything TR weapons are actually the better weapons out of all of them because TR weapons are the most forgiving if you miss.
    The MSR-W for example, is literally the best LMG in the game with out any competition when playing above 40 FPS. Its a fast hard hitting LMG with a quick reload time, and good recoil, one on one it shreds almost everyone.
    TR weapons just have the highest skill ceiling compared to other weapons, this is why they are perceived as the weakest.

    On top of that some of the TR stuff actually is the best of its class in the game. For example, the TR have with out question the Best LMG, Assault rifle, and carbine. The kindered (the carbine) has one of, if not the lowest TTK value in the game because of its near 700 RPM on the initial 7 burst rounds, this out competes every single NC weapon out there in its class. However, this requires skill to use because it requires you to burst fire, not just lay down on the trigger.

    TR also have the best vehicle mounted weapon that being the minigun, which will utterly shred anything it lays eyes upon, be it vehicle, Air, or on foot.

    NOW the part you might be interested in, TR do however have some things that are just objectively bad. They have with out question the worst max in the game, every weapon they have is pretty sub par compared to other Max weapons and loadouts. All of their weapons get outperformed by other maxs. At close range they cant keep up with NC max, long range they are out classes by vanu. THey are a mid range max, but the issue there is, every other max can mid range just as well if not better. The only thing the TR max has going for it, are the pounders which if they had a longer range and could have expanded ammo magazines it would be great, and the rocket launchers, which unfortunately have been nerfed into the ground.

    TR also have the worst MBT, in regard to it being a tank fighting tank. Its gimmick requires it to stand still, which is near impossible/a death sentence when going up against a vanguard which can soak WAY more damage because of its ability, or a mag rider with will out maneuver you, and is the best MBT in the game.

    TR also has the worst heavy weapon in the game, with the chain gun being a gimmick meme gun, its fun to use, but has practically no real application because of the ROF being tied to FPS, on top of that, when you are close enough to use it, why not just use a shotgun at that point?

    TR are not underpower or objectively overall the worst faction. Their weapons statistically are on par with every other faction, but due to ROF being tied to FPS, if you are not running above 40 FPS you dont get the full benefit of the gun. TR also has the highest skill ceiling of all weapons because they are high right of fire and require you to land your hits, however they are also the most forgiving if you miss a shot while firing. They have some things that are objectively the best in their class, and some things that are objectively the worst in their class.
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  14. JibbaJabba

    As the game decreases in pop past a certain threshhold knowledge gets lost. Each veteran departing is no longer present to teach new people. Departures to other factions cause this too but to a lesser degree as the players are not ultimately gone.

    I cannot say for certain this has hit TR worse than the other factions but as a VERY longtime vet I can see it across my whole server. If I leave the pleasant gardens of my high-hour veteran squads and join the public platoons I see it. The masses today are dumber than the masses of yesterday.
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  15. crusaderx11

    "Sometimes my faction doesn't win and that makes me very upset"?

    Are you upset that outfits/platoons move pop around the map during alerts? Would you rather have stale maps where no one moves the front? If SKL or another outfit turns a fight 60~80% attackers or defenders, either farm the bodies they throw at you or bounce to another fight.

    Aren't TR in 2nd place for all time alert wins for Emerald, with VS in 1st and NC in 3rd? Besides who cares about alert tallies when all three factions regularly win some everyday and variably during the primetime hours every week/month. If there is a drought in alert victories or one faction suddenly being unplayable it's definitely not being felt in live gameplay for me.

    This was 5:30pm EST for Emerald today, with Hossin being locked by the TR around 5pm earlier.
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  16. JibbaJabba

    If you want to fix TR, go convince PIGS to stop constantly attacking VS as a policy when there is no logical game reason to do so.. Until then, VS is gonna react as you would expect. Yes, you are gonna get double teamed more. Yes, you'll get wins handed to NC if VS feels they can't win. /shrug It's a predictable and preventable situation.
  17. Bovine74

    Whilst the double teaming is an issue on Emerald, it has to be said I think thats only one of the issues. The fact is that we are seeing lots of people moving from TR to NC and VS, why is this? I think a good portion of it is that if you have been a TR player for a long time, its actually got a bit boring, VS and NC have more interesting mechanics, get more interesting weapons and vehicles on new releases (cf arbelesta and the dragoon) and the the guns are nicer to play with. If you really don't want to play as a VS or NC but are bored of TR chances are you might go to NSO. I have moved over to playing NSO more and more, it tends to mean you get more interesting fights, the weapons for NSO are now pretty good, and its an interesting playstyle that changes things up. New players that do come in if they look at any videos will see that 90% of yt videos recommend VS as your starting faction. Its not that they are OP more that TR is losing many of its established leaders and sqauds are being wiped out with time ( I can think of two or three TR ones that have seen decimation in numbers)
  18. Jeffrey

    Back to the double team. When NC dropped 96+ to take Galaxy Solar to prevent TR from taking any territory. TR was pushing VS before deciding NC was getting on our nerves. This is why NC loses alerts to the VS/TR, because they don't hit VS when they should be.

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  19. RRRIV

    this happens all the time with TR aswell. From what i can gather, its because NC/TR fights are generally more "fun" than VS/TR and VS/NC fights. ive been on emerald forever, and if there is 1 thing that trancends time, its that given the opportunity, TR and NC would rather have an engaging fight than win an alert against VS.

    Hell, a few weeks ago i stayed on a base in esamir fighting NC the whole alert because i was having fun. the fight hardly ever dipped below 48-96.

    needless to say, VS won that alert.
  20. brutes359

    Look, I can only speak from the console perspective in this, but that is EXACTLY why NC focus's TR more on console. VS playstyle on PS4 is based entirely around hip-fire weapons and fast movement speed and despite TRs high DPS on paper, they really suck at shooting fast moving targets. Likewise, NC weapons are slow firing and heavy hitting, which also follows the same issue.

    I can not count the times I have seen a single massive NC/TR fight going on at a biolab in the corner of the map while VS eat the rest of the territory across both sides because people just don't want to fight them, especially since many of the implants, new gimmick items, and reworked CQC focused bases favor their playstyles. Only LAs come close to matching the VS playstyle on their own field, and out of those only NC has the firepower to compete with VS (Canis, Serpent VE-92 and GD-7F VASTLY overperform compared to any TR carbine, or SMG by comparison).

    What REALLY sucks is that there is no easy solution for this issue. No number of buffs or nerfs can fix this problem because much of the game just doesn't favor the tactical requirements of TR weaponry and vehicles anymore. The new movement focused implants and gadgets such as Ambushers absolutely dumps on the TR need to score headshots with their weapons to be effective, and the only good vehicle the TR has is the Vulcan harasser's (prowlers CAN be used in ambush situations but harassers just do it better). Overall, the game favors fast movement and hip-fire weapons now and VS weapons combine the best recoil control and damage balance to benefit from those features. So yea, TR fights NC because both factions playstyles have good strengths and weaknesses that make their battles engaging, while VS fights are just boring, tiring slogs that most NC and TR players don't enjoy.