[Suggestion] Integration of construction into the game. By changing the hexes. And improvements in construction.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RiP0k, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. AuricStarSand

    Pictures of silo setup is nice man.

    For now I'll just say; why are you guys talking about ditches like their so good. I can't speak for " hive days ". Only 1% of the continent allows for ditches or less. So lets talk about how silos fair for the other 99.9% of the map.

    Also TR just built a ditch silo near Bastion-base-Amerish last night. Near the road mind you. Tho essentially VS just setup a sunder above it, & down rained aton of infantry to easily destroy that silo.

    I mean some extra protection from a skyshield against tanks? If you built in a ditch, doesn't solve the problem of tanks shooting down your AV turret with a 4 years old's level of skill in a matter of 10 seconds. Not all ditches cover AV turrets good enough. If you're harvesting they shoot it down 100 meters out. If your manning it, they shoot it down behind a rock faster than you can repair mod, repair kit, repair grenade it.

    Even if the enemy doesn't park a sunder above your silo's ditch. A lone Infil is more likely to have shown destroying your spawn tube 30 minutes prior to that. The ditch doesn't stop infils from cort bombing then flailing. I mean a Infil destroys modules > faster than my harasser with fury shoots modules down.

    Long story short, I feel bad attacking other peoples bases. It's like stepping on some kids sand castle on the beach (until they add more counter construction items). When it should be like trying to robb a bank & crack the vault. So I don't do it, & defending has too many holes in it's default game.

    P.s. The only place for a silo to seem like its a defendable position adding to the region, & not a liability needing support way too often, or being destroyed like paper. Is the 4 regions that are top right of Esamir. That's only because nobody cares about those regions & they are hard to drive to. Other than that for the other 120+ regions or whatever for all 4 planets. Silo's are too weak, it's official.

    - New auto turret that only shoots cloakers & pilots who bail.
    - New Item for binding wall gaps together against infantry.
    - New AV module that reduces far range damage on turrets.
    - New 2 buildings for hiding modules / spawn tubes inside.
  2. Demigan

    My solution can be found in this thread and in others about construction. Generating items, forming useful logistics of players and vehicles, encouraging base designs that arent murder-holes.
    Read my idea's, several of them. Then don't start cherry-picking what you disagree with or come up with another subjective story about something that happened in game but react to the overall idea.

    It would have been nice to have construction inside bases, however it is now designed to make use of the otherwise unoccupied space between bases. That is also good, but poorly executed.

    By actually integrating PMB's into the main game you can make more players converge and help construct one. Currently most people don't bother, and when you do bother you can get TK'd for messing with some kind of "master plan" that can't be communicated properly anyway. Simple things like icons on the map/minimap can also do wonders, as you can have a PMB right outside the base you fight at but if it never enters your line of sight you never know its there or that you can help, which is kinda a problem with PMB's that you generally have to build far away due to NDZ's, and when you do finally see them you are in a vehicle or transport getting to the next base.

    You ask for a complete redesign of continents, but don't mention that PMB's need altering, so I can naturally only assume that you want current PMB's to stay.

    But argueing about "I understood something different" is meaningless if you explain what you want, if you want them altered you have to explain kind of changes you want. You can keep it broad, like how the lattice bases need altering to incorporate PMB's and how the PMB's need altering to fit and support lattice bases.

    Size only matters in relation to the player speed and size to get across the continent. It takes easily half an hour to walk from one end of the map to another (in fact as a MAX it took 15 minutes walking from one base to the next). Games measure their distances, speed and sizes differently. Just because it says "1km" on the tin does not mean its representation is the same as 1km on another game.
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  3. Luicanus

    I remember years ago suggesting a Capture Point Lock Module. It would have a similar mechanic to when you're being back capped. The point you're trying to take would be listed as "enemy secured" until the module could be cleared.

    Obviously this has some potential for misuse if creatively placed it could be very hard to find and clear but if this "Module" was the size of the Bunker building then it should at least be a hard to be excessively creative.
  4. Demigan

    That would actually be opposite of what I proposed.
    Your idea would slow the capture of the lattice base rather then the PMB. The attackers would be encouraged to attack the PMB quickly. You would need to make it blindingly obvious for defenders that a PMB is locking a point and where that PMB+spawn is, even make it the top choice over the lattice base spawn to make sure anyone shows up there.

    As for the module itself, to prevent hiding it I would let it send out a pulse every now and then, the pulse is visible on the minimap when it passes within 30m for example, letting the player know the approximate whereabouts and guide themselves to it.
  5. Luicanus

    It was late, I may have misread your post.
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  6. Demigan

    Doesn't matter. Your idea itself isn't immediately bad and you already looked for ways that the idea could fail. Want to add an idea to help delay a PMB attack so defenders can show up in time and have the incentive to show up in numbers?
  7. Bonemiser

    "Remove, Remove, Remove" is not a good look. Fix and change, but rarely if ever remove. TI Alloys is an eyesore because they turned it off instead of leaving it as is until they were ready to ship a redo.
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  8. RiP0k

    Sometimes deleting is good. The maximum is the movement of these items from the Construction System.
  9. Demigan

    Sometimes, but not often.

    MAX charge for example was way too powerful for MAX's. But it would have been, and still is, a great option for LA's as an alternative to their jetpacks. Especially since it has a larger cooldown and lack of jumping&shooting capability of the ambusher jets offset by its ability to steer in any direction ding the ability.

    Changing is almost always better. Why not look for ways to make the current tools you want to remove useful for PMB's in different ways?
    For example, I've proposed the idea to add another layer to attacks, where the attackers need to pierce some form of defences before assaulting the base proper. Having to build a PMB as FOB* would be a great way to facilitate that, and the attack-oriented items could be repurposed to shoot down shields or specially protected equipment that powers dangerous defenses of a base.

    *so many acronyms.
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  10. RiP0k

    All these items have become an additional way to destroy the base. Often trolls. Then they added a bastion. After Colossus. Now the cortium bombs. How do not improve, if this is not forbidden to destroy enemy bases, then this becomes a cancer for construction itself. And because of these items, there is a lack of cortium and a bunch of "bases" with a bunker, an air terminal and a router spire. Removing for the better. This will make construction closer to the main game.
  11. LordAnnihilator

    Amen. I've championed this opinion since the day I returned to the forums - Removing stuff should be the abolute last resort, as it deprives the game of content and people of things they like. I get why MAX Charge was removed, but in most other cases the item in question was changed rather than removed wholesale. There are easily ways to make construction better and more viable while retaining these items, and we should absolutely pursue those avenues rather than give the devs a refunding nightmare by removing stuff wholesale. To say nothing of how the current Construction Directive would be negatively affected by removals.

    The only removal I currently back is the Cortium Bomb, and thats only if they can't find a way to balance the damn thing so it isn't a troll tool for killing bases. I'd say just remove it from Infil, but I don't doubt people would still try to abuse it on other classes anyway.
  12. RiP0k

    Well, what can I say, good luck to them in trying not to turn these things into another cancer for the construction itself. And make sure that there are no "bases" of routers and Orbital Strike Uplink on Auraxis
  13. Ledess31

    Please @Mithril could you inform us with the state of the construction? Devs ahve plans or no ?
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  14. AuricStarSand

    The reason to not remove cortium bomb, is it takes serious skill to pull off a 13 second timer bomb when fighting infantry / doorways / sunders / tanks. So it's tough to use for real battlefields. Nearly underpowered. Than for killing modules / spawn tubes, it's overpowered.

    Also I'm a ant main, plus a infil main. Infils should have this AV tactical item, so don't remove cortium bomb, my infil would lose a theme. Even if my infil doesn't use it to troll other people's silo stuff, respectively.

    If anything I wish we had MORE TACTICAL ITEMS for all classes. So yeah I don't believe they should remove cort bomb, nor nerf its ability to 1 shot modules, because 2 shotting won't happen. Instead we just need ways to kill the Infils before they plant the bomb, not after. Key word is " before ". Right now, their is NOTHING.

    People are acting like infil-cort-bomb-flail-combo is the only issue. When equally the tank-behind-rock-sniping-av-turret-combo is EQUALLY a issue that has no counter.

    Than the 3rd issue. Is silo defending as equally populated % as silo attackers are pop wise %? To answer that question, is someone who is committed to attacking your silo for 30 mins non-stop more plentiful than someone who is committed to defending your silo non-stop for 30 mins? HOW OFTEN, have I seen either of those?

    Let's do the math out of 100 silos built for example:

    (Note: with different size squads / platoons, or atleast beacons around my silo if solo)

    (Note: were talking people who defend modules or spawn tubes non stop / man av turrets like people say you must against range vehicles. Also not talking about people who help you harvest once awhile / or help you build afew things)

    Ally committed to defending my silo for 30 min non-stop; throughout the months: I'd say hmm 8 times or less.
    Enemy committed to attacking my silo for 30 mins; through the months: About 80 times or more.

    Proof that defenders are outnumbered, proof to buff solo ant players & all that they do.

    Last night I had to defend against 4 enemy parked sunders, 1 pro tr infil cort bomber, & a aggressive nc guy who built a flail just for my base, all solo. Then a glaive. Rip silo base. Silo was near Crown / 30 yards east of A point, on that ledge. Really bad spot to be noticed, yet still had to test it.

    Just proving that aggressive vigilante attackers non-stop for 30 minutes+ are a thing. But aggressive friendly help or aid, from defenders isn't a thing - for that amount of time. " Hey ally can you like, watch my modules / spawn tube for a long time, than sit in the av turret and attack distant tanks?? ". Like wth, I'd never ask someone to do that, heh. They wouldn't even if you did ask, they'd run off to fight somewhere else. Yet " Hey man wanna go tank shoot out some turrrets or destroy / flail a enemy base " Sure! " *they sign up for that*. Not that they need to recruit even 1 single person, to utterly destroy your base, most of these guys who do attack bases are use to destroying them solo more than often.

    As I said previously:

    - New auto turret that only shoots cloakers & pilots who bail.
    - New Item for binding wall gaps together against infantry.
    - New AV module that reduces far range damage on turrets.
    - New 2 buildings for hiding modules / spawn tubes inside. "

    That won't make silo's immortal, but it will give infils or tanks, a run for their nanites.
  15. RiP0k

    DEV, consider this Suggestion.
  16. RiP0k

    Construction is dying out like dinosaurs.
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  17. Luicanus

    Who'd have thought that pocket OS and virtually uncounterable (by PMBs) Bastions with massive bombardments might be fatal to PMBs.

    PMBs that about 4-5 ways to exert influence and half of those are non-functional at the moment.
    * OS Uplink - outperformed by the Pocket OS (which should require a targeting dart to make it less OP)
    * Flail - Can't shoot most places worth shooting.
    * Glaive - IDK if it can shoot into bases but the fact I've never seen it do it suggests it can't, also it's pretty weak too.
    * Router - too powerful for platoons too weak for small numbers.
    * Vehicle Spawns (sort of) - they let people spawn vehicles there but that's a pretty tenuous form of influence.

    New methods to extend PMB influence could include, a structure to lock capture points forcing the structure to be destroyed or disabled before the points in that hex can be flipped and a player constructed Capture Point that allows smaller Lattice bases to be made more complex by the addition of new capture points in the Hex.

    I covered these ideas in a little more detail here.
  18. RiP0k

    I suggest reading DEV my recommendations for integrating the construction system into the game with the Oshur update.
  19. iller

    How many sock accounts were made to Vote for this? ...probably at least 3 ? ?

    This is absolutely horrible and I'd actually finally Quit this game if even HALF of these proposals went through and then I'd try my damndest to get the rest of my Outfit to quit for a month at least out of solidarity

    I also hate that no one on this Forum even understands HOW to build infantry-proof bases in the first place, or HAS the kind of coordinated outfit access to make a base that's sealed at every Wall-Joint actually last longer than 3-4 minutes against a Zerg when that zerg also brings Armor... This is just always Amateur-Hour. If I designed every base setup the way these pictures are, I'd be fired from my Officership and told to go back to Necromancer-Medic'ing with the rest of the newbs

    EDIT: Here, let me attempt to be "constructive" in the feedback on what most people are doing wrong. This isn't my personal design, but it's by someone who is considered the best builder on the entire server:
    ^ honestly one of his weakest designs with the most vulnerabilities but it still blows away anything else here so far
    Get some Creativity folks.... not every problem can still be blamed on "the Tools available", especially when you fools think every problem is a Nail and should be solved SOLO with more Hard-Spawns everywhere and more Call of Duty arenas in every hex lane
  20. csvfr

    Not true. I've seen giga-bases with multiple layers of walls and turrets etc hold off 48-96/96+ zergs at the trading post below quartz ridge. Very chaotic designs that nevertheless shield the silo against tanks and decide alerts as the attacking zerg is unable to progress towards the excavation site. Defending from the other side does not work as well however as the attackers have more space to build countering siege bases.
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