If you are going to trap us on Koltyr UNLOCK ALL OF THE VEHICLES!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exileant, Oct 20, 2021.

  1. Exileant

    o_O That was the a terrible experience... People on Genudine are literally quitting until a large area opens up. Stop doing things like this. You are running off your player base! This Update, you should have kept STRICTLY for P.C.

    :mad:If I wanted to play with light vehicles and infantry strictly, I would be playing DESTINY 2!

    :confused: You have time to update a downgrade to playable islands, but STILL HAVE NOT FIXED GENUDINE'S COLOSSUS LEFT REAR WEAPON AND WEAPON UPGRADE AVAILABILITY, OR HALLOWEEN HORNS FOR THE ANT, DERVISH OR CHIMERA!? :mad: Our A.S.P. RESPEC. And this SITE is still messed up! It took me the better part of a DAY to fool the system enough to stave off its REDIRECTS TO A BLANK PAGE!!! :( Please PRIORITIZE!
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  2. TripSin

    I agree. I think just let all vehicles and air be unlocked, bastion and collosus excluded.
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  3. Twin Suns

    I disagree. Wrel’s gimmicks, The Colossus and Bastion should be unlocked for Koltyr. Let them farm and destroy the Koltyr population. They had no problem letting them farm and destroy the other continent’s populations. It should be no different on Koltyr then.
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  4. Twin Suns

    Also, while your at it. Throw those horrible single player missions and that super duper storm thingy on Koltyr. You know that storm thingy telling you where and when you could fight. The population will be back in no time killers. LOL
  5. Exileant

    o_O You joke, but that is exactly what would happen. Esamir was amazing on ALL levels and I miss it horribly. I though you had to have help to do the story missions, and I only got a few done due to errors... :D I still enjoyed the heck out of driving around Prowlers and Vanguards with the ability to send out blast waves of death. It was kind of silly that it damaged YOU as well but, I digress.

    :confused: If you are actually stupid enough to pull a Bastion on Koltyr, given there is NOWERE for you to run and a Colossus can Sky Lance holes through you from the safety of their Warp Gate Field. God bless you. I want it all unlocked. Right now I feel like they have takent things from me. I hate having things taken from me. o_O I quit games for taking things from me. I warned Bungie and they STILL tried it with Destiny. After giving back all those 90$ refunds they QUICKLY took the locks off our major equipment.

    :( When I played on Koltyr yesterday after that launch of the new update, I swear it was SO empty. There was BARELY enough people there to truly have a battle. People were like, NOPE! :confused: I watched like 5 people spawn in, and log right back out. And NONE of my friends even bothered after I mistakenly mentioned the Island. All I got was: "Call me when Amerish opens."
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  6. Twin Suns

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  7. Exileant

    ;) There was a game that actually existed with the same types vehicles, just as many suits and multiple maps no bigger than Koltyr. Orbital Strikes were earned based on points that you gathered during battle, so everyone that was good enough, could earn one or even 2 per match. The game was packed to its ending day. Dust514. Battlefield is doing it rotor rough this very second. o_O So since your so-called delusion was revealed to be reality, well I guess that makes you a dummy.:D
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  8. Twin Suns

    Caldari Scout and Dropship pilot. This game ain’t Dust514 son. Dust was better than PS2 by a country mile. Not even close. So please, just stop. I’d even say M.A.G. on the PS3 was better than PS2.

    At the end of Dust514 they didn’t hold you hostage in a que. They opened the whole game up at the end. Even gave us a date when it would be shut down. Do you think RPG will be as forthcoming??? No.

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  9. Exileant

    ;) Gallente Scout, Heavy, Vehicle Specialist. All Vehicles Maxed YEARS before closing. Faves, were Gal, Assault Dropships and Madrugers. I learned to like Caldari's Assault, but only after the faction specialization update.....:mad: (My Gal's missile turret should have remained just as fast....) Dust got the little things right. Like Body impact physics, but child please.... Planetside 2, has Dust beaten as far in diversity, customization and roam, area. Koltyr, as small as it is, is still easily 2ice as large as any map Dust514 had to offer. Beyond that, it took C.C.P. a LONG while to get that right. At one point the deaths were just as scripted, and the base turrets were fully automated, so you could not go anywhere without being shot at from insane range. Even staying out of range did not help if you damaged them, they would hit you from Redzone to Redzone. And the K.B.M. abuse was to the bitter end. Even I started playing with one for my Tank driving. :confused::D Well... I played with one hand holding a board, and the other hand holding a control pad.

    :confused: And, No. C.C.P. did not give ample warning they were shutting down. They just out of the blue announced it. They had done so before and went back on their word because we were still pumping in money. I spent THOUSANDS on Dust514. And they know good and well they could have released a final Multiplayer Offline Patch so we could have still had link matches. I will NEVER spend another dime on ANYTHING C.C.P. makes.... EVER. How long have they been sitting in that office begging the people on their Discord for money to order Pizza? Saying their new Dust Replacement was in the works? :confused: The better part of a decade....

    :confused: Dust514.... Better than Planetside two..... :p Now who is the delusional one? Hahaha! Regardless. It is nice to see another Dustbunny roaming around.
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  10. Twin Suns

    Delusional. Sounds like you sucked at Dust514.

    Can I get an “Original Bastard” to take care of this Gallente scum?
  11. Nalianna

    Yes, I was a beta vet in DUST514, played to the last second. It was SUCH a good game, until it was shut down because they wouldn't port it to PS4. I actually started playing PS2 because I wanted to play a game like DUST. But DUST was so much better... At least for me...
  12. Grossalaud

    Koltyr is fine as it is.
  13. OpolE

    They have completely ruined what the word "PLANETSIDE" means..

    Planetside 1 metagame allowed you to invade a continent when/where/why/how you wanted! .

    It also allows you to take back and lock the continent when/where/why/how you wanted!
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  14. Soul_Shinobi

    Sometimes I log in on off hours because I want to experiment with player base construction and can't, so I just log off. Just remove Koltyr.
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  15. Exileant

    :D Nalianna, big squeeze only given to fellow Beta Bunnies. I learned about it through the little mini-game in: 'P.S. Home'. ANOTHER game I dearly miss. They brought it back with Nebula.... But it just is not the same..... I miss my old Avatar..... We were loyal to them, and they betrayed us.... But we were there until the bitter end. I still have the Dust514 Icon on my old P.S.3's.

    :( The main thing I could not stand about Dust was the fact that their tank main guns had ZERO splash damage. I mean their heavy fire turrets were Rail-guns.... Rail-guns leave CRATERS..... But not with these. Either you nailed someone directly or that was that. Mixed with a charge delay? I am sorry.... No. Now they DID get the Madruger's Heavy machine-gun all sorts of right until the end when they fatally destroyed its accuracy. :D And they DID fix the lack of viable explosive splash weaponry towards the end with the Missile Turrets Upgrade.... And at the end the fact that you could space jump and fight tanks on foot.... :p Or kill people in the sky and watch them back-flip dead onto my hood from my angle? Choice. But from a vehicle user point of view? I am sorry nothing there beats the artillery you can call in this game. Assault Drop-shipping was fun but mainly because it felt so real. They had zero horizontal thrust. So basically you had to fall with style to go anywhere, which only LOOKED wickedly cool.... They were nightmares to fly. So it was rare you would find a decent Shipper that could challenge you. Money makers..... But I digress.... HERE?

    :eek: VEHICLES...... CLOAK...... This alone makes Planetside 2 better. :confused: How is this even a debate? :) Hahaha!
  16. Nalianna

    Yes, we were loyal. I am an old EvE Online player, and was thrilled to participate in what was supposed to be some sort of precursor to Walking In Stations, basicly DUST in Space. But they canned that and eventually canned DUST as well. I've played Valkerie in its early days, and I think that's still going, but I have no idea what sort of playerbase it has now. ALL of these games were supposed to somehow integrate with EvE Online, and they never did. I think that's why they eventually just faded. Very sad, particularly for DUST as it shared a lot of the EvE fitting strategies which I absolutely loved.

    I have always felt that as an extension to this concept, ALL FPSs should include a ranking system for the weapons, that the more you use them effectively the better they became, rather than simply accumulating 'certs' or 'ISK' or whatever currency and then applying that to the weapon or attachments. It would be far more realistic if you unlocked the weapon at some very basic level, and the more you used it, the more your aim improved, or perhaps the stability of the weapon, exactly as if it were a real weapon fired by a real person in a real war scenario. But even DUST didn't do this, although EvE does come close with its levels of skill development.

    I learnt fairly early on not to bother with these monstrosities. Yes, I agree, no splash damage is just unreasonable. They're RAILGUNS, Caldari technology firing hybrid charges, which explode on impact. How they did that without significant splash damage is just unreasonable. [shakes head]

    But isn't this just typical of the sort of unrealistic buffs and nerfs that happen all the time in games like PS2? I loved EvE and DUST for their realism, a feeling that you gained from the learning experience in more or less the same way as you would in real life, at least more than you do in PS2...
    Yes, I thought the dropships were awful. I'm a pilot, a vet of countless Ace Combat games and others, and thought the dropships were just ridiculous. More like jet helicopters really but awkward and extremely unmanoeuverable. I pretty much gave up being a pilot during my DUST experience.

    Until PS2! I rediscovered my love of 'flying' in the Scythe. It's still not a proper aircraft to my mind, but I've adapted to the style of aerial combat we find here, at least enough to be able to fly fast and not crash. Shooting others out of the sky without being able to do the same sort of combat flying you find in a proper jet is still hard for me....

    My only real enduring problem is the fact I'm in Australia, connecting to the Ceres server, and have connection so bad that it can take up to almost a second of firing for the hits to even start registering. The number of times I've emptied a magazine into someone only to have them suddenly jump up turn around and kill me is ridiculous. And yes, I know that I could connect to the US server but it would be almost as bad.

    Yes, PS2 is now the best such game around I think. The only alternate for me now is to go back to EvE, which no longer has an FPS...