Planetside is dead. Cheers Cloakingside.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bombas, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. Bombas

    The title says it all... :eek:

    It's no fun, it's just ridiculous to get your playstyle dominated by those hordes of cloaking stalkers everywhere.
    I'm done with waiting years for stalker nervs.
    And I'm done with all optimism regarding substantial development 2021/22.

    Maybe Planetside3 will come some day without or with more digestible infiltrators.
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  2. JibbaJabba

    Welcome to the club. :)
    Someone will be along to insult you and tell you cloaks are fine shortly...
  3. Botji

    I mean... if people can play for hours and get sniped less times than you have fingers on one of your hands while some people apparently get sniped every 25 seconds, I will kinda question if the problem isnt how some people play rather than every infil running around with aimbot.exe since thats just not how it is.

    My issue with infils are more a issue with the lax ping/packetloss limits that PS2 has so some people are running around with like half a second latency which just exaggerates the peekers advantage and infils decloaking to take a shot at you as it can end up being very fun with you dying before/just as they decloak on your screen because on their screen they had already decloaked and shot you in the head, it just took extra long for that information to get to the server and you.

    I really wished the servers were snappier and had some decent restrictions of how high someones ping and packedloss could be because it affects the entire game. Dodging tank shots with a Magrider or Javelin? sure, too bad they hit on their screen so you die anyway etc etc etc.
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  4. RabidIBM

    Cloaking would be ok with less latency, but it needed to get addressed years ago when a bunch of servers got merged. Cloakers aren't bad for me on Connery because I'm not that far from the physical server (relatively). If I play on Emerald I start to see more issues. Even without cloaking, by the time I get my first flinch of damage I'm already dead on the other guy's screen. I get a lot of deaths after moving out of a window or doorway, or deaths around a corner on Emerald that I just don't get on Connery.

    The game is meant to have the infiltrator class, but latency needs to be addressed. There is no reason whatsoever to have cloaking vehicles. Cloaking infantry should probably be adjusted to have an additional 50 milliseconds added to cloak and decloak times, with the door open to further increases later.
  5. dngray

    I just started playing Planetside2 again after a multi-year hiatus and I'm having fun. I see what you mean about the infiltrators that try to go for melee attacks but it doesn't ruin the game for me.
  6. JibbaJabba

    Well the good news is since that's not happening and nobody said it was you won't need to question it. :) The issue with the cloaker isn't the skill of the other players although new players will certainly feel it worse.

    Now you're getting it. I can tell you it's not the network though. That just makes it lots worse for some. Two players on tight <50ms connections on an off-hours server will still have the cloaker shot register before the cloaker is seen on the other player's screen.
  7. Botji

    Idk, you quoted the guy saying its not fun being dominated by cloakers agreeing with him so I assumed you were having the same problem of being dominated by invisible people.

    Dont really get your last part either, if its not the network then what is it? Servers playing favourites?
    I sure as hell dont phase out of existence for full seconds after exiting vehicles/turrets because people dont have any issues with shooting me right away but there are hordes of people that do enjoy that advantage of not existing and its not like they cant do anything while being non-existent either.
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  8. Somentine

    Low tick rate + network + client side. Higher ping with low tick means that a high ping client can skip a server update or more. Wouldn't be a problem for some games, but the server believes much of the client in this one. Heard that the server running the hex/map also scales down automatically based on the population, but idk.
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  9. JibbaJabba

    Engagements with cloakers are often not fun because I don't get to actually "play". I really don't mind losing to any one really. Be that some close fight or being dunked on. So long as it feels fair right?

    When you see someone decloak and fire, if you were to juke right as you saw the decloak it wouldn't matter. At best you will complete the juke which would have caused an enemy miss, but instead you'll find yourself dead anyway similar to the dying behind a wall behavior. Even on a perfect network you're not going to actually get to take any action that will alter the outcome.

    How I would fix it?

    Fix decloak on fire through one of:
    Recommend: Put it on a newly added infiltrator only weapon slot. Can't be invisible and carrying a weapon at the same time. T fire you have a weapon switch delay same as every other class. Faster for pistol, slower for bolt.
    OR Alternately and easier to implement: Put a 2 second decloak time. Leave cloak time the same.

    Add appropriate buffs:
    Make the cloak even more invisible than it is now (*gasp*). Add the chameleon by default.
    Increase cloak duration ~20%, leave recharge same.
    Make the chameleon instead *silence the decloak* <--Key to making this a fun change I think.

    So there.
    Your cloak will be better than before. It will get you into that position.
    If you were good enough that you got behind someone, they won't know it when you decloak.
    If you weren't and you try to go face to face, the other person actually gets a chance to play. If they still die it will be far less frustrating.
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  10. OpolE

    Planetside 1 cloaking was a lot better and balanced.
  11. Soul_Shinobi

    Never really understood these complaints, I don't see a ton of cloakers and when I die to them it's usually negligence on my part (i.e., I stopped moving in an open area). I play infil a fair amount, but it's a squishy class and you still show on radar if you're running. I manage to evade certain death better as a light assault.

    A friend did mention that he found it easier to spot them once he got a higher refresh monitor, food for thought. I find them hard to spot if I'm tense and a lot is going on, but learning to relax your focus and not tunnel vision under pressure is part of becoming a good player.