Continent partial unlocks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RabidIBM, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. RabidIBM

    I like the concept of the mid way between skinny lane and full continent being the fat lane better than the pretzel. This is because wins and losses on one front should impact the other fronts. With the pretzel the outer lanes don't matter until they push all the way to the warpgate and cut off the center lane. That said, the fat lane layouts could use a review. For example:
    The north and west gates can cut each other off from the Crown by wrapping around. This is good, this is the point of the fat lane. While the west can cut the east out, it requires reaching down and around through 4 bases, and the north simply can't cut the east off at all. There are also a bunch of weird, dead end bases that seem pointless. This does also highlight that while being the most fun continent to play on, Indar has some weird lattice.

    Anyways, that's my thoughts for now.
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  2. Bonemiser

    We see this lattice very very rarely and it's a shame. I think it's much better than the pretzel.