Hybridizing the Heavy?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Sinjynn, Oct 20, 2021.

  1. Sinjynn

    Heavy, but played as long range support/sniper.

    Yes, I realize HA will never be as effective as Infil...but when I can make the same shots and still get hit with counter/return fire...

  2. BlackFox

    All it takes is a scout rifle to do so - I regulary use a Dragoon to counter snipe as Medic
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  3. brutes359

    OR they could stop outsourcing the HAs roles to light assault....just saying. There is really no reason to change the roles of the game. The main reason it was happening in the first place was as a low effort attempt to add content without really doing anything substantially different. HAs have their role, and if they are underperforming enough to warrant a role change, then the solution is not to change the role, but restore the class's capabilities to its original potential.
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  4. Sinjynn

    I use the Bishop as a HA to take the long shots...sucks hard in CQC, but that's what the secondary is for.
    I wonder what the thinking is behind certain weapons and their attachments...like, why in the nine hells can some SR's get decent scopes (anything over a 4x) and other can get up to a 10?