[Suggestion] Wrel REMOVE the cortium bomb from the game until you balance it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RiP0k, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. RiP0k

    Otherwise, there will be no normal bases in the game, since because of these bombs, the desire to build any bases disappears. Because of this, Orbital Strike Uplink with Cortium Silo or Light Air Terminal with Routing Spire will only exist.
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  2. AuricStarSand

    I build & have a problem with cortium bombs. They are balanced verse anything other than silo stuff. Like cortium verses tanks or infantry is balanced. Cortium verses modules or spawn tubes is not balanced. I still don't believe they should nerf the Cortium Bombs. They should just add new construction items that spot infils, a new turret that shoots infils, spot them, ect. Also AV turrets need a reduction to tank-sniper-shot damage, as AV turrets being sniped is OP. Thus give AV turrets aton more damage resistance 50%+ against enemy tanks shooting outside 40 meters or so. Plus expand pain spire radius by 5 meters. Till then I'm forced to build on mountaintops with turbo to avoid infils or tanks. Thus this fix needs to happen immediatly, as front of the line silo's or ground level are underpowered verses infils or tanks. Also the amount of times I've seen a huge base enemy or friendly silo base; be double nuked into oblivion is ********. 2 OS's shouldn't destroy 80%+ of a 4 skyshield module silo base, but alas 2 OS's destroy nearly everything, no matter how big the silo base is, or how many people helped build it. Heck 100+ people could help build a silo, but 1 person with 2 os's will destroy it EVERYTIME!

    They don't even need 2 OS's, they can just wait for someone to use 1, then the other person uses 1. Meaning 1 or two people can defeat a platoon silo of 20+ people defending, everytime, it's ridiculous.

    1 OS is balanced verse skyshield module. As it leaves enough things to repair & be fine. 2 OS's is not balanced, destroys all your hard work, nothing is left remaining. It's just too simple of a counter for 1 hour of work building.
  3. RiP0k

    One thing I know is that the sooner developers stop ignoring this problem, the better it will be for everyone.
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  4. LordAnnihilator

    Pretty much everyone except the abusers agree Cortium Bombs are a little bit TOO good. They hard counter construction and even worse can be carried by any class, making it ripe for Infils to abuse with a cloak sundy nearby to respawn from. Construction might not be in the best state, but Cortium Bombs are too far and NEED to be toned down or removed.
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  5. Grossalaud

    IT should cost 500 Merit each time
  6. PlanetBound

    Balanced? They can only destroy an Ant or Sunderer if it can be flipped over. There's no effect on Spawn Tubes. You can destroy a Lightning but only if the driver is AFK or nobody is in it to move away.
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  7. Ledess31

    Cortium bombs are only good for spawn kills after capture, and for destroying bases. Basically it's a tool for a troll