Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tigre, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Tigre

    We have a cloaked Sunday, we are by a base and are surrounded. We are fine, until, some yahoo's jump out and start attacking the 5 tanks and lots a plains. All from said Sunday. Well no more Sunday.
    1st do not shoot from cloaked Sundays.
    2nd do not shoot guns on a cloaked Sunday.
    3rd lock Sundays, there are to many dumb Gagh brains that will not do #2
    4th is if no one wants to do this, blow up own Sunday. That way the other team does not get the points.
  2. ZDarkShadowsZ

    It's not always a matter of people not learning, it's also a matter of people not caring.

    When people are new to the game, they don't know not to stand there like a derpy doo shooting for glory. These are the ones that can be educated not to do it. However, there are players who know and simply don't care. After all, it's not their Sunderer, right? :rolleyes:

    I think the best thing anybody can do when spawning a cloaked Sunderer is to spawn it knowing that it has a very short life in comparison to other versions. Sure it will last longer in terms of vehicle stealth, but many Sunderer drivers park them in common spots. These being Sunderer garages were the majority of players know Sunderer's will be parked. Or the common Sunderer parking spots in general. Not to mention the huge bubble that can be seen depending on the environment and possibly even graphical settings.

    Further to this, the stream of people suddenly appearing from no where. Somebody's going to start getting suspicious and will instantly spend time hunting it down to blow it up (especially if they're like me).

    While the cloaked Sunderer has its place, it has to be in a really truly well thought-out spot, and those spawning from it have to have a brain/care not to reveal its location. Given the scale of players in this game, the chances of that happening are extraordinarily slim to none.

    For these reasons, I still haven't ever certed into a cloaked Sunderer. I much prefer knowing my deploy shield is going to endure far longer than somebody who, like me, will zoom on past, dunk a few mines next to it, and have it blow up in seconds.
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  3. Tigre

    i never park close to the base, i will be at least 250m away or more. my Sunday is always the last one standing, i look for places that are not Norm. used. like on the side of a cliff, spider Sunday LOL. this was more set up for a joke, the blow up your Sunday so they do not get the points Or the (Rules of engagement for a Sunday driver)
  4. Tigre

    I also have D shield, i use it for an anti air bus when needed. 2 AA guns that is fun
  5. Demigan

    I personally use cloaked Sunderers as a secondary spawn option that is a bit out of the way. Players who don't care will simply spawn at a closer Sunderer, players who see the value of spawning at that location also see the value of the Sunderer. Should the other Sunderer be destroyed and a konga-line of players reveals my position its served its purpose already.

    That doesn't mean its impossible to use one as a main spawn for many forces. The problem is that many players place it at the first ridge/piece of cover where you would start an attack from. That means that anyone investigating the players shooting or moving from that position immediately find the Sunderer.
    Instead you place the Sunderer a bit farther back in a position where players have multiple places to choose from to attack the next objective. That way the players spread out and its not a konga-line revealing the position of the Sunderer. Anyone checking where those players come from will then have to deal with players that respawned and find a new position to attack the enemies from before they find the Sunderer proper.
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  6. Bonemiser

    lol, who taught you this? Having an alive Sunderer is way better than giving one guy one cert point.
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  7. Tigre

    this is not real i was having fun. but to the live Sunday, if you blow your own or they do a live Sunday for an extra 2 sec. means crap.... lol... I never notice my Sunday being killed, i just look up at the spot that shows it and it is gone.. I also as soon as I spawn my Sunday put it on sq. only, to many players tend to shoot at any thing. That brings you into the spot light, by by Sunday. And sometimes I do wish you were able to set them for only sq spawn only...
  8. JibbaJabba

    Nope. They will not learn. You can lock it to prevent them from firing it's guns. I've also put on /region chat: "Please move away from the cloaked sundy before engaging, thanks!" and had some *limited* success.

    But as a whole, no. There will always be one... and that's all it takes.
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  9. RabidIBM

    Will people ever learn? Probably, but then they won't be noobs anymore, and a fresh wave a noobs will have joined behind them who haven't learned yet.

    It's similar to old people asking "When will kids learn X?" Well, probably around the same age you did old timer, but then they won't be kids anymore, and the next batch of kids won't have learned yet.
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  10. JustGotSuspended

    Also a fun one: don't park cloak sunderers in garages or the other primary places that everyone goes to look for sunderers.

    In general it's not a good idea to run stealth buses unless you're doing some solo shenanigans or special ops with a tiny squad. For this reason I wouldn't be against making stealth buses squad/self only spawnpoints, if that's possible. At least give players the option to restrict public spawns.
  11. Clone117

    Normally i just take a blockade sundy and park it in a location thats convenient for ppl to spawn and enter the fight/facility and make sure my sundy guns are capable of providing some use. I dont like having to travel long distances on foot just to get gunned down. So id rather risk getting knocked around instead.
  12. JustGotSuspended

    I'd go with deploy shield cuz no one reps the sunderer and also it protects against mines.