[Vehicle] Why nerf Javelin?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bonemiser, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. Bonemiser

    Patch notes mentions a strong desire to "bring the Javelin in line with the Flash"

    Is anyone upset by the Javelin currently? Does removing the most fun aspect of NSO improve the game or its balance? I'd rather pay 100 nanites for a Javelin, or have the Flash brought up into the Fun Zone, than the suggested upcoming changes.
  2. DarkQuark

    To be more "inline with the Flash"?

    So they are going to turn it into an invisible death machine?
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  3. Mechwolf

    Hopefully it won't give it the flashes invisible roadkills... everything else on flashes is fine, but invisible roadkills have been op on both the flash and the ANT. Being able to fight MBTs is something new VS players need. Even suggesting a hard nerf across the board like "choosing between weapons and cloak" is scary because DBG overnerfs like crazy
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  4. rajawaya

    Javelin isn't exactly getting nerfed; Sure it's flying capabilities are, but it's getting three new weapons and the ability to have weapons without giving up firesup.
  5. JustGotSuspended

    Honestly I'd rather the flash be turned to a javelin. I don't really care for the things being super fast and fun modes of transport. However I'm a bit disappointed at the flash being a more bulky death quad.
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  6. Drgnx

    You should have the option then to swap out the main weapon to maintain current speed and flying.
    If they want to make it like the flash, why even have both?
  7. Liewec123

    As raja said above its not getting nerfed it's getting changed,
    Sure it's losing some agility, but it's becoming waaay better as a combat vehicle,
    Nest Launcher finally has a reload upgrade, we're getting a basilisk type weapon,
    Even getting 360 rumbleseats, so you can take a heavy along and wreck tanks
  8. Mechwolf

    Never understood the 270 rumble seat