[Suggestion] Armor/vehicle vs infantry bandaid (possible fix?)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zhakathoom, Jun 11, 2021.

  1. Zhakathoom


    I would like to suggest removing infantry kills contributing towards your KD while you sit in a vehicle, and instead having kills on other armor/vehicles be what counts towards your KD.

    That way we would loose a fair share of the extremely unfun A2G farms, HESH spamming, bastion shelling spawnrooms etc, and we would even possibly see more engaging fights between armor. Fights that actually require skill and active engagements between more equally balanced counterparts rather than mindless farm devoid of repercussions.

    As the game is now there is two reasons to pull armor and that is:
    1. Kill infantry
    2. Kill infantry

    Also I would suggest, if such a change was implemented, that vehicles were much, much harder to kill by infantry. That way we would hope to get enemy armor chasing down spawns like sunderers (Hard to kill spawnpoints), while friendly armor defends the spawns and fights the enemy armor while the infantry fights rage on as infantry fights.

    PS: in the current state: Armor in lowpop times (which is 90% of uptime nowadays) is too strong. 1 ESF is litterally untouchable by even a couple of handfuls of players: Lockons take forever. 1-2 skyguards does nothing an ESF can't avoid. Neither is a burster max. The only thing you can do is toss up a desi or a tankshell in the hopes you'll pop a lucky one-shot kill. And then it's 20 seconds before the same dude is back in the ESF. Been spawnlocked so much by 1-2 ESFs the last week it's not even fun. It's like having the fun-police actively working to make you stop playing.
    Harasser and tanks are almost untouchable too unless you're a small squad hunting them down: Tanks snipe players in mid air, harassers just run you down, run for cover, repair and repeat. With the literally non-existant collisiondamage there is no real threat to any of these in a lowpop scenario (Heck, a harasser has free reign in any scenario. So much so that the main weapon attatchment for a harasser these days seems to be the bumper..)
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  2. Demigan

    As long as other stats aren't offered in return it won't work, as they'll just look up their stats on other sited or use 3rd party programs. On top of that directives for example still promote killing infantry.
    You need to make those stats revolve around other things. Killing infantry is definitely a viable and useful strategy and should not be a waste of time. However the reward for hunting other vehicles, MAX's and Aircraft should be much higher. Directives should make those count much more, the reward for assists on enemy vehicles needs to be much higher and more fair so waiting to deal the last shot is less rewarding than dealing as much damage as possible.

    Your idea to segregate infantry and vehicles even more by making them even harder for infantry to kill is a big fat no-no. Infantry already has too little in the way of viable weapons to kill tanks, most lack the range and firepower to kill vehicles who can simply drive out of effective range or behind cover and repair up. The only effective infantry AV is pretty much C4, which has to be dropped from a stealth position otherwise you are a cheap kill for any semi-competent driver. There's also plenty of defenses against such attacks like keeping on the move, placing spitfires, checking likely approaches to your position with basic situational awareness, equipping proxy radars or simply parking near allied infantry who are so much more vulnerable that they watch their surroundings better. Again: basic situational awareness.

    If anything we need to make vehicle armor weaker by giving infantry more viable weapons and abilities to combat vehicles. The real killer weapons would cost nanites so infantry nanites destroy vehicle nanites.
    If that is done properly then vehicles can be upgraded to be swiss army knives. They can get more abilities, alternate fire modes, extra weapons and synergies. They might be more vulnerable but if you can simultaneously lay waste to infantry with a co-axial machinegun and flush them out of cover with a few mortars while your topgun is launching miniature EMP shells to disable their shields and HUD you should feel plenty powerful. You can then also fix things like the Kobalt being relatively weak. Let it kill scores of infantry in one go, but let those same infantry make themselves hard to hit and punch the vehicle right back in a do-or-die scenario. Infantry and vehicles should always have gone toe-to-toe with each other. Current base design and lack of vehicle objectives is all due to vehicles being so powerful they needed to be segregated.
  3. JustGotSuspended

    I don't think we would lose much of anything tbh.

    We can already see these stats on fisu, as example these notorious A2G pounders from Connery:



    You'll see that one statistic that says KDR where they've got a solid number, then it goes to KDR (infantry) and it becomes a lot less impressive.

    You see players like that often don't care about stats, they just feed from the rage tells they get. I made "friends" with a guy in one of these outfits, that play the most cheesy methods possible. Think citadel shields before the nerf stuffed with a dozen mosquitoes and liberators pounding anything coming out of indar coms. These guys are usually all a2g, all the time, and form notorious airballs that terrorize the server. Sometimes they run harasser/armor columns as well.

    Well he told me they don't cap points, play the objective, directives, or care about stats. They just want to anger as many people as they can and share the ragetells in their discord. They use playstyles they know are very easy and "overpowered" and then provoke as many people as they can. Their goal at the end of the day isn't to level up or brag their KD. It's to say "I made X amount of people ragequit" and "I got the best/most number of ragetells". When there's nothing to farm ragetells, or they come across people who are denying them their farm (usually just one good pilot does the trick), they log off.

    So while it is a good step to count vehicle kills and infantry kills separately, we need to also fix the core issues in these low risk high reward, very easy to use playstyles.

    And for everyone out there getting mad and these players and sending them /tell or /yell, don't do it, you're literally fueling them. Either log off, go elsewhere, or try to decimate what you can.

    Oh - and often these fits will build bases by their warpgate so they can pull free air whenever they want. If you can't kill their airball, you can at least go sabotage their base if you can find it.
  4. Johannes Kaiser

    This roup of people sound like a bunch of proper bellends.
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  5. JustGotSuspended

    We all have those 1-2 outfits on each server notorious for that stuff. Thankfully they aren't a large part of the community - or at least they weren't until most people left. Which is fine I guess since when there's no ragetells to farm those guys will leave too.

    I blame partly the broken mechanics left unchecked for years which encourage this behavior.

    Most are very insecure though and at times it's very easy to flip the tables if they feel you've humiliated them. There's nothing like being outskilled from your flying infinite farm cert printer machine.

    Example: I decimated one of these guys. It's very hard because although they aren't good pilots per say, they twist and maneuver around really fast to try and avoid their main threat: AP and Decimator rounds. Well after I decimated the guy he came back and started focus targeting me all day. Sending me tells like "noob" "trash" etc after banshee/lol-podding me me.

    Doesn't bother me that much except the fact there's literally nothing I can do to kill him after that since I don't know how to fly properly. I just need to aim as best I can in the 0.001s I have before he instantly obliterates me with his banshee. Sunderers/lightnings/mbts/maxes.... all useless. It's a helpless feeling. Imagine how lesser skilled or non-HA infantry/vehicles would feel. They'd probably ragequit not being able to step out the spawn without being brrrrrrtttttt to death instantly.

    It would be great if they made flying a bit more accessible, and tuned down the wacky playstyles.

    - As a side note I got the guy another 2 times with my Kraken that day and tbagged him :p
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  6. Scroffel5

    thats what vehicles are for. they are made to kill infantry and are tools for such.

    Making them stronger isn't a good idea. Currently in the game, there are ways to deal with them. You can have specialized squads to deal with them, and all it takes is some influential people starting it. 2 or 3 guys with lockons, locking on at the same time, will down an ESF and if that ESF killing type of playstyle gets popular, it'll change how ESFs have to play and what tools and abilities they use. Of course, we can buff things. Making any vehicle extremely dangerous to any other vehicle is left as a threat should be the way to go, imo, but thats not everyone's cup of tea.

    Lets remember this is a team game. We should strengthen teamplay and squadplay in this game so everyone DECIDES to work together because its the best course of action. If you do that, you'll see there are ways to deal with vehicles and aircraft rather effectively.
  7. RabidIBM

    Speaking as a regular tanker, OP, you don't understand tankers. We don't pull tanks to trigger your victim complex, we pull tanks because we enjoy playing in tanks. It would be better for us if more other people were in tanks, but taking kill scores away from tankers would not result in more tankers.

    We've managed to get a thing going on Connery server with tanks on Tuesdays, and finally even the Vanu are involved. They took the longest to show up, but better late than never. The thing about tank night is, we're not doing it to kill infantry or to kill infantry. We're playing tanks for the sake of playing tanks because they're fun.

    Next time you see tanks, please don't feel victimized, instead, "GET IN AND MAN THE GUN!"
  8. JustGotSuspended

    Dude you're twisting the argument. No one's complaining about the odd tank v tank or a2a main.

    He's complaining about those guys that HESH on a hill for hours on end with spitfire to alert them. He's talking about a2g mains.

    You wouldn't be affected by anything.
  9. Demigan

    Like most things there is a Kernel of truth in what he said. Overall there are too few objectives for vehicles to complete. They are instrumental at clearing a road for Sunderers to deploy, but it is far easier for the attackers to maintain that vehicle superiority then meaning vehicles can then only kill infantry. This is further emphasized by both KD only counting infantry and vehicle kills being virtually absent while Directives practically beg for infantry kills even if you use AV weapons.

    When the game launched there were more objectives and bases were far more open, but vehicles were so brutal to infantry that they needed to be segregated.

    If we ever want to reach that holy grail of combined arms we need to straighten that out.

    1: vehicles need to get more objectives for them to complete. Destroying generators with AV fire, using the vehicle power cells to power nearby stragetic items while staving off opponents, capturing small FOB's etc.
    2: more focus on destroying the largest stuff and objectives, rather than the smallest infantry. That means vehicle stats need to become as prominent as KD at the least and directives need to promote and reward killing vehicles, MAX's and aircraft much more.
    3: a better gameplay flow for vehicle combat. Once the field battle is over there need to be easier ways for defenders to get vehicles and fight off the enemy. I usually propose vehicle spawn pads inside the base where the defender infantry can support them. The other option was to use those crates from the experimental tank on the PTS to call in vehicles in the field. Unfortunately the devs decided to make it into the ANVIL system and only for outfits rather than a solid way to keep a vehicle battle going.
  10. RabidIBM

    This is how we ended up with pre-deletion T.I.Alloys. Player X loves IVI. In fact, player X loves IVI so much that he flatly refuses to ever play any other role, or even bring kit to answer anything that isn't infantry. Then player X encounters the dreaded *COUNTER PLAY* where some horrid villian has brought gear which kills infantry without playing infantry. Now, counter play could be beaten with further counter play. For example, if the horrid counter player is in a tank which counters infantry, he could draw literally anything which isn't infantry and kills tanks. Unfortunately, this would involve player X drawing kit which isn't IVI. Ugh! Banish the thought! How dare it be suggested that player X flex into a different role for a few minutes?!

    No! Clearly the problem is that the player employing counter play is a vicious troll who needs to be banned from the game, and the dev team need to be whined at to redesign the bases to make such trolling impossible.

    Seriously, 1 guy who overspeced into infantry killing with a tank is not hard to counter. Pull an AP Lightning, kill him with your higher DPS, rep, drive to the nearest enemy base, kill him again when he draws HESH again, redeploy back to what you were doing.
  11. JustGotSuspended

    A person having fun playing infantry in an infantry centric game. Oh no, he can't take a step outsite without being shelled from a dude miles away. Or even better, said skilled tanker is killing the spawn from miles away!

    Options to counter it as you say involve pulling a tank yourself, or if you really want to give the guy the finger you grab a totally fun and balanced A2G loadout and go to town.

    There's a few issues I find with your perfectly viable and gameplay enhancing solution.

    Firstly, vehicles require fully certing into, unlike infantry where anyone can pick up any class an be at the same effectiveness level (theoretically) as another. Whether you've certed anything or nothing into your character on infantry, you're all on the same playing field. No one distinctively has advantage over the other due to the certs they spend on their loadout. Whereas with vehicles someone not using a fully certed vehicle will be at significant disadvantage in a fight against another vehicle. Vehicle gameplay relies heavily on having fully kitted gear to win an engagement, which is the opposite of infantry, which puts greater emphasis on player skill (movement, aim, positioning, etc). So the option of pulling a vehicle to kill a camping vehicle isn't accessible to everyone.

    Second, we have the issue that vehicles cost nanites. Assuming you've got your tank fully certed, you need to have enough nanites to actually pull a vehicle to counter.

    Third, and the most important point to highlight. Let's take your example of TI for a second. There's a skilled tank player in his HESH vanguard parked on the ridge of the crown unleashing a barrage of HESH skill shells onto the silly infantry trying to fight down below at TI. After about 30 minutes of being stripped of health or killed before they even reach the fight they want to get to by our tank main from the crown, one of the infantry decides to stop being a clown and pull some skill of his own. He obviously can't pull from the base he is defending/attacking, because if he's a defender the spawn terminal is camped, and if he's attacking he likely can't pull from that base's terminal either. So our infantryman waits 15s to spawn and pull an AP lightning at the next further back base. He then proceeds to carefully approach our tank main from behind. In the unlikely event that he actually manages to sneak behind the tank without encountering other enemy armor, mines, etc, and that the skilled tank main doesn't notice and kill the guy, we'll assume our infantry guy in his lightning scored the kill. Camper eliminated. Now there's a few possibilities of what happens next:
    1. Infantry person redeploys, and as soon as he's back at TI the HESH spam resumes.
    2. Infantry person knows the guy is going to pull another vehicle, stays back and then dies either to the new mbt the guy he killed pulled, or to another enemy because the guy is deep inside enemy territory after all. HESH spam resumes.
    3. The infantry person knows that the HESH spammer is going to pull again, so he decides it's his duty to deny the guy. He stays in his tank scouting and killing camping vehicles, until the infantry fight he wanted to be at is over.
    You see where I'm getting at is that at the end of the day, a person is given the ability to easily crap on a fight, and the process of killing him becomes a chore. The HESH spammer may be having extreme fun just holding left click in a general area and racking up tons of kills and assists. But the people who need to give up their fight to deal with the person(s) ruining the fight without even actually taking part in it aren't having fun. I should know, I've got over 10k+ C4 kills and my lightning aurax because I am that one guy that decides I'm gonna do the chore of cleaning up the highly skilled campers, so that us infantry noobs may have 5s of actual fun fighting.

    There's a problem with the infantry/vehicle gameplay. It doesn't really scream combined arms. As you say, you basically have to pull a vehicle to counter a vehicle. Really it's ridiculous people want to play an infantry centric combined arms game instead of world of tanks rights? Vehicles are far superior to infantry. The methods to "counter" vehicles can be pretty effective up close, but useless afar. This means countering the few vehicles which can have a massive negative impact on the fight involves recurring to boring/unfun one-sided gameplay, which doesn't really satisfy players. There's not really a back-and-forth which makes the game interesting. It's either BOOM you died. Drive away, BOOM you died. Or spend 10 minutes sneaking behind, praying for 2 C$ bug and BLAM + rocklet rifle x2, tank dead, will be back in 15s and you need to redeploy as well and repeat. Amazingly fun gameplay.

    Also I kinda want to point out the hypocrisy in your suggestion as I conclude this post. So it's basically up to infantry to do the chore of killing the HESH spammer who is racking up kills and impacting the fight without even actually being involved in it. Why do the infantry need to give up the playstyle they like of actually being able to have engaging and fun fights, instead of the tanker taking a break from holding left click 300m away from the fight and actually joining in on the action with infantry. It's just a selfish person easily trying to squeeze some kills instead of helping his team or making the game a more enjoyable experience.

    Oh yeah - I hate to break it to you but HESH spamming vehicles aren't counter-play to infantry. In fact, if you look at the definition it says there needs to be some sort of interaction, which obviously doesn't occur when the dude damaging/killing you is immune to you or/and is even outside render distance. Infantry counter-plays infantry. Vehicles, as you said, counter-play vehicles.

    Yeah it's trolling dude, don't even try cutting it another way. It's not the infantry's fault for not wanting or even being able to deal with the HESH spammer.
  12. Scroffel5

    You use the word trolling incorrectly. Here is the simple fix that you guys haven't even thought about yet: teamwork. Use teamwork. In theory, you can instantly destroy a tank from behind if 4 guys shoot 1 rocket at it at the same time. Get 4 teammates, squad up, do that. Same with even a Liberator. 4 Lock-ons will instantly down a liberator if they are all hits and not just flak. If someone is shelling your spawn, how about you don't walk into it right when he goes to fire again? Let them shoot, wait, then run out one of the other sides that isn't being shelled or run through the side when he stops firing for a few seconds. Take your kill squad, stick together, and make sure you aren't fighting more people than teammates you have.

    This is not a solo game, and I'm tired of relying on the devs to do something about it when this community can't come together and agree on some way to move forward. How are the devs going to know what to do if none of you do?! How about you actually try to work together before you try other fixes that could backfire because all you are doing is changing a few numbers?
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  13. OneShadowWarrior

    If infantry anti vehicle and anti air weapons and maxes did there job, this would not be the issue. Lockons and AA used to be so effective, that they were to good, because air and vehicles were hit before the players could react and they died, mainly at long range.

    The biggest problem now, is the gap, it’s so easy with vehicles to sit at close range and pickoff infantry, if not just run them over as roadkill with impunity.

    Even emp grenades thrown or shot from thumpers at close range to disable vehicles would be something, but it’s still incremental against only ground vehicles.

    These AV and AA weapons need to be deadlier and lockon faster the closer the target gets. Sitting outside the doorway of a spawn room is ridiculous.
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  14. Scroffel5

    Should there be deadlier AV/AA weapons that aren't just for HAs? Definitely. However at the same time, there are more players than armor and aircraft. 2 players with lockons can take out an ESF instantly. 4 players with lockons can take out a Liberator instantly. Thats the power of squadplay, and if people did that and it was the default way to play, with enhanced levels of communication, coordination, and cooperation, then it wouldn't be as much of a problem now. Refocusing the playerbase from a "me first" mentality to a "we first" mentality, helping them to see that they should do things to help out their teammates, and rewarding them for it, will balance the game.
  15. RabidIBM

    Scroffel5 yes, ultimately you are right. This is a team game, solo players think they are the kings of planetside but they just aren't. That said, I don't always join a squad myself, sometimes I do just drop in and do whatever it looks like needs doing.

    Now, to Mr. Suspended. Your fist point about certs. One, no **** certed is better than uncerted, otherwise what would be the point of spending certs? That said, your claim that uncerted infantry are just as good as certed infantry is straight up dumb, I'm not going to address it any further. Regarding tank certing, usually the HESH tankers aren't very good at tanking. Even a bone stock Viper Lightning has a pretty good chance against the average HESH tanker. The ones who are happy to shoot the same door way for 10+ minutes are probably really baked, so they are easy targets.

    Second point, tanks cost nanite...no ****. If you've been playing infantry you should have nanite. If you use enough medkits to empty your nanite pool then you probably aren't as skilled as you think you are, and aren't working well with team mates because if you hang out anywhere near a medic you don't have to wait to long for them to collect some exp off of healing you. Are you running bandolier and spamming rooms full of enemies? If so, how is that any different from HESHing? Are you throwing lots of C4 through windows? Again, how is that different from HESHing? So yeah, tanks cost nanite, including the ones with HESH. You don't have to kill them very often before they can't afford HESH anymore.

    If the HESH player is able to farm you for 30 minutes then you are likely one of those people who deliberately not killing enemy spawn points because "Buut my FARRRMM!!!" at which point any credibility in claiming to be making any meaningful contribution to your faction is shot. You're one of those people who cost his team many an alert by deliberately keeping his players bogged down in a fight he could have straight up won 30 minutes ago.

    I loved the bit where you bothered to complain about fif...teen...second. Also, yes you have to draw your vehicles from one base back, everybody know that. You forgot to complain about the tank mines in front of the pad or the bug where your vehicle redeploys you when you exit it for repairs. It doesn't take *that* long to kill a HESH tanker, and I promise you, your farm won't be gone by the time you are done.

    Finally, it's not up to infantry to do this or up to tankers to do that. It's up to Planetsiders to read the play and do the best they can to support their faction. That means knowing how to play many different roles. Also, communication helps.
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  16. JustGotSuspended

    Trolling involves wasting a person's time for little to nothing in return. I fail to see how that doesn't relate. You don't like to hear the word trolling? Don't troll.


    woah bro you got me there! What a silly noob I am. Again I must outline the hypocrisy here. It's totally fine or a solo dude to screw a fight without even being in the hex, but it's perfectly normal you need to mobilize a squad to take care of him. Which he'll be back like 10s after. Again, even after explaining how ridiculous, unpractical, and unenjoyable these suggestions are, the point doesn't seem to have gotten across.

    So to kill that one HESH spammer or a2g pounder (assuming he's alone), we need to get at least half a squad of specialized guys to give up any hopes of having the infantry fight they are seeking to deter or destroy one dude. Let's hope there's not more f them, so we don't have to mobilize everyone trying to have an infantry fight to go hunt down the spammers.


    again with the straight up mind-blowing advice! How can I be so dumb I didn't think of that before! Thanks for the tip man!

    Seriously that's like telling me to put a darklight on my secondary to deal with infils. I'll assume it was totally not a troll statement.

    There's 2 things I'll tell you are wrong with that. FIRSTLY, this is a sandbox. Playing solo and playing as a team is intended. In fact it's been dumbed down over the years to make it even more solo-friendly.

    Second, explain to me again in your well though out reasoning how the HESH spammer is using teamwork? Again it seems teamwork only matters when it benefits you. It's ok to need teamwork to counter one guy. Also totally acceptable for one guy to solo ruin a fight.

    At this point I'd love to see you link a few of your characters, just to get an idea of if you actually do half the things you encourage us noobs to do, or to confirm you are a troll.
  17. JustGotSuspended


    Alright what. First off, I never said that. I said in a 1v1, a fully certed infantry player is at the same level as a completely new/uncerted infantry players, whereas the tank is not. If that's still dumb to you, I'd love to hear an explanation just to laugh a little.

    No denying they're usually easy targets. Back to what I said before, you've killed them. Now what happens:

    That's false. Medkits, deployables, etc cost nanites for infantry to. I guess you wouldn't know...

    Again that's completely false, and like scroff it'd be nice to see a profile or 2 of your characters, just to see if you've ever even played infantry at all.

    Misconception 1: medkits aren't the only nanite consumables infantry players have. Skilled players usually run C4 instead of medkits, you're right. That still costs nanites.

    Misconception 2: Medics very rarely heal you. And unless you're holding down a door with a squad, the medic should have his tool out as little as possible. He is a COMBAT medic after all. If you've ever played infantry, you'll notice most medics only revive, which is why most players pop medkits even when they have a medic right behind them. Even if the medic is healing you for some reason, never depend on others. Medics may not react as fast as you, or maybe they die and then you need to sustain yourself and defend while your team forms up again behind you. Again, I guess it's not something you'd know.

    Explosives aren't always just spammed. Most of the time I would use them to deal with large groups of enemies pushing the point with MAX support. The C4 has a 90% chance of blowing up in my face or flying backwards and detonating into my friendlies because of how buggy it is. That's why I don't really use explosives right now.

    Simple. It allows for 2 way interaction. There's nade indicators, a C4 delay (C4 which requires you to get close to your enemies!) and most importantly - you're in the same hex! You're part of the fight, so it's no chore to go and kill you. I don't have to waste 20 minutes pulling a specialized counter and sneaking around to kill one guy.

    This I find to be quite the meme. So the infantry actually playing the objective, trying to have fun and cap the base are contributing less to their faction then the dude miles away just holding left click at random. Interesting.

    About spawnpoints, I'll tell you. If it's low pop, and there's only one fight on the continent, I deliberately avoid killing spawns. Why? Because if you kill the spawns during the only fight of the continent, which is supposed to hold all 3 factions, then you're left with only 2 factions able to fight each other, while the third ghost-caps. Or even worse, everyone logs off from the other 2 factions or switches to the faction holding the base and kilning the spawns, effectively denying any fight from occurring.

    Although it may seem counter-intuitive, I play first person shooters to shoot people in first person. I play massive online multiplier first person shooters to shoot people in first person in massive fights. If killing spawns during low pop prevents me from doing that, then I don't kill them.

    If on the contrary it's a well populated, prime time map, prime time fight, then I'll consider going for the spawn, which I've probably killed more than you ever will in your tank.

    As for the alert, they aren't meaningful and don't ever even try to act like a HESH spammer contributes more to them than infantry fighting over a base.

    As someone who's been doing this for years, I beg to differ on both points.

    And I promise you it's not *that* hard to pick up infantry and actually engage in a fight. Or even, you can do like me and aurax your HESH by killing other vehicles. That's actually somewhat challenging and would probably help your team more then shelling them along with enemies from a distance.


    Forgive me but I swear your point was that infantry must teamup and pull vehicles to counter HESH spammers.

    In any case it's the devs that should add ways for infantry to kill and fightback vehicles, especially at longer ranges, or make them less effective. It's ridiculous that a solo HESH spammer will get more kills at a fight he's not even in just by clicking left mouse whereas the infantry that are actually playing the objective and require skill to play aren't getting nearly as rewarded.

    But ofc the tank main sees no issues.

    I really don't have any issue with players who want easy kills and all. If they find that fun, good for them. The thing is either shove them in VR, give them NPCs to spam at or just direct them to another game. Really you don't need "human" targets for that type of "play".
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  18. JustGotSuspended

    Exactly. The biggest issue with those playstyles is they are extremely one-sided, so they offer no room for 2 way interaction. This makes it feel like the person is getting cheap kills/damage on them, without them having a chance to fight back.

    If there was a way for infantry to quickly just lob HESH back at them without going on a high risk low reward mission to kill an unskilled player which is basically a chore that prevents them from having fun for X amount of time and ultimately doesn't hold the HESH spammer at bay for long, then the gameplay would be a bit more enjoyable.
  19. Scroffel5

    First off, I have already said that you shouldn't gain resources while in vehicles. That way, taking one out actually means something and you are forced to play the IvI game more, as you want. Also, I don't know if you are talking about vehicles (I'm assuming not, based on the title of this thread), but if you are talking about a single planetman infantry unit, you are doing something wrong if it takes your whole squad to take someone down. This is a war. You shouldn't be fighting fair, but you should be able to deal with someone in a fair fight.

    Secondly, no, its not like telling you to use a darklight for infiltrators. That involves fighting them, and darklights are trash. What I suggested is common sense to not get instantly lit up by the tank you hate so much everytime you leave the spawn. Its very simple. Don't leave right when they shoot.

    Third, a more solo-friendly game =/= a solo game. If a solo person couldn't attempt to deal with a tank, then that would be boring. Sure, it'd force people to work together, but it'd suck for anyone who couldn't put a chip in its armor. This game isn't like that. It allows you to be able to take on a tank solo with the right positioning, aim, equipment, and timing, but it takes work to do so.

    Finally, its a tank. It does not need to use teamwork. It is a tank. It has a giant cannon on the front, weighs a few tons, is armored from front to back, and is designed to kill you. It. Is. A. Tank. You are a single person. You should rightly stand little chance, but the devs have given us tools to be able to take chunks of HP out of them. If you want to stand a chance, fight with more people.
  20. JustGotSuspended

    Still gonna wait for you to link your stats before this goes on. Here's to show you can hopefully cut the silly tips or "pLaY da GaEm" comments. You'll see if even play infil :eek: tanker :eek: and A2G pounder! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    If you need more chars to check let me know, these are just a few off the top of my head.







