[Suggestion] Killcam and Mines encourages non-interaction.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luicanus, Jun 1, 2021.

  1. Luicanus

    You want sportsmanship? Play any of the myriad of games that pit even numbers of similarly skilled players against each other. You can't mix vets and newbies together and whine that the newbies die a lot. Hell my first time playing I must've died 20+ times before making a kill and even that was a trade.

    The new player experience is about communication and teamwork, helping players feel involved in the game. Hell, half the people my tactic kills are BR50+ this isn't simply about farming newbies.

    What you're really saying here is that despite the fact that I've played for years and earned various equipment and perks I'm not allowed to use it because some of the time I might kill a newbie and some of the time that newbie might quit.

    Short of a continent locked to players under a certain BR that's simply the way it is. Hell I killed a BR1 from my Skyguard the other day, should I pay penance for that evil act too? You can't not kill the enemy because they *might* be newbies.

    You're right, I was away for a couple of years and a new mechanic was introduced that worked in a dumb way. It was my mistake for not realizing how dumb it was and not taking that into consideration. Now I know and will use that knowledge to continue to haunt capture points.

    It doesn't solve any of your issues it just means I need to workaround a dumb mechanic to have my fun.
  2. JibbaJabba

    I don't.

    A common experience, yes.

    woop! woop! Straw man incoming! woop! woop!

    ....Straw man complete.


    What I'm saying is the killcam is helpful to noobies. It should stay in the game. End.

    Had you relocated after your first kill and found success against a noob or vet that's great. A bit cheesy, but clever, nice job. Sorry you didn't know how the game works.
  3. Luicanus

    Talking about Straw men, I literally never said that the killcam should be removed.

    I simply don't think it should trigger on mines or other remote weapons. Or rather that it should trigger but it show the show the location of the Spitfire, C4 or Mine that landed the killing blow not the player that placed the remote weapon.
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  4. MonnyMoony

    I like the kill cam - I use it to my advantage by letting the enemy see what I want them to see, then doing something else.

    Often you get enemies who will come after you time and again, thinking the know where you are because they saw you run and hide on killcam - only to find when they get there, I have moved somewhere else to give me a vantage point to where they thought I was.
  5. Luicanus

    That's not a terrible idea actually, I'd heard someone mention that the killcam shows the killer for 4 seconds after death.
    I get that it would be a lot of effort but you could very much make it that it scales down gradually. If you tied it to either BR or directive score it would function fairly reasonably.

    For example:
    Up to BR 15 = 4 seconds
    Up to BR 25 = 3 seconds
    Up to BR 35 = 2 seconds
    Up to BR 45 = 1 seconds
    From BR 45 onwards = a still of the moment/direction the killing blow landed.

    This way the newbies would get the advantage of killcam but be weened off of it when they're veterans. Yes directive score would probably work best to stop people using consistent new characters however at the same time a fresh BR 1 character won't have a lot of the nice to have tools that vets tend to enjoy.
    You could have the killcam initially follow BR but once certain directive levels were reached the lower levels gradually became perma-locked.
  6. DorianOmega

    Based on the technological legitamcy of what the game is saying would be a no doubtable actual, id say kill cams put to any function of death is beyond legit in that the whole planet the game is on is operating on a nanite based latency or whatever equivalent so a reverse trace into the whole system should be easy to achieve on death, basic armor tech put to comms tech could probably do this.

    or maybe just a nanite system that disables kill cam function and disables the player from popping up on any radar function (recon dart, motion sensor, firing a non suppressed gun) after getting a kill so maybe the first kill would reveal but before a repeat you could have easily re positioned while being stealthed for what could be up to or over a minute so traversing the map would further be doable.
  7. JibbaJabba

    Shhh.. shhh.. :p
  8. Blue_Lion

    So you wanted to fight but you hid until he got back looking for a fight went to your location and because you where still trying to hide killed you.

    Hiding in a corner is not looking for a fight. You where trying to hide from the fight and the kill cam forced you to participate in the fight. If you where looking for a fight you would have moved to engage the other two before he got back to the fight.
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  9. Luicanus

    You literally quoted me telling someone to learn to read then didn't read everything I had said? I was alone there with no respawn options nearby. I was trying to capture the base against 2-3 enemies.

    I hadn't played since killcam was introduced and didn't realize how it was implemented.

    I was strategizing to give myself the best odds of holding the position given the implants I had equipped. But I should have used a sub optimal strategy because it would please you?
  10. Blue_Lion

    The thing is I did read perhaps the problem is what you are saying does not match your claimed intent. You claim to be looking for a fight but are hiding and what appears to be a failed attempt at a ghost cap set up. Based on your description of the fight, you where not looking to fight, you where hiding in a corner in the room where the enemy would be looking for you.

    Instead of using an optimal strategy you used a sub optimal strategy from the beginning. When alone you do not hide in the room you are capturing you hide near by and sweep in and clear the room secure the point and move. I have seen heavies and light assaults do it lots of times. -Also you should always have a spawn option when you try to capture a base.

    Now you changed from looking for a fight to trying to take a base against 2-3 other players with no respawn by hiding in a corner. That is a failed plan from the start.

    Basically your whole strategy was horrible. You would have failed even without the kill cam. The enemy had time to fight you 3-5 times before you took the base with spawn and run back outnumbering the attacking force 2-3 to 1. Ambushes only work so much. Less if you do not move between kills.
  11. Luicanus

    Hahah, you're right I should have adapted to the situation I was in by *just not being in that situation* that's an amazing piece of advice why didn't I think of that?
    I wasn't a heavy nor was I a Light Assault, I was an engineer with a spitfire turret and minor cloak equipped.
    I should have had a spawn point nearby? Yeah maybe if the sunderer I'd brought hadn't been blown up by aircraft I would have.

    I literally said earlier that I didn't realistically expect to be able to cap the base solo but I was looking forward to the fight. I was unfamiliar with how the kill cam reacted to mines and it got me killed.

    You don't like the tactic I was planning to employ but it was far from doomed to fail, most people are pretty quick to turn and face a spitfire when it shoots at them and getting the drop on someone with a shotgun while they're looking the other way gives me as good an edge as I could hope to achieve.

    I doubt I'd have survived the remaining minutes but I'd have pushed it as far as I could.

    And yes I WOULD have moved between kills when I actually shot the enemy. As stated I didn't know that the killcam was set up to reveal the person who deployed a remote weapon and not the site of the remote weapon.
  12. Blue_Lion

    Looking forward to a fight by hiding and shooting people with a 1 shot kill weapon when they are not looking. That is a ambush not a fight.

    At best the tactic would get you 1 kill even without the kill cam and then the enemy knows what you are up to. You where facing 3. Spit fires are not reliable distractions. It will not allow you to get the drop on a team of 3 to wipe them out. Odds are they will be to spread out for your shot gun.

    Rather than ambushing playing tag hitting and moving to draw them down a set up path wold have worked better.
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  13. JustGotSuspended

    Yeah it struck me as weird as well, I mean the post is complaining about the killcam preventing player interaction, then he proceeds to talk about mines, spitfire, cloak and 1hk shotgun ambushes. Those things don't really scream "player interaction" to me either.
  14. Mechwolf

    I got into this game without a tutorial and still loved it.

    What truly got me into this game was the field fights between bases, but ever since the lattice system, it's been base to base combat, rarely had a battle in the fields because we knew where they would push and where to hold.

    Killcams however are a nuisance, nobody wanted them, many players are still complaining about their existence, and they damage many playstyles, camping isn't the bane of all existence, and what he's talking about is an opening to a fight.

    Personally I liked it when snipers just had a long tracer round and not killcams on top of them, being able to use stalker cloak with anti personnel mines, and having good places to rain on zergs with my light assault.
  15. LordAnnihilator

    I personally like the Killcam. Though its very much based on personal opinion.

    I'm not that great of a player. My K/D is bleh, but I don't care, because I find the game fun anyway. What wouldn't be fun is not knowing how someone killed me from seemingly a mile away. The inability to know where the camping Infiltrators were, meaning I would have to look around and inevitably get farmed more before I can pin them down, sounds rather frustrating. And clearly the killcam hasn't changed that much - Stalkers still go around knifing and mining, Infils are still a menace to society that camp and snipe people (and are widely regarded as in need of some tuning), Light Assaults still do their thing, etc. The killcam might allow players to know where their killer is, but honestly? I might have gotten frustrated and quit if I hadn't been able to tell where the snipers who killed me were early on. Tracers only do so much when your bullet velocity is high and your TTK is miniscule or non-existent.
  16. Scatterblak

    Embarrassed for you. :\
  17. Luicanus

    Yes... the tactic would have gotten me a slight bit more time before the real fighting began... the tactic was the opening attack... that's my point. I was trying to push it as far as possible. What part or staging an ambush made you think that it would all be that way?
  18. Blue_Lion

    Wrong. Just because you do not like something does not mean no one wanted them.
    The ones complaining are the ones that the kill cam was implemented to counter. Campers.