[Suggestion] please fix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tigre, May 28, 2021.

  1. Tigre

    The flash needs to go back to when it had no cloak or weapons. I seen 2 of them take out 9 Sundays in less then 3 min. they can kill a Sunday in 13 sec. that is messed up. It is things like this that will keep old players from playing and new ones staying. The TOTRS and other old units will come back, it is a good game for the most part. The flash is now way to powerful; we did have a way to get two turrets for eng and others could get one as well to help combat it, but you took them away. You devs have made the game suck, please give back the Turret opp. Or get rid of the flash cloak and weapons.
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  2. JustGotSuspended

    Yeah it is weird they deviated from a motorcycle transport to a machine of death.
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  3. BlackFox

    It's indeed fun to sit in a tank and suddenly losing 60% health within seconds because a glorified motorcycle can sneak up with a grenade launcher through invisibilty

    I sound like a broken record but:

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  4. JustGotSuspended

    Especially in a game with a massive scale and chaos like this. The cloak is basically the go-to cheese to effortlessly win easy kills and avoid consequences.
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  5. Demigan

    A simpler solution is to change how cloak works.

    De-cloaking should take for example 5 seconds for a Flash. A time period of loud decloaking in which their weapons aren't active. This changes how Flashes are used. Instead of sudden strike units that take a moment before they can cloak again they need to first get into a good position far enough away to not get murdered while decloaking. Then approach visibly and attack.

    The Flash is an incredibly weak and vulnerable unit without it's cloak letting them fire almost immediately. This simple change would already make the cloak Flash far less of a problem. Additionally you could reduce damage from getting run over so a 70km/h hit puts players at 10% health left or something similar. That means that getting overrun isn't pleasant but not an instant death to players at full health (and a MAX can survive with more health and retaliate).

    There, two small changes and we don't need to completely remove cloak and weapons.
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  6. DarkQuark

    Who knew that the scourge of the battlefield in the future would be a an invisible 4 wheeler.
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  7. Naweezo

    I would say, remove the cloak for them completely and remove their guns completely as well. they are for TRANSPORT nothing else. If anyone still thinks they should have a gun it should be a pea-shooter that does little/ no significant damage.
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  8. Scroffel5

    No. Keep the guns. If you were a war engineering factor and had the resources to mass produce stealth ATVs with weapons on them, you'd do it. You could make the cloaking sound quite a bit louder. I wouldn't mind that at all. Its like the same loudness of a regular cloak, and thats stupid. Its a giant module on an ATV. While it should have more power, it should be much louder. Its strapped to a vehicle. If you want to balance it, do what I already said for all vehicles. Make it so you can't gain resources while you are driving a vehicle. Then if a Flash has weapons, make the price 100 nanites. That way, its a whole lot more costly to try to take on vehicles. Right now, what I do is I go to fight a vehicle, die, respawn, get another flash. All I have to do is live for 1 minute and I made back my points. I come back, shoot at a few people, maybe get a kill, and die. I try to take on the vehicles again. I die. I repeatedly die, or at the very least, I won't be able to take down the vehicle. I use the Buzzard, and I like to lob the grenades over a hill. I rarely kill a vehicle by myself.

    Literally, I don't understand what is with you guys and Flashes. My things don't die to a Flash. They die to Harassers, Tanks, Liberators, C4 Fairies, Heavy Assaults, ESFs, and Valkyries. Never do I die to a Flash unless it is a Renegade Flash or I am on a Flash in a Flash 1v1.

    13 seconds... Thats multiple reloads. If no one is defending, yeah, that sundy is dead, but that is true of any sundy that isn't being defended. However, if it is being defended by a lone engineer, the Flash can't attack. Its as simple as that. All they have to do is sit in their basilisk and wait. Or whatever weapon is on the top of the sundy. Or place a tank mine or two. If a lone heavy assault is defending it, all they gotta do is wait in the turret, wait for the flash to come, pop out, and literally shoot it once with their rocket launcher. Boom. Its either on fire, low, or the driver is dead. Just take a few shots with your primary and they are dead. I understand what you are saying about two of them, but its the same deal. You hear a car driving? You hear a decloak? Turn that cannon around and blast the Flash once. Then you have one more Flash to deal with. Don't have tunnel vision. Be aware of the small glass "cannon", if you can call it that, that is coming for you because they know you aren't paying attention.'

    You guys are shooting for hard nerfs when all you need is to change the way it is used. I think Demigan has the right idea, but I suggest something more simple. Make it easier to find. Make it louder so people know it is in the area. That way you can prepare for it, and if you don't, you deserve to lose half your HP to a motorbike with a cannon strapped to it. Another idea would be to remove 3rd person from every vehicle. I can hear you now. "STOP I LOVE MY 3RD PERSON IT MAKES IT SO MUCH EASIER TO USE THE GUN DONT REMOVE IT!!!1!!" Yeah, and thats the problem. Usability. If things are easy to use by doing something so simple, you are going to have cheese. The Flash is MUCH harder to use in 1st person than 3rd person. The Halberd is MUCH easier to use in 3rd person than 1st person. So remove 3rd person shooting from the game. Make the game more difficult than it already is so that the cheesiness you guys hate so much is much harder to pull off. If you hate something, don't remove it. Make it harder to use so that the people who use it effectively earned it. Please, just think about that simple thought before you ask to remove something else.
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  9. Tigre

    Just watched a flash swerve in and out of two TR big tanks and take them out in less then a min. cloaking then un cloaking, you get 3 or 4 of them on you, you are out of luck. So you are talking out your behind. If something like that had a gun like that, as soon as it fired it, the bike would vaporize. the cloak with the gun makes it to powerful take one or the other then. Tank mines are useless most of the time with minehud, they can come up on you driving, cloaking and un-cloaking until you are dead. My prob is the amount of dam. a small bike like that can do. take out a sunday in five or 6 hits come one be a little realistic, that makes this kind of game fun.
  10. RabidIBM

    I don't think this would be difficult to do either, if you've ever used the minor cloak implant you'll see that it has a longer cloak/decloak period.
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  11. Scroffel5

    Well that Flash driver was smarter than the TR tanks then. Do you mean he is driving between the tanks so they cant shoot at him in fear they may hit each other? Thats brilliant. If you mean that they just couldn't kill them, wow thats their problem, because I have never had a problem with a Flash destroying me while I am in a tank. Never. Y'know why? Because I can blow them up in 1 shot. If I am in a Lightning, I can shoot a volley of explosives at them and guarantee they are dead. I can move around and make sure I am not going to be the first one picked off. I am aware of my surroundings and dont sit still like a dingus. Like, there were 2 tanks. You say he took both of them out in less than a minute? Well they are stupid, because if you only need 1 shot, you have an AoE weapon, its a vehicle, so it moves semi predictably, you have around a minute to destroy it, you have 40 shots in reserve, and there are two of you, and you die to a Flash, you deserve to die.

    The bike wouldn't vaporize. We have talked about this before here. There was a motorbike that had a recoilless tank cannon mounted on it. It was called the Vespa 150 TAP. Here is what it says about shooting the cannon: "Due to the lack of any kind of aiming devices the recoilless rifle was never designed to be fired from the scooter; the gun was mounted on a M1917 Browning machine gun tripod, which was also carried by the scooter, before being fired. However, in an emergency it could be fired while in the frame, and while the scooter was moving." Although it wasn't designed to be fired from the scooter because you couldn't really aim it like a tank, you could. Notice what it says about ramming: "The scooter themselves were original civilian produced VB1T models, 150 cc capacity engine. The engine was two stroke, top speed of 60 km/h, enough speed to ram any vehicles if needed in an emergency, or move the user from the drop site to the area where the paratrooper was needed." You could also ram with it. Doesn't that sound like a Flash? This was created in the late 1950s. Imagine what you could do in this fictional world.

    "Oh wow, tank mines are rendered ineffective against a direct counter to it. That means they are useless." Not everyone is running mineguard, therefore thats not a good defense as to why they don't work. They will blow up a Flash, and you can at least attempt to use them.

    They do not take out a Sundy in 5-6 hits. With the M40 Fury, it takes 24 hits, aka 4 mags to take out a sundy. With the Buzzard, it takes 14. The M40 Fury has a Sunderer TTK of 19.77 seconds. That is if they stood still and kept firing at the Sundy, without moving, without missing. That means the Sunderer defenders have about 20 seconds to stop the Flash. The TTK for the Buzzard is slightly faster at 19 seconds. Those are your numbers. You have 19-20 seconds to stop a Flash that is sitting still, shooting your Sunderer. Your Flash is never sitting still if you want to destroy a sunderer. The moment someone fires at you, you have to leave and regroup, then come back to destroy it. If you miss, your TTK gets longer. If you have to kill someone, your TTK gets longer. If you have to leave, your TTK gets longer. Killing Flashes is plenty doable when you need 1 shot to take them out or just to kill the driver with a single mag of your weapon or just shoot them with the Basilisk on your Sundy.
  12. DarkQuark

    So I will just go ahead and assume you are one of the folks on the battlefield abusing cloak and the OP of the Flash as much as possible.
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  13. Scroffel5

    No, I usually die before I take out any vehicles. Plus, everything I said is pretty logical, and I rarely see someone mowing down hordes of enemies or allies with a Flash. Y'know why? Because they aren't hard to deal with. You have to step up your game if you don't want to die while on your Flash, so if there is a dude mowing down hordes of enemies, he must be doing something right or your team is doing something wrong.
  14. JustGotSuspended


    If you read the thing you'll see it's a meme that was super unpractical and never really used in the field. 600 models is nothing on the scale of that war. And you'll never find anything similar in service to other countries to this day, when it had over 70 years to evolve. It clearly states that the weapon wasn't even mean to be fired when moving and was unpractical/possible to aim while doing so. It even required 2 scooters to operate (one with the gun, one for ammo), each with 2 men.

    And the point about ramming is either a typo or has another meaning. Likely related to outrunning other vehicles. I'm fairly certain that no one ever used their bikes to ram a tank or whatever other vehicle, for reasons I hope are obvious to you. Ramming infantry...perhaps. Although just by the speed and look of the bike it wouldn't likely kill infantry (assuming they just stood there instead of shooting at it and/or simply stepping out of the way), and it would do more harm for the bike than good. I mean if you look at the scale and stability of the thing it would probably topple over. On top of that the scooter wasn't invisible and sounded like an extra loud lawnmower.

    The furry 1 shots tanks from behind. And you're forgetting this wonderful addition to the game: buzzard and starfall.

  15. Scroffel5

    1. Thats not the point. The point is that it has been tried. Plus, the HEAT warheads were deemed ineffective on the T34s. It couldn't reliable penetrate that armor, but it was much more useful in the fight that ultimately became the Vietnam war. The point is that it has been tried, and could be made better nowadays.

    2. One of the leading reasons that they aren't made nowadays is simple: they don't stop wars. One way to stop a war is by not fighting it, which sounds ironic. By having big tanks with 2 cannons on them and a top minigun, you deter people from fighting you. We have talked about this before, so theres no need to start another conversation on it again.

    3. No, I did not forget about the Buzzard. I talked about both of the TTKs ON A SUNDERER in that same post, which means you didn't read it. And I don't know if you are trolling or not, but the Fury does not 1 shot tanks from behind. It takes 16 shots, aka 2/3s of the TTK for a Sunderer, meaning the TTK would be about 13.5 seconds. Again, all you need is to hit the Flash once, and if you aren't paying attention to the fact that you are taking damage, you deserve to die.
  16. Tigre

    Browning model 1917 Is a anti person. weapon it did not have the kick that the weapons that can hurt a thick armor tank.
  17. Tigre

    Ya and i watched my Sund. go down they cloak then come back before you can heal you shoot they cloak come back good by Sunday. it is the cloak that makes them so OP. if they did not have it then they would be easy to kill.
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  18. JustGotSuspended

    It one clips - as in one magazine of the fury will kill a lightning, and put an mbt on fire at least.

    And there's wars going on all around the world. The simple reason you don't see any canon mounted motorcycles is just because they aren't practical. They're nice for transport, although all terrain vehicles carry more troops safer. But to actually use in a war with guns and stuff....it's safer and more effective to mount guns on armored vehicles.

    Yeah you stop wars by having nukes or an aircraft fleet carrier that rivals most nation's combat capabilities. Not by having a ton of unpractical weaponized motorcycles...

    But real world doesn't really matter in a game. The point is to have fun. Obviously dying to radiation, blasted instantly by minigun or hydrogen bombs, a2g etc isn't very fun. So whatever with mounting weapons on flashes I guess. But they should be tuned down a little, not the same stuff tanks and larger vehicles have access to or stronger. And the cloak definitely need to go away. Or at least put the cloak in weapons slot so it's either 1 or the other.
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  19. JibbaJabba

    Put the cloak on a weapon slot.


    Same thing with infils.

    Put the cloak in a (newly added) weapon slot.

    Fixed. Now go be invisible in a multiplayer game....
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  20. Scroffel5

    So instead of literally baiting them to come back and setting up defenses, you decided to get out, repair the sundy, they start attacking again, you get back in, try to shoot them, get out, repair, repeat, and they blow you up? They are easy to kill if you decide to sacrifice a little more HP for the kill. Legit, if he decided to do that, he was smarter than you were. Things shouldn't necessarily be really easy to kill. If you are in the position of being really easily killed, you should have to play better to avoid it. Let me pose to you a hypothetic situation which requires no replies. If the Master of Dodging and the Master of Shooting fought each other, who would win? Basically, whoever is better. The Flash is easy to pop a cap in, but if they play better than you, you are going to die.