Harasser turbo shoving MBTs and Sunderers like they are lighter than air!

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Terrince, May 21, 2021.

  1. Terrince

    So the turbo on Harassers are shoving and launching MBTs and Sunderers as if they are weightless! It wasn't always like this, so bug reporting. If this isn't a bug... it shouldn't be this way.

    Just pull a Sunderer or MBT, park it, and pull a harasser to turbo into them and watch the funny but not funny happen.
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  2. Mithril Community Manager

    Can you share a video of such a occurrence happening. This will help us greatly. Thanks!
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  3. JustGotSuspended

    It's quit a common occurance, I believe harassers and flashes are able to slip under the tank's hitbox and flip it for some reason. Usually sunderers and ANTs will crush them, but albeit more rare I have seen them get flipped as well.

    Here are harasser flipping tanks:


    This is with the flash:

  4. MichaelMoen

    It's been a while so I can't quite remember the specific vehicles involved, I think I was in a Vanguard and the other player may have been a Harasser but I distinctly remember I was turning and the guy caught me at an angle, drove into my side, pushed under me and I flipped over with ease.

    The salt was real.
  5. Terrince

    I have no way of recording :/ I play on a potato...

    My apologies, I got no notification people responded on here let alone a Dev and I am sub to this post (I check almost daily!)