I play very much the infiltrator class and this game,very much...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xLluisett, May 15, 2021.

  1. xLluisett

    This night i have a nightmare while sleeping. I awake with my heart pumping fast.

    Let me explain. I usually play the infiltrator class,knifeing everything.

    I leave the european saturday day with knifeing some guys,then i shut down my PS4 and i go sleep.

    After some hours sleeping,i get the nightmare that some guys in the dream (guys that i do not even know) knife me about 10 times or morè.

    Maybe is a joke and sounds funny to you,but i pass very bad at this nightmare. Every knife blow they do to me i get my hard breath.

    Why i am explaining this? Everyone have nightmares,but if this nightmare i had is an advise,i tell you,i do not want problems,i already told you in different times,if you leave me right and calmed there is no problem to anyone.

    If you hate me,i can not do anything,but i hope you change your mind,i told you,i do not like to have problems with anyone,if you do not like me for X reason,better forget me and do your life. I never go in the life of others. So please,live and let live.

    I know i have some haters,but if this dream is an advise,i told you what i told you in this post. Please do not laugh,this is serious,at least for me.
  2. xLluisett

    What i must do? Change the class for not have those dreams? But the infiltrator class is the only one i had my fun while cloaked,this class is únique,others can fly,heal and repair,but they are always visible.

    With the infiltrator i had my kills while the únique trait of invisibility. So i will continue playing the infiltrator.
  3. xLluisett

    Even on dreams you must bé 10 guys for do anything. Same as ingame. How sad.
  4. xLluisett

    I rethinked a bit,i will play the mèdic class with a shotgun. The last i want are dumb people hating me. Be dumb but do not hate me please.

    I know i have some dumb people hating me,that is why i have those dreams.

    But i like to play the mèdic class too.
  5. xLluisett

    Just this same night i C4ed a Max unit,a random guy,a tank and a sunderer in less than 5 minutes. 10 minutes later i shotguned 3 guys in a row. Not happening always with my mèdic.
  6. xLluisett

    But i miss playing the infiltrator,i guess if they hate me is their problem. So again i will play the infiltrator mainly.
  7. xLluisett

    I do not know why i opened this thread,maybe was the awoken momentum after the dream. But i pass very bad that dream.
  8. T.A.94

    What you need to do, is take a break from the game.
    It is great you enjoy it so much, but this is alarming and I am talking out of personal experience.
    • Up x 1
  9. xLluisett

    Good to know i am not the only one with those problems. At the end is only a dream. But yes,i will stay sometime without play. Or play less violent games.
  10. JibbaJabba

    Take a break from games to reset, then resume with sensible blocks of time.

    Heck, it will make your skill improve faster doing it this way.