Remove Orbital Strike from outfit resources

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cluelessclem, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. Cluelessclem

    OS is ridiculous as an outfit resource. Bring it back to being a construction only item and if you feel the need to give it a greater range from the OS then do so. If the intention of allowing outfit resources to purchase an OS was to kill routers without the need to use skill to do so then bravo, you did that perfectly.
  2. Thalestr

    This would effectively spell the end for orbital strikes because construction builds are basically useless. Not that I'm saying orbital strikes need to stay in the game or anything, but making anything rely on constructions is a bad idea if you ever want to actually see it be used properly.

    I can't remember the last time I actually used my ANT for building because of how useless and weak construction has become.
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  3. Scurge

    OS is needed to break stalemates and such. Also on the test server I think its going to cost special resources now?
  4. Liewec123

    fortunately next patch the cost of OS is being increased drastically.
    its not getting removed, but its becoming so expensive that people will need a damn good reason to use it.

    for reference, Steel Rain costs 15 Synthium, Citadel shield costs 25 Synthium, Colossus tanks cost 15 Poly.
    OS currently costs 75 Synthium.
    next patch it will cost 75 Synthium and 15 Poly.

    so for the price of an OS you could get a colossus tank, 2 Citadel Shields and a Steel Rain.

    so i anticipate seeing a lot less OS spam next patch, can't wait!
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  5. RabidIBM

    @Thalestr I hear you man. I love the construction game, and have poured a lot into it, but Wrel clearly hates builders, and this new buff to the already absurd cheese bomb is probably going to be enough that I can't build anymore. GG Wrel, you finally vanquished the builders, can I please get my Daybreak cash back?

    @Scurge it really doesn't break stalemates though. People huddle indoors for a few seconds (or more than a few seconds if there's a lot of lag), and then we return to our scheduled programming. If the point of the OS was to break up the overpopulated stalemates, it has been a spectacular failure. Case in point, how many OSs thrown at T.I. Alloys? Yet Wrel is still getting rid of it.

    @Liewec123 You're assuming people will spend their armouries in a sensible manor. I've had multiple OSs dropped on my PMBs after I killed the same low skill would be cheese bomber 3 times in a row. (I can justifiably call him low skill because I'm self aware as to my own low personal skill, and I crushed the guy, he then got salty on me and dropped his outfit armoury on my head, then started sending me private taunt/rage tells. It was awesome.)
  6. Cluelessclem

    My biggest complaint is that for routers I must defend my base multiple times per alert. Make the OS require a base that must be defended. If you want it to have a larger range then that is fine but I feel that if people want to use an OS make it require a base that must be defended. The increased cost for OS will hopefully eliminate having 10+ at a critical fight but I want the OS just as vulnerable as a router base.
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  7. Liewec123

    as much as I dislike OS, we've got to admit a colossus tank is a much bigger force multiplier (second only to bastion).

    So next patch if the dude had wasted all of his resources OSing your pmb it is you who should be laughing and taunting.
    Every OS will cost more than a colossus tank (a lot more).

    Plus even if idiots choose to waste their resources on OS they'll probably only get to do it twice in 36 hours if theyre lucky
    (due to expeditions.)
    And that cooldown is shared across all players in the outfit,
    and is assuming they run chain expeditions and have a hell of a lot of resources to blow.
    and every time they do it, it's one less colossus tank on the field. (Doubt their outfit members will be too happy)

    So even if people want to do it they'll be limited by the huge cost.
    Even the biggest zergfits will only get to use a few per day.
    So they will finally need to be used tactically, otherwise when they need one, they won't be able to.

    So I'd say wait for the patch and give it a chance :)
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  8. ican'taim

    A way to make construction actually useful is to make outfit OS only work within a radius of a friendly Uplink. Then give shared XP to the base builder when an OS is used to destroy things. Perhaps uplinks could also be hacked by infiltrators? (although the hack time would be around 30 seconds or so...more than enough time to get killed.)

    Now construction bases are a strategic asset that benefit the entire faction, without feeling shoehorned in.
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  9. Foxassassin

    Honestly. It won't change much. I don't know why people think it's solo-fits that are causing the problems. The zergfits that constantly hold multiple territories for hours at a time (and sub-branches of the same outfit) will continue to use them as fast as they get them.

    75 synth was already a lot for small outfits. Now it's going to be pretty much exclusively larger ones that will use them.
  10. Liewec123

    It should do, the only way to get poly is from capping the middle base on a continent (you get 5 I believe)
    And then only the outfit that hold it also gets poly over time.

    Only other way is your outfit waiting 36 hours for expedition to give you 30 poly (enough for 2 OS.)
    So people won't be able to spam them even if they want to.

    Plus as I mentioned, you could pull a colossus tank with that 15 poly,
    so outfits might think twice about wasting it on random OS.

    I really like i'cantaim's suggestion about making outfit OS require an OS relay in the area :)
    It'd make construction relevant, and also cut OS down even further
  11. Foxassassin

    The thing is, a massive outfit wont -need- to use the 36 hour expeditions. Several of them I know already have an ALT account sitting by the exped person in sancutary constantly accepting and sending out new ones. In some cases they might get it back faster than they can use it. In which case this might lead to abuse of the Citadel.

    That is going to be far worse than OS's were by a long shot...
  12. Foxassassin

    Site gave an error and a double post.
  13. DarkQuark

    Great news about OS!

    Now if we can just make cloaked vehicles have the same cost.
  14. Liewec123

    But it's still a max of 30 poly every 36 hours, whether they have an alt there to chain expeditions or not,
    you can only have 1 active expedition at a time.

    And the only other source of poly is capping the central base giving you only 2 poly,
    And the outfit that hold it then gains 0.4poly a minute. (One OS in nearly 40 minutes.)
    but only 2 outfits will have this. (Since there are only 2 active maps, 2 central bases.)

    I agree about the citadel though, that's a very likely scenario now,
    And yep, it is also OP and annoying, perhaps this will make the devs realise what a bad idea it is
    to give everyone hugely impactful, spammable game-changing junk in their pocket.

    They should preemptively increase the shield cost to 75 synth to discourage the inevitable spam.
    And then if people still spam it (probably) give it the poly treatment too.

    The big stuff should be restricted to poly (like OS on PTS) to prevent spam,
    The only spam we should see should be small-scale stuff like vehicle drops
    (though I'd want MBTs to be more expensive) we should encourage more sundy drops!
  15. Scurge

    You are right. I have seen with my own eyes and on kill cams people who don't suffer much damage from the strike and walk around like it didn't happen, no damage bright screen or anything and they were at the center of the strike.

    But watching all those vehicles go flying with people in them thinking it was "safe".. lol..
  16. RabidIBM

    Keep in mind that the kill cam is not always accurate. Some of my builds have advanced targeting, and I've lost duels to people who were almost dead when they got me, then the kill cam says they're close to full hp. I don't mind it, as I'd prefer it if the kill cam didn't exist.