Thoughts on tea-bagging/v5?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JustGotSuspended, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. JustGotSuspended

    So I'm mostly playing on Connery now, and I've been frequently using voice callout 5 (V5) when I kill a friend, a good player or simply when I feel like it. It's more of a meme and something I find funny because of how silly it is. I also have to resist the urge to teabag my friends or good players I kill. I just find it ridiculous (the character animations are too funny), especially as it often leads to some hilarious competition where the guy finally kills me and gets to v5/teabag me.

    I really find this comical and I don't do it to offend anyone. I legit find it funny and I love it when people get me back. Seriously I've even gotten some complete random noobs to teabag and v5 my corpse and I was practically rolling on the floor laughing at how funny the scene was. I've also gotten myself killed many times because I knowingly stepped into enemy/allied fire just to tea-bag the corpse of one of my friends lol.

    However I came to realize that some people find this extremely offensive. Apparently it's toxic and a guy even compared using V5 to being racist (don't ask me how). Some dude I never even seen before blocked me on a shared discord apparently just for this reason (he thought I was part of an outfit that's notorious for V5ing and can't tolerate people using vkeys).

    I really don't do this to annoy or offend anyone, and most of my in-game friends and acquaintances just go along with the joke. There's absolutely no point in taunting in this game for various reasons, and since most people are familiar with others it's fair to assume they can judge who's better than them or whatever, without the need to V6 or whatever.

    I sincerely find it funny, and I would like to keep on doing it (at least as an inside joke), but please let me know what are your thoughts on this?
  2. UberNoob1337101

    I need a ride!
    I need a ride!
    I need a ride!

    It's pretty funny, but it's absolutely hilarious when it works unironically. Once I've V4'd and an enemy engi dropped ammo, then I thanked him as I killed him.

    The main reason I don't tea-bag is because my life usually ends during/right after the T-bag, and that I usually don't have much time to spare mid-fight.
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  3. JustGotSuspended


    I agree. I even made a char called ineedaride lol

    Once I wiped out a squad of dudes only to die to a friend who I had killed (and v5ed a few times earlier). He then proceeded to tea-bag and V5 me while reviving his teammates.
  4. JibbaJabba

    I save it exclusively for others that do it and I kill them after they've done something particularly toxic in the game.

    Never have really understood why people V someone, teabag everyone they kill, or even send a ragetell in yell or personal chat.

    I'm like... just step over their bodies dude like you're off to kill the next guy...
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  5. JustGotSuspended

    I don't send ragetells but I often meme on others who do in yell. Like I run around replacing the names of friends with [a part of their name]hacker. Just as a kinda parody of those who say it seriously.

    As for V5/tea-bag I like it because it shows people recognize me instead of just treating me like a regular kill no one cares about. When they risk their lives to tea-bag it really brings a tear to my eye lol.

    Guess it's just me then :(
  6. Liewec123

    i'll only teabag when it is really warranted.
    like when i c4 an annoying vehicle thats been sitting on a cliff spamming HE rounds into the base.
    they get a good dipping!
    or that guy who's been sniper camping the vehicle terminal, he gets a dip.
    times like that :)
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  7. NotziMad

    That's hilarious because on Cobalt, I did exactly the same thing, except it started off differently.

    I spend a lot of time fighting tanks and other vehicles on foot, defending sundies and such. I got in the habit of v5 them as I chased them down, immitating a member of their faction wanting to get a ride. Except of course, I was attempting to destroy their vehicle.

    I thought it was funny at the time, and without thinking I started doing it to infantry to just out of habit I guess. Just like you, when the guys I had killed and V5 killed me, they would spam v5 hahahaha, so I did it some more and like absolutely spammed it.

    After a while, kinda like you, I started using the v5 when I was being more or less friendly, or if I was teasing in a playful way, but I would still also use v6, mainly if I was mad or wanted the guy to get mad.

    These days I can hardly walk around a warpgate without or random friendly base without allies from my own faction v5ing me :xD

    PS. there's also other "inside jokes" and innuendos if you know what I mean, associated with that particular "V" which I chose not to mention :)
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  8. NotziMad

    just last night, as a LA flying over a sundy, I started spamming v3. After it was dead a guy messaged me to tell me he switched to engineer, not realising I was attacking :xD
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  9. iller

    I only teabag ppl who come at me when I'm off on my own, basically PVE'ing or sitting on a ridge alone just trying to mind my own business,

    The best example I had recently was some Liberator coming for me when I'm gathering cortium in backlines and I Ranger him down to 20% so he has to crash-land nearby for repairs but I SPEND it all on Turbo to keep up with him and tell him to leave me alone or I'll finish him off. Instead, he lifts right back off and tries to LAND on me when I jump out of my Ant ... except I started dropping Tank mines a second before that and he sits right on them. I take my own Rez thanks to Phalactery implant and then teabag both their bodies. It felt incredibly Earned.
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  10. Demigan

    My thoughts are that humor is a very very personal thing.

    Although it also tells me something about the other player. During times of high national depression such as during economic collapses, the music styles of choice become increasingly crude. Those people listening to songs about dicks, **** and violence have more problems in their lives than the average person and during times of national crisis such songs go to the top hitboxes. It's become an actual way to gauge how well a certain time period was actually perceived by it's inhabitants. It's not hard to make the leap that people who enjoy placing digital dicks and balls into someone's face would have similar dissatisfactions with their own lives.
    Another thing: People who are depressed are scientifically proven to lose IQ points (until their depression is over), and we are talking sometimes about 20+ IQ points. So it's a small wonder that many of these people will be hypocritical and often fail at basic strategies.

    If you like teabagging, go right ahead. Just try to judge beforehand if the player you might do it too has the same humor as you. Personally I think it has the humor content of rotting fish. I like it at more than arms length but if you want it in your house I'm not stopping you.
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  11. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Depends on the player. I certainly don't do it to new players. And I certainly don't do it just because I made some trick shot to some apparently good player.

    On the rare occasions I do it, it'll be because of that player's attitude. If they V6 me, or t-bag me first, I won't do it back. That's just edging for somebody to message me trying to be all smug that they 'got me mad' or some shizz. I don't want that crap clogging up my chat box. Only time I've ever really done it, is if somebody was an a-hole to my friend, or a player was extreme tryharding me only to die by my hand anyway.

    Most of the time I just V1 if I really feel the need to. I don't have time for keyboard gymnastics.

    In the event someone does it to me. I don't care. I appreciate their attention.
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  12. JustGotSuspended

    That's why I usually just do it to friends, and I avoid doing it to players who sent me rage-tells over it and new players ofc. That said it is hard to identify how people interpret things online.
  13. JustGotSuspended

    Yeah, exactly.

    In fact I get sad when someone doesn't do it to me, I yell at them "dude you forgot to V5 me".
  14. DarkQuark

    I find the whole thing humorous. I don't do it because it's just not my style but I think it's funny otherwise.

    As far as being offended by it, I find that notion ridiculous. First off, offense is taken and not given. Words only have the power you assign to them. However, different people have different sensitivity levels and I get that but being offended by an in-game emote is just looking for offense.

    The world is a tough place, many of us here live in relative comfort and safety and have the absolute first world luxury of worrying about if our feelings got hurt. Many people in the world are busy worrying about what they will eat tomorrow, where they will live or if they will be possibly enslaved or killed. So in the grand scheme of things, the whole "I am offended" deal is so detached from reality in my mind as to be an offense in itself to those who must worry about survival.
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  15. HexJei

    I t-bag most people that completely botch an engagement against me (as in, they had every advantage possible and still lost) if I have the time to actually sit around and gloat.

    For example, if I'm squaring off against a MBT with full health as a solo heavy assault, and I manage to not only destroy the tank with a lock-on launcher, but win the infantry fight as well... they're going to get t-bagged and V5'd for at least 15 seconds. Any witnesses, regardless of which team they're on, might join in as well.

    Gloating and teasing is part of competition, and t-bagging is just the universal way of doing it in every FPS. People only find it "offensive" or "toxic" when it's happening to them, but they'll most definitely do it to others when given the opportunity.
  16. LurkingHorror

    Total sillyness like 'need a ride' spam when mounting an enemy vehicle, or frantically running away screaming for help, sure, I'm not totally against emoting, can be funny under the right circumstances. But disrespecting my enemies would pretty much mean I'm spending my time with people I want nothing to do with, which is a one idiot scenario with no room for doubt really about the role distribution.

    Can't help if my enemies insist on displaying bad sportsmanship, but I just try to ignore it as best as I can, because thinking too much about in what kind of juvenile company I'm actually spending so much of my scarce free time here can get a bit depressing sometimes. Fortunately, there's still more than enough good players out there to make it worth it.
  17. TRspy007

    But I don't do it to be mean or show bad sportsmanship. In fact, I do it to show sportsmanship. Seriously it's like acknowledging you recognized the dude and jokingly start a little competition. I feel it's much more engaging then simply mowing down hundreds of enemies without even saying a word to validate their existence.

    I'm against people taking it too far (I guess I do it too sometimes without noticing), but at least between friends or great players I don't think care it should be fine. After all it's not even really an insult (that one would be V6) and tea-bagging is so comical I honestly don't understand how someone can take it with a straight face. In fact I think I've gotten less rage-tells for tea-bagging and/or V5ing someone than I have for decimating their banshee esf or playing heavy.
  18. RabidIBM

    I would generally not do it to people you don't know. It falls into that category of humour that is potentially offensive, so I'd say keep it among friends.

    That said, I did wonder if you've ever invited anyone to "get in and man the gun!"?
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  19. DarkQuark

    ALL humor is potentially offensive by it's very nature.

    Sure, folks can avoid offending intentionally but if you are really worried about never offending anyone you should never leave your house.

    My point is worrying about it to the n'th degree is a waste of effort and only empowers those that seek offense.
  20. JustGotSuspended

    I've tested all of them. I think the most offensive one would be V1. V5 is in the sweet spot where it's not too far to reach, but it's also not one of the first 4 that actually have some meaning. It's also less serious than v6 so that's what I go for.