Alert triggering without any faction having 100 strength.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by NotziMad, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. NotziMad

    This dosen't happen often, but it's happened before, I reported it already at least once, maybe twice.

    This time because of NVIDIA driver update, my "shadow play" was off when I thought it was on, so I couldn't get a video.

    So I guess you'll have to take my word for it, I took a screenshot, but it's after the Alert triggered. Once an alert triggers, it takes 60 seconds for it to actually start. In that time a faction that had 100 strength and triggered the alert can sometimes lose territory so that once the Alert starts, it looks like no faction had 100 strength.

    This is why I say you have to take my word for it, when the Alert triggered, 60 seconds before it started, no faction had 100 strength.


    edit : yes I know that territory contrl % isn't equal to faction strength
  2. NotziMad

    PS. with regard to the territory control, it's been a while since "strength" was introduced but before that, a faction needed 41µ territory control, that would trigger the alert.

    If that's true (I haven't checked) then VS, on the screenshot, should have 41% territory control. And if not, if they lost a base or two in the 115 seconds between the alert triggering and this screenshot, it still wouldn't have been enough;

    each base counts approxiamtely 1%. It's approximate because the system uses decimal numbers and we can't see those. Also some big bases count for approximately 2%. But for VS to loose 4% (3 to 4 bases) in those 145 seconds is unlikely.
  3. NotziMad

    I didn't want to bump this thread, but I can't edit the original post and I've got a video this time (it happened again).