[Vehicle] OP Harassers and Vehicle Cloaking.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HexJei, Jan 26, 2021.

  1. Thalestr

    Vulcan Harassers are hands-down the most powerful ground vehicle in the entire game.

    A fully geared out MBT with a very experienced crew can probably handle one, but it'll make mincemeat of everything else. And once you get a engineer in the back of the Harasser it nearly becomes indestructible unless the driver screws up and gets stuck - which isn't likely because it self-rights very easily and takes almost no damage from smacking into things at high speed.

    Why a goddamn dunebuggy can go toe-to-toe with heavy tanks and win is beyond me. Vulcans need some attention in general but Harassers need a HARD balance check.
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  2. DarkQuark

    It's really starting to bug me that new items get introduced into the game yet things like "The Death Buggy" and "The Invisible ATVs From Hell" remain without any attention. It seems to me there are a handful of things in the game that could easily be addressed that would enhance the game greatly without a whole lot of effort.

    I know if we get real nit picky we could produce a list of things most of us wish were different but much of that would be minor where there is probably 3-5 things that could be fixed that would make us fairly happy.
  3. Exileant

    :mad: But they just make it SO flipping hard....

    o_O No... I would not.... :confused: One, I have no problems with playing Heavy Assault. Two, A Heavy assault can easily dispatch even the heaviest of vehicle on its own especially considering you can force it to carry 4 modes of A.V. damaging equipment. Three, even if I were going to stoop to saying something needed a nerf, I would say the infantry.
    o_O Two of a H.A.'s A.V. weapon systems are stand-alone for dealing with any size armor which can be stretched with the supporting 2 modes. On N.S.O. Heavy Assault is my go to for dealing with armor when a base is being pushed and there is no way to get to a vehicle. Considering H.A. Pros can deal with M.B.T.s solo using the proper layout of trees and rocks. Harassers usually get annoyed and try to run them over. :confused: You can guess what usually happens to them. o_O Now a Harasser is fast, what do you think happens when a tank of any kind tries that? Just because I main vehicles does not mean I am not skilled with infantry as well. I had to start off with infantry. When I started, none of the vehicles were unlocked until you leveled up enough. Same went for some of the classes.
  4. Exileant

    :confused: Because they can be killed instantly, Like this:

    And they cannot go toe-to-to with a fully manned M.B.T. alone. :rolleyes: A Lightining has zero issues with them if you are using A.V. rounds and do not miss. You can kill them even faster with H.E.A.T. rounds. But you have to be Maxed with your reload. They are usually maxed with their Magazine. ;) You are just feeling the Staple Jitters, it will pass.
  5. GenGrant


    I call BS. Nothing in your “main” screams your good at anything other than farming in vehicles or other cheesy ways. Hell, your top 20 weapons aren’t even HA weapons. So you are just liar. You are a troll not only in the game but also here. What is funny is how you hold yourself as some kind of holy roller saying “I pray therefore I’m blessed by god to be good” when in fact your 1v1 is just average because stepping outside of a vehicle is terrifying to you. Your stats prove this. You are a vehicle farming try hard. As an outfit leader I would be ashamed of myself because you are what is wrong with this game. No amount of cash you throw at this game makes you better than anyone else and this disconnect you have is proof. You play a cheesy style and claim to know balance when you in fact exploit the easiest play style to pad your stats and ego.

    This is a classic case of narcissusum. The best part is your so clueless.

    And for objectivity here is my account:

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  6. Exileant

    :eek: Is that so? Okay:

    ;) Well now that you look like an idiot, let me explain a few things to you. I am what is right with this game. I know how to play all roles well and to my benefit. You learn how to do that by not being a whining rube every time you get killed by someone or something and start crying for nerfs. I broke down what happened, learned from it and adapted. I earned the right to play however I want to because I can play every way I need to, and win. I choose to play a vehicle specialist, child. I own F.A.I.R. And I was the only one playing in my outfit, and no squad. This is not the first time I have done this either.
    :D I can further humiliate you by showing you some of my Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris footage, but you are simply not worth the time to look through my footage to find anything else. If you are too weak to kill vehicles on foot, that is on you. Just know people are out there looking upon you with pity, people like me. YOU should be ashamed of yourself; the only thing you can take solace in is the fact that you are not the only one. o_O Stats in a game mean very little when it comes to a persons skill. I know people with .5 overall ratios that you could not touch no matter how much time you were given to try. ;) They started the game, died a ton, and are now slowly rebuilding their horrid ratio now that they have amassed the skill. My stats also do not reflect that I am much of a Pilot either, does it? The first vehicle I learned was the E.S.F. :eek: The First Araxium Weapon I obtained was a P.P.C. I had gotten good enough that I was able to down other E.S.F.s with it. Example: 2:30 of THIS video.

    I moved on. o_O The Liberator was next. I got my White camo from piloting it solo because I was tired of bad gunners. After I did, I stopped using them. I know Fisu is off, because I have spent FAR FAR longer on a bike than five days. Considering I can keep one alive for hours, and I play no less than 5-6 hours a session, they need to catch up. This is why I lose my patience. :mad: Whining makes me sick. God is good to me, I am sorry that upsets you, you wanna go get some skill on your own, fine, but stop being pissy with me over your envy. o_O I do not have to lie to you; not a soul here, especially you, are worth doing so to me.
  7. GenGrant

    You literally are just proving my point. It’s hilarious. You throw out fake stats. Then try to prove that your not terrible, sprinkle in some condensation with some”im an outfit leader with skills.” and that’s your M.O. Frankly it’s embarrassing. You prove nothing other than your perceived self worth. You parade around the forums looking for worship posting cherry picked videos looking for admirers. It all screams “look at me!! Look how awesome I am!.” It’s ******* pathetic. I actually feel sorry for you.

    Edit: Love the destiny reference. I’ll assume you cheese your way through that game with shotguns on PvP. The fact you feel the need to reference other games is funny. Looking forward to another name drop game from you.
  8. Exileant

    You keep
    :D Hahahahahaha!!! I actually am the leader of 4 outfits, but I do not like to count the ones I have not dropped Orbitals on. Also, there is not a single shotgun on Destiny that I like nor use. You just keep on living in that fantasy world and making ***-umptions. ;) Learn from your mistakes. Do not poke a dragon with a toothpick. All you are trying to do now is hurry up and push up that chat so everyone will not see how I just made you look. But it is okay. ;) WE know how I made you look, do we not?
    Name-drop? :confused: So..... You are saying I am name-dropping... Myself...?

    :D You were hurt so bad, you double posted! Hahahahaha!
  9. GenGrant

    Lol. Leader of 4 outfits? Ha. Anyone can make an outfit. Judging from your “4” outfits, seems to me that you failed 4 times seeing as your “outfits” are dead. Well played.

    Your a nobody grasping for acknowledgment. As said before it’s pathetic. All your post are the same. I’ve been playing online long enough to understand what type of person you are. Funny thing, no one asked for a nerf, merely balance. However, because balance would effect your cheese play style you oppose balance adamantly.

    I get it. Your the type of person that has lived their entire life behind a keyboard and never have been brought down a peg. So what was your outfit’s name again!? Oh that’s right, you’re an unknown. How surprising....
  10. Exileant

    ;) No, no, no.... Do not try to edit and take back what you post. o_O People need to see the reason why I mopped the floor with you. :D Considering you do NOT know the name of ANY of my Outfits, how could you possibly know if they are failing or not? Hahahaha! Stop flailing, and drown with some dignity already. You said all I can do is farm vehicles, I showed you proof you are a lie. o_O You have got to stop. The way you talk makes me wonder if you have an outfit of your own or whether you simply ride the coattails of a much larger outfit. If you do have one, How many orbitals have you dropped? How many Colossi have you driven or had built? :p Get back to me when you have dropped enough to where you cannot remember and are sitting on a full cashe of Mega Tanks that you got yourself. Only one of us in this conversation is all talk. ;) And that is you.
  11. GenGrant

    Well my edits were for grammar not content. If your outfits are so thriving please post them. Also,, I’m in an outfit..I literally posted my stats that include what outfit I’m in. I enjoy teamwork. As for your “main’ outfit? Well not much of an outfit if 96% are inactive. Which I’m going assume that the rest of your outfits that you “lead” are the same. Please keep proving my point because you’re good at that. Looking forward to your long drawn out post that is full on condensation sprinkled with narcissism.
  12. JustGotSuspended

    don't worry, I knew you would
  13. Exileant

    :confused: Saying what I do not want you to become is not the same thing as calling you a name. You need to re-read what I typed to you, and do so carefully.

    Now, you need to recheck the gamer definition of a Meta. A Meta, is a popular item or weapon used by the majority of the player base because of its effectiveness. A.N.T.'s are not a Meta. I played for about 3 hours today. (Light jog) In a battle with around 5-6 Colossus and 2 Bastions called, do you know how many A.N.T.s were called on the Faction I was supporting? o_O One. I was the only one running interference and refueling Mega Tanks. Do you know how many Enemy A.N.T.s I encountered? Stealth or otherwise? One... A Battle Rank A.S.P. 98 was utilizing one as well. Sadly for him, happily for us, he was trying and failing to take over a base with it. (Thanks to him I got D.O.) You know what he was equipped with? :confused: A Kobalt.... Rather helpless other than to do extremely light farming. He tried to use his cloak a few times and got killed with it activated. By the time he got to me, his spirit was crushed and I killed him, and his A.N.T. with a Basilisk. Harassers on the other hand, were around, dying left and right before I could even get to them, but they were around. Those you can consider a Meta. It is because this game has unique vehicles and suits that it is a main for me and I would go as far as saying most. If it did not have the Infiltrator A.N.T. and Flash, I doubt I would play, because I can play Battlefield and use basic vehicles. Right now, I see EVERYTHING except A.N.T.s on the field regularly. So that says to me, just about everything is equally attractive to the community as a whole.

    :D There is no decline in the player base right now other than in your fantasy world. What caused the past decline in the base was a lack of anything new. Now that we have new, tons of people are playing. Genudine was packed. Your calls to Nerfs are disrupting the balance and are the direct reason people seek Metas, like the Vulcan. :eek: Someone JUST posted how badly the A.N.T. lacks power... Again, if you die to one, that is your shame and you should bear it. You think the Harasser is bad? Wait until you encounter a unit of 4 Lightnings running split armaments. o_O That is what Nerfing the car is going to lead to. People only equip maneuverability over speed with them because it works a touch better against a single target, but a Lightning can be far worse than a Harasser if they use speed. Especially considering it has a much lower profile and is unstable on hills. They slide like they are on ice. THEY are what you should be worried about. I took out 2 Magriders by myself after they destroyed my truck. (Someone is going to want proof of that too, but they will have to wait on my next video.) It was right there that I realized why N.S.O. did not have an M.B.T. The faction was made for advanced players and they are not needed. M.B.T.'s are a Lux item.
  14. CptLegshot

    I see you've never tried Vulcan harasser yourself. All MBTs are much stronger than harasser 1v1 if we assume equal skill. If you lose to a single harasser as a fully manned MBT you're bad, that's the truth and it's better if you accept it and improve instead of finding excuses. If you don't believe me just try harasser yourself and you'll see, when you try the things you think are OP it gives you a much more unbiased perspective, you learn their weaknesses and can exploit them ...or you can go on forums and cry how OP everything that kills you is.
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  15. Exileant

    :eek: PREACH! I have been trying to tell them, T. But it is like typing at broken bulldozer with square wheels... You get comments like this by Banshee.

    :D While at the same time calling me unskilled even though I am having no real issues with toy cars. It is a contradiction in more ways than one direction. For one, the only time something calls for a Nerf is when a skilled player CANNOT overcome an imbalance in the numbers regardless of experience. According to several people here, you are supposed to believe the numbers of people saying one thing over your own presented proof of a situation. :rolleyes: More people here say I have very little skill than not, so by that misshapen logic it must be true, right? :p Yet I am able to rip Harassers apart with no problem. (That is the logic you face when you try to speak some truth and try to help people....) So that sounds to me that even newbies should be able to do it, right? They are without shame here and will not hesitate to say you are talking down to them. *Salutes* Keep straight shooting and pull no punches. We need more like us.
  16. HexJei

    You called me a "crybaby" because I used irrefutable stats to counter your rather biased disagreement. You even suggested my data was outdated, but you have yet to provide any data that proves otherwise... other than "I'm good at the game".

    I'm not too sure why you're so pressed about the vehicle cloaking topic, I made it quite apparent that it was more of an opinionated suggestion, and that invisible battering rams are too cheesy. The harassers being too strong on the other hand is far from opinionated, considering its stats prove otherwise. It's a matter of fact, not a matter of who can destroy harassers the quickest. So you can spare us your stories of every harasser you've ever encountered.

    With the data I provided, my claim of harassers having a heavy tank tier of damage resistance is irrefutable. Now this is where the community decides based on their experience in the game, if harassers should retain their role of being a heavy tank, or if it should be logically nerfed to better fit its intended or expected role. I think we can we all agree that you want the harasser to retain its current role, and to retain its current stats. Everyone else on the other hand disagrees because they do not agree with the current role harassers play in the game, usually due to its damage resistance.
  17. Bansheedragon75

    Whether you are skilled, unskilled or just plain lucky I can't say.
    You say you have no problem dealing with harassers, well I only have your word for that and maybe thats true, but I find myself in the position of having a hard time believing that because you seem to be very adamant about trying to downplay and explain away the numbers with your "experience" and opinion, but little in the way of facts or tangible evidence.

    You say you are trying to help, well if the numbers are outdated as you claim you can start by presenting the updated numbers, dont just downplay and try to explain them away with fancy words.
  18. Exileant

    :confused: If you are having trouble figuring that out, I suggest using the Scientific Method to help you regarding me and skill versus luck. I am not going to sit up here and argue numbers in a situational game where numbers do not really matter in battle. This is not like measuring a house. From one day to the next a house will only change in the most astronomical of fractions, so to us the statistics are fixed. They matter when it comes to Certs. How many Certs you need to get something to maximum, is how many Certs you need, period. Dodging, the other players skill, mental state, your OWN skill and mental state, physical statistics, both of your backgrounds, E.C.T. have MAJOR impacts on battle statistics. o_O Example: I have a Nuke launcher. You have a pistol. On paper the nuke will always win. On paper, it is always a head to head battle. However, you are a human, hopefully with a brain. You know the only way you can win is to kill me before I can fire the Nuke. Odds are you will shoot me in the back with your weapon well before I even know you are there, thus rendering my all powerful weapon useless. Smart people only need to know something is possible, they usually will figure out the rest on their own if they REALLY want to, and they do so through experimentation.

    :confused: You need to put your priorities in order. What good are my numbers on how long I have ridden a flash of any help to you? None. Stop worrying about pointless garbage that is not going to help you and start paying attention to the facts that I, CptLegShot and OldSchoolD are presenting you. The fact is, Cloaked Vehicles have a single element that makes them viable, but at the end of the day, unless you work with them, they are useless to the average player; and the same goes for Harassers. When someone simply says something, sure I cannot expect but to have a few doubters. o_O After all, people lie. However, when you have someone who says they have done something then goes on to show you 3-4 videos of it being done, you CONTINUING to deny those words that are now proven facts as far as reality is concerned, pushes beyond ignorance. Before the proof, you just did not know. Ignorance is not a crime.

    :confused: No, you do not want me to further explain anything because my posts are as long as they are now because I take the time to explain. Explaining takes "Fancy words". This is why some people have taken up calling me condescending. I cannot tutor you, but I will point you in the right direction. You must put in the work and explore so you can find your own way. When you do, THEN we can talk and share tactics to see which is more efficient; but crying about losing and calling for foolish Nerfs is not going to change that result. All it MIGHT do in the event of a Nerf, is create imbalance somewhere else. ;) Not a single skilled player was always skilled. They had to work up from being unskilled; they just took their lumps with dignity.
  19. HexJei

    Nobody, at no point in time, said your videos are "false" and that it is "impossible" to overcome the imbalance of harassers (or in your analogy, "a nuke"). What everyone is explaining is that your experience with harassers (and other vehicles), does not represent the experience of the entire planetside community's experience with harassers. Using your individual experience to try and invalidate the experience of everyone else, is simply ignorant (and very self centered).

    Also, numbers do matter in a "situational" game (odd choice of description considering every game is situational). The stats of every single item in the game are what give them their purpose, they're the core of every item. The stats of a vehicle is what determines its unique role. Our collective experience with harassers and analyzation of its stats are what create the point that harassers are too overpowered/advantaged. They do not meet our general expectations of what its role should be.

    From my understanding, you agree that the harassers are overpowered (considering your "nuke" analogy), but you want them to remain overpowered. That's completely fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just don't spew nonsense about "numbers don't mean anything", because changing stats/numbers is what balancing is, and that's literally the topic, balancing harassers.