orbital strike spam

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by darkterrorist81, Nov 15, 2020.

  1. darkterrorist81

    Please Please, for the love of god fix the orbital strike ability.

    Getting spammed 4-5x per minute and yes PER MINUTE. has nothing to do with skill and is breaking my and other people's fun in playing this game.
    Please make it so you can only use it 1x per hour, just to break stale mates. Because this is getting out of hand.

    People are leaving because if this and there is no skill in using it also i never got why it has to be in the game, we already have a massive tank and star destroyer in game... Where playing planetside 2 , not star wars or command and conquer ..
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  2. DataGhost

    You emphasize "per minute" as if you're implying 240-300x per hour. Look up how much they cost, how many an outfit can have in stock and how long it takes to craft a new one even with unlimited resources. If you mean you've had five orbitals in the same minute, that's at least three outfits using them, more likely four or five. Upping the craft time to one hour won't solve that specific situation.
  3. Vantal

    As someone who put hundreds of hours into the construction system It's quite insulting that people can just click their mouse twice and get an OS whilst I have to build a base, farm the cortium and wait for the OS to charge up before somehow getting to where I want it to be without dying and dropping down a OS beacon.
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  4. JustGotSuspended

    he means a hex cooldown. 75 blue things is lightwork for the big outfits, even as a solo player I can craft a few orbitals a day by myself.

    Also let's admit it, these orbital strikes don't really do much more than troll people in maxes and at best killing fights.
  5. DataGhost

    What's the sustained rate at which you can craft orbitals? I can craft a few a day as well, if I'm full on Synthium expeditions, Synthium and Auraxium... but once I'm done crafting it'll take quite a lot of time in a solo outfit to get back at that level. As a solo, that's 9 Synth base cap assists (as I assume you won't be able to win a base in most cases, unless you're playing when nobody's on) per orbital. Even through Auraxium you're looking at 75 (three large base cap assists) and 18 hours expedition time if you combine for two orbitals. If you're completely full on everything, including OSs, you can launch two straight away, craft and launch only six more over the next 90 minutes and then you're just under 24 hours away from crafting the next one (literally just one) using expeditions in the optimal case, while having wasted 72 hours worth of expeditions and being 190 Synthium and 150 Auraxium down from what you started with. Starting with 0 resources, I think you can be very, very happy if you manage to sustain crafting one orbital per day in a solo outfit, I think a more realistic number is one per two days.

    Deleting a base is also lightwork for the big outfits, even without the OS. So it's still a team effort in either case. I find it strange to see that you have the misperception that outfit OSs are "free" somehow. They cost a lot and require outfit cooperation to get resources at any reasonable rate. Meanwhile, building a base SOLO with an OS takes much less than an hour and only takes nanites. As an added bonus, outfit "click" OSs don't work in the SWG so use that to your advantage.
  6. JustGotSuspended


    I play the game to have fun, not ghostcap. It's really simple to steal the cap once you know how the system works. Flip a point, overload the gen, flip the other 2, constantly rush back and further towards points/gens to flip them again, and ofc, farm. In 96+ fights, it's a bit hard to outscore an outfit platoon. But in smaller fights it's perfectly possible, and is usually how I get my biolabs/amp stations despite there being 48 other dudes there.

    With the resources, and the boost during alerts, I can easily craft 3-4 in a day, without using my expedition. Now obviously, I'm not always going to waste these resources on orbitals, but it's not hard for me to have access to 2 if I need to.
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  7. DataGhost

    You must be awesome and basically ghostcapping still, but sure if you want that, that's fine. There aren't that many blue bases so in order to craft four orbitals a day without expeditions you're looking at over three hours of holding a blue-8 base, so that's basically two whole alerts worth. Even at 8+3 it's still over two hours, and you can't lose the bases in the meantime, so someone's going to have to defend them. In a 1v1, sure, it's tough but doable, but turning a 3-point base in 1v1 means you're in the graveyard shift so basically every cap is a ghostcap.

    We're using these tactics in our outfit as well to ensure the cap isn't stolen from us (or we even "steal it") and that's with several people working together. There is no way you stand any chance of capping any base in prime time, best you can do is score 1000XP on the scoreboard and get the one-time resource grant, so for 300 Synth that's 38 bases you have to help capture. The odds of you getting multiple blue bases and keeping them are even slimmer but okay. It's just not going to happen in a solo scenario, sorry, not sustained anyway.

    But let's assume it works so I'm happy for you. To put this into perspective, can you easily build 3-4 bases in a day? Also during prime time? So in terms of effort a solo player has to put in, are they not equal? Or do you agree that base building actually costs less of a time investment and still works during prime time? So to use Vantal's words, isn't it insulting that all the hard work you put into deleting someone's base is undone by clicking their mouse a couple of times for a new ANT? Which, by the way, can be ANVILed in at only 25 Auraxium, so just one large base cap assist?
  8. JustGotSuspended

    Considering half the people who play during prime time are utter morons it's really nothing magical to manage to outscore them. With a good farm I can get near 10k, while the outfit zerglings can maybe push 1k with their top 10 players combined? Yeah, it's really not a miracle to "steal" basecaps from these sorts of people, with 0 need to bore myself with ghostcapping.

    Again, you also forget to note: I get instant 5x resources each time an alert is triggered or ends in my empire's favor. That's at least an extra 40, if not 80 per alert.
  9. FOC-SpikE

    Well, if the Ressource by basecap-thing is bad or not (which it is imo, i´d make it factionwide but slower filling up) the matter of dicussion here are the OS-Spams of big outfits and even small ones.
    And if u play alot during Prime time, everyone know thats 4-5 OS on one base is not a rare thing, and is kinda boring..and can be exploited and even cheated.

    IMO it would be the best to simply remove them completly from the amory and make it only Construction-able again.
    But, if u, my dear devs, like them sooo much that u want to leave them in the amory as well, then at least make them only harm routers and placeable objects (Mana-Turrets i.e.) but not longer vehicles and infantry and cunstructed bases. That would help alot"!"

    The full destruction potential should be left to the constructed OS, that everyone is able to see on the map.
  10. DataGhost

    There's a thread on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside...art_2_of_the_campaign_has_taught_me_anything/) where this thing is being discussed. I had to slightly revise my opinion (I still think that in 1v1 it is balanced, and that neither thing should ever be used solo) because it does ruin properly-built bases and fights. A good suggested option there was to have a new construction that make it impossible to deploy outfit OS and I "counter"-suggested there to split the full protection into three structures with a limit of one per player. So, solo bases get a little extra defensive capability and proper bases should be impossible to OS by clicking on the map (constructed OS still works). I think that could address the issues.