How can the devs make such amateur mistakes?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gleitfrosch, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Gleitfrosch

    I cant understand how someone who is for years in the business can still make such game design mistakes.

    1. force players into an area to finish a mission but also make the area only interesting for players who are doing this mission(s). If someone wants to play that specific mission some time later, he will struggle to finish it because the area will/is almost abandoned. It is absolutely obvious that an empty area without any reasons to go there (except the missions) will become abandoned after some time.
    Make this missions optional in the area and give players an incentive to go there instead of forcing them bluntly into it. an incentive could be double points towards the goal.

    2.The drill spawnpoints are messed up, some hours ago I had 5 spawns in a row at exactly the same location deep withing enemy territory, so no chance to get the points because it was always controlled by multiple enemy players. Later the day I gave it a second try and again the drill spawned over and over again at the same location within enemy territory. How can someone finish the mission to get 360 points if all drills are controlled and crowded by enemies? Especially if some of them are camping the drill between the spawns, knowing/Assuming it will spawn there again?
    Why not adding a simple check for territory control and spawn the drill in regions controlled by different factions every time? Also add a counter to loactions and the more the drill spawns at one location (counter increases) the less will the chance will become that it will spawn at the same location again.

    It is not that difficult.
  2. Blam320

    1) It's more of a technology demonstration and testbed for future ideas.

    2) It's called a bug. They sometimes tend to be overlooked, or can go unnoticed by even dedicated beta testers until thousands are allowed to search for them in a live environment.

    Bottom line is you're being a salty sea dog for no real reason. Humans make mistakes, get over yourself.
  3. Gleitfrosch

    It's more of a technology demonstration and testbed for future ideas.

    - testbed for future ideas? this is the live version, not a beta or testserver. also games are being done since years, there are plenty examples of how it can be done right, especially such a simple and common design idea.

    2) It's called a bug. They sometimes tend to be overlooked, or can go unnoticed by even dedicated beta testers until thousands are allowed to search for them in a live environment.

    Maybe it is a bug, then I apologize. But since you seem to know it is a bug, I would like to ask you to tell me where I can find that information because I could not find it.

    Bottom line is you're being a salty sea dog for no real reason. Humans make mistakes, get over yourself.

    Humans make mistakes, absolutly. But one can expect from an expert (and someone who works in that business for years can be called an expert, especialls the responsible ones) should at least be familiar with basic rulesets of game design and know what mistakes have been done by others in the past and do the best to avoid it.
  4. Blam320

    Yes, testbed for future ideas. You can't do everything on a test server or strictly in a controlled, testing environment; you need to get your product out into the world, and out into the hands of more than just the focus group you did your initial rounds of testing with. Only then can you get genuine feedback for how you can improve your product in the future. That's how the business and engineering worlds work.

    And since Elysium Drills repeatedly spawning in the same location is no doubt a bug, the best thing to do is to submit a bug report to RPG either on Reddit or in-game using the /bug command. That will get it to their attention, and they'll add it to the list of bugs that need fixing.

    And as for "professionals" being familiar with the "basic ruleset of game design," what ruleset? Is there a series of strictly defined tenets that game developers must follow or else? Are they not allowed to experiment with different ways of doing things? Are they not allowed to stick their toes in the water, so to speak, before diving in?
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  5. Liewec123

    i dunno, quite often i'd just call it blatant incompetence.

    remember when they put punisher on live,
    and they hadn't checked if the repair effect from the engineer nades...ya know...ever ended? :D

    or this last patch when they added that free exceptional "analysis" implant to use on the missions,
    and they didn't make it so you could only get one of them,
    hmmm i wonder what could go wrong about adding a free exceptional implant that you can get multiple of? :D
    (quite a few people were drowning in ISO from recycling duplicates, exceptional implants break down into 500 ISO.)

    or making a mission to get 100 carrots without checking if they spawn ONTOP of the ground?

    i get it, occasionally bugs happen in games, but it is usually obscure bugs that require multiple conditions to achieve.
    but DBG do take the cake, obvious bugs/exploits are left in that really shouldn't be.
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  6. BrokenBC

    ya I've given up on the campaign. esamir locks down in less than 2 hours and is only open once or twice a day. I played all day yesterday and esamir was only open twice. there is very little fighting and there are a ton of medics all fighting for a heal or res. I give up. I wont be resubing I feel cheated.
  7. Arpheus

    I instantly realised that some of the missions at the shattered warpgate will be a hell to complete once most people have done it when I just read the mission text. It seems the devs did not really think about what they did.
    You can't make campaign dependant on other players being around - especially the heal experience mission is really really hard to do. Also having Esamir open only so rarely is an impossible thing to do when some players can log in only a few hours in the evening from time to time. They might miss out on esamir a few days in a row and never have the possiblity to complete it.
    When the ****storm was real they opened esamir for 100% of the time but now its hard to do the campaigns.
    I'm glad I did it on all my chars in the first week.

    I suggest you do the following that you shouldn't do but have to do in order to fix the problems the devs created: Team up with two players. One logs onto another faction character and you all meet somewhere in the shattered warpgate area where it is somewhat safe. He then places a spitfire. You and a buddy switch around taking damage from the spitfire and healing that damage taken from the spitfire. Obviously make sure you have some cover you can hop back into to not die from the spitfire. Stop using that mechanic the moment you completed the mission - devs don't like people doing such stuff.
    When you both are done you log onto another faction character and help the other guy who placed the spitfire complete his quest too if he still needs it.

    Requires 3 people to do and you can complete the healing stuff very fast. We really shouldn't have to rely on such mechanics but if noone is around to be healed thats the way to go.
    Back then at prime-campaign time when there were hundreds of people doing the campaign missions it took me hours to complete that mission. Imagine now when everyone is on medic and tries to get these rare heals which not always count and most people instantly use medkits. Almost impossible to do.
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  8. Liewec123

    Yeah the healing mission took me ages to complete in week 1 also,
    in a game where death comes instantly, why make a healing mission that can only be done in one abandoned part of the map?

    It's sad when people are forced to statpad out of necessity.
    I remember 2 years ago, to get early access to faction flash weapons you had to jump through some really silly hoops.
    One was getting 300 ticks of point capture xp, so in other words, we all played stalker, went to empty enemy bases and stepped on points until they were nearly captured and then stepped off so they'd reset.

    300 ticks of point capture xp just doesn't happen naturally in the short time of the event,
    So they're making these objectives and they should know they're forcing us to pad.
    Would be funny if they start banning people for padding after forcing them to do it.
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  9. User8888

    The missions were interesting first week, than I just ignored them.
  10. iller

    It's primarily only 2 missions and one of those missions is a side mission that the Text claimed selected 3 random objectives. In my case the three were 15 Resurrects, some Repairing, and 30 heal Experience points. That last one was MISERY and this is coming from someone who's played really Grindy MMO's for 20 years. I kid you not it took me 3 and half days to complete and having to unlock Healing Grenades plus maxed out Grenade Belt suit slot.

    The other one was just something like get 20 kills in the Shattered warpgate which I kinda got without even realizing it and I'm a really low KPH player usually so at least that required one wasn't going to be impossible to get even with the very low pop in there I saw or more importantly the lack of Spawns because as usual the NC was constantly getting 2v1'd wherever we went and then as soon as our base or Sundy was gone the TR and VS would just ignore eachother completely and go looking for our next Spawns to be set up.

    But the long story short is: That one requiring us to play Medics ... even as a side mission... is some BULL CRAP and this is coming from a player with over 200 hours on Medic according to DasAnfall (which really under clocks your total play time BTW). If they fix anything, they gotta patch that mission out because normal people probably all hit that wall without even realizing that they could Skip the "green color coded" missions and just accept the next actual "Orange" coded one instead
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  11. BamaRage

    Because a ******* youtuber is now lead dev
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  12. iller

    To be fair, Youtubers are exellent and diagnosing problems and explaining them. They're not however so good at handling the myriad of Practical Programming Problems that come with all game development.... And infact a lot of problems they perceive or give the highest priorities to are usually Symptoms instead of causes. (been watching Youtube since 2006, it was always a fail cascade of bad Prioritizing which explains the current state it's in now)
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  13. zelekk

    To do healing dont use heal nades, use rez nades they rez with 250hp.
    Toss one in dead group and run in with nano regen on.
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  14. Twin Suns

    Honestly, I find it funny when I see a Zerg of Medics running around at the SWG. :).

    It reminds me of the seagulls in Finding Nemo. "Mine,mine,mine,mine" bwahahahaha!

    Great trolling by DBG though. I gotta give them that. Bravo! *golfers clap*
  15. Atorum

    Because they dont play their own game, then they let in people like Wrel join and things get worse.
  16. Liewec123

    I might log on my Carapace resist shield MCG heavy
    and become an unstoppable juggernaut with a personal army of healers XD
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  17. RabidIBM

    I remember thinking the campaign was a terrible idea when seeing it announced in the dev stream. I wish I'd been wrong, but I also wish they would focus on the gameplay that we're actually here for