[Suggestion] Motion detects for Reconnaissance Mission

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fyrethorne, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. Fyrethorne

    Currently, it requires a spot xp. As we all know, the "Get 'X' type xp" objectives are hard enough as the game arbitrarily decides when to award xp for the same action. I propose adding motion detect bonus to the objective to improve the odds of actually completing the objective.
    • Up x 3
  2. JobiWan

    Yeah. I tried the 'spot xp' one a few nights ago and in 2 hours I got 3 out of 20. At one point as I was sat as stalker at TI alloys just spotting and doing nothing else and it just wasn't happening for me. Tedious.
  3. Kyrhos

    I second this. Also the way you get spotting assists is to be near teammates and spot enemies where they will see and kill them.
    You can't just go somewhere far away and spam Q.