Gun muzzle Flare/Flash/Glare

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NollieFlipX, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. NollieFlipX

    I was checking some guns in the VR range and I noticed how huge and blinding the gun flare/flash currently is in the game. Tested on all 3 empires and their specific weapons.

    Both the flash or the supressor attachments had no mitigating effects on the guns from the current player's perspective.

    And I've noticed that for some of the guns the flash actually happens in the crosshairs and not the gun muzzle.

    I'm wondering if that is by design or simply non relevant at this point. But having an option to reduce the gun flash would be much appreciated as it would be much easier to track targets. An art pass on gun muzzle flash could also help mitigate it, I mean it is kind of -I mean no disrespect- ridiculous how unnecessarily big and sometimes misaligned it is. I could help listing the guns if needed.

    I'm used to play in high settings but recently my GPU decided to die on itself and now I'm running on absolute min settings 1080p. But it seems the graphics setting had no visible mitigating effect on the muzzle flash.
  2. JustGotSuspended

    It's stupid, before you could add a flash suppressor with no downsides. It didn't do much other than eliminate the muzzle flash, which may or may not be useful, but it had no downsides, so it was something you kinda stuck on there saying "why not", it can't hurt.

    Now you have the downside of showing even further on enemy minimaps, which kinda kills the point of the suppressor...
  3. AlcyoneSerene

    It is excessive and blinding. Last time I ever ran without flash suppressors, VS weapons were unusable at night as the plasma flash felt completely blinding. Not sure if it's still that bad now, with Hossin no longer being actually dark, but agreed, it's ridiculous, hurts the eyes, leads to visual strain, and less gaming time.
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  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Muzzle flash in VR is not the same as in the live servers. Record yourself on both and compare, it's excessive in VR.
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  5. Arpheus

    In VR there are some invisible "walls" where there is huge muzzle flash happening - the closer you come to them the worse. If you jump out of the building that thing is gone. Not sure if that is what you mean. Like others said in Live it might be different than in VR.
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  6. NollieFlipX

    Thanks for the replies guys! Can't believe I didn't see it!

    Yeah it was a issue with the invisible walls in VR. Leaving the VR training building solves everything.