[Suggestion] New in-game Titles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zaros, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. Zaros

    Considering that the flavor right now is about the ups and downs of the Shattered Warpgate update. I'd like to suggest a different type of update. An update that everyone will benefit without benefiting at all. Right now, personally, I have acquired a few unique titles such as: Jolly, Surfer, and lastly Grouchy. But, it's not enough.

    And considering that there are weeb named weapons:

    I would like to suggest titles such as: Weeb, Ecchi, Kawaii, NEET, Gesugao, Ahegao (all the -gaos), Akuma, Oni, or how about some titles that are not weeb like, say for example Khan, Chungus, Quirky, or Lewd. Personally, I would like to have such titles so I can be known as Kawaii Zaros, or Ecchi Zaros, how about Chungus Zaros.
    Having such a title(s) in-game would help me finish off my character build:

    Edit: new title suggestion: Passionate; passion is what makes things great. So, Passionate Zaros would be nice. (Oh, you can easily replace my IGN (In-game Name) with yours))
  2. ican'taim

    no...just no.

    we don't need more weeb garbage.
  3. Zen_Master

    If there are any new titles, I'd like it to refer to players' preferred playstyle or class:

    Vehicle Play Titles:
    Command Pilot (Galaxy Aurax)
    Fighter Pilot (ESF Aurax)
    Bomber Pilot (Lib Aurax)
    Tanker (MBT Aurax)
    Mechanized Infantry (Lightning Aurax)
    Bus Driver (Sunderer Aurax)
    Racer (Harasser Aurax)
    Motorcyclist (Flash Aurax)

    Class Titles:
    Scout Sniper (Infil Aurax)
    Corpsman or Medic (Medic Aurax)
    Paratrooper (LA Aurax)
    Mechanic (Engineer Aurax)
    Shock Trooper (HA Aurax)
    Exoskeleton (Max Aurax)
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  4. Zaros

    You don't have to use those titles IF they were to get implemented. No one is forcing you to.
  5. Johannes Kaiser

    I think "Exoskeleton" needs a rethink. Fits the class for sure, but it ain't a great title. Will admit I have no good idea for that right now either, though.
  6. Zaros

    Power House
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  7. Novgdea

    Rocket eater.
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  8. Zen_Master

    I am thinking Goliath, Behemoth, Hulk, or Armored Suit but they don't fit exactly.
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  9. Zaros

    YES! Even though it's a bit questionable to accept such a title (IRL), I'll take it! Now I can be known in Auraxis as Creepy Zaros, the creep (lel).