The Shattered Genius.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icufos, Oct 3, 2020.

  1. icufos

    I've been playing for about 2/3 years. Yes, I'm a newbie compared to most of you.

    Personally think the game needed this badly.
    It needed a shake up/changes no matter what.
    Someone had to have the courage to do it and face the wrath.
    His name was 'WREL'.

    Patience and understanding.
    Obviously this will be tweaked to please as many as possible.
    I noticed some are steaming in with the hate.
    For pitys sake, give them time to work it out.

    The Love.
    I love the changes and am having great fun.
    My only gripe is I can't play Esamir ALL the time as it's still on rotation.

    Final words.
    Ok, I've tied myself to a pole.
    Ready, aim, but will you fire?...Yes, your gonna.:eek:
  2. JustGotSuspended

    oh yes the great thing about this update is the game runs much better because there's no large fights as everyone quit the game so I don't experience fps drops or latency spikes as often anymore.
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  3. Wadelma

    Yeah, I'll bite.

    Having to do chores sucks period, they're uninspired and boring. Neutered rewards from alerts don't encourage anyone to try for win anymore, haven't seen good alert fights since the update dropped honestly, nobody cares enough. Can't even believe I'm saying this but I miss some tryhard outfits who gave a hoot. All gone now, just small skirmishes all around. Storms that discourage epic fights across plains, missions that don't flow with core gameplay at all and lead population away from map objectives. Esamir used to be home of some great big battles but now it's all in the wilderness zone and not where they mattered. It's just a plain mess. Nevermind you are to take implants that take up a valuable slot for some missions, campaign access costs more the higher lvl you are just because screw you for having invested time in this game.

    The only good thing is the relocation of the warpgate, it was long overdue. Pretty much everything else in this update is unfun and meh.
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  4. NotziMad

    You're not actually.

    Honestly, it's actually an interesting (off topic) point, but plz, allow me, I'll try be brief :

    Join any "old" MMO", this applies more to MMORPGs than other types of MMO, but generally speaking, if you join any "old" MMO, you will find yourself surrounded by vets.

    Not in planetside. The game is 7/8 years old and the huge majority of players are new or relatively new. Vets don't stick around. (that's my point).

    Appart from vets not sticking around (player retention (wink wink)), the other big reason is that it's a free to play game. So it's like a big house with the doors wide open saying "come on in, everything is free"!


    On topic, I couldnt' care less, I'm done with PS2, I've got zero hope for the future, zero confidence in the dev team.

    I'm just buying time while a good MMO I get invested in pops up.
  5. NotziMad

    LOL I actually only just read your post and realised it was a troll post, well, you got me, kinda, but nice one :)
  6. JustGotSuspended


    I'm not sure where you saw that there are more new players than vets.

    vets are the only players who stick around, since they put so much grind and love into the game.

    That was until 2020, where a series of cancerous patches has driven most of them away.

    The game was never good at retaining new players, as it's too confusing, too much of a grind and the only people who stick around are wrel worshippers who abuse the biggest cancer against players just trying to have fun in the hopes of fooling themselves into believing their ***** is more than an inverted illusion.

    Really, when the majority of the playerbase left are infil, harasser mains or a2g stompers, there's something wrong. So many trolls who log into the game with the sole goal of ruining someone's session; it's not healthy for the game, and it mirrors the exact attitude the devs demonstrate towards the franchise.

    Really, a dude created an account just so he could fly around and shoot down people looking for pumpkins during the halloween event - he wasn't scavenging for pumpkins himself, he just wanted to deny others from doing so! After the even was over he became an a2g main...a rewarding playstyle to say the least. The guy hasn't auraxed a single infantry weapon - and probably never will - but he's stomped on more dudes with his banshee and missiles than a sweaty heavy. Ofc, it's not hard to do so when the only AA we have as defense are 60m/s deci rockets or exploding wet diapers.

    Back then we had an actual playerbase, so trolls like this were camouflaged with respectable players. But what does the new player do when he's faced with a confusing game, an immense grind and a majority of the community that just wants to pressure him to quit by cancerous means? That's right, they quit.

    Even with the help from the scarce honorable veterans that stuck around, I have never seen a new player (not an alt) stick around for a week at most.

    Before the game had no new players, and relied on veterans. Now the game has no new players, and the dedicated veterans want to or have quit.
  7. NotziMad

    Ok, well that's easy.

    But first off, just to make sure; yes I KNOW that a low BR could be a vet on an alt.

    Now that we got that out the way, next time you fight in a base, press TAB and see for yourself. The more you check, the more reliable your opinion will be.

    I do it in all fights, not for that, but because I like to know who I'm fighting and who's with me, cause I know most players, or if not the players, at least the outfits. I'm also checking stats, who's got kills, who's scoring etc.

    So I'm always checking.

    And pretty much all the time (with the exception of prime time, but even then, there's never a BR ASP 100 in the score board.

    And if there is, there's 1, there's 2, there's 3.

    They are a minority.

    Hope that helps.
  8. iller

    No I totally agree that it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
    ...Strictly the Geographical changes that is...

    I'm going to have to feign ignorance on TI alloys though because I have ALWAYS avoided that pleb-trap like the plague it is.
    I'm torn the ISO changes but Wrel already did a back down on those on Reddit I heard. So really I just look at most of the complaining as coming from a medium sized SUPER VOCAL portion of the community who only had 1-single minded way of playing the game and they're now super butt hurt that their 1 single way of playing it isn't F**KING EXCLUSIVELY the way that everyone else HAS to play it anymore.

    It reeks of entitlement and those people are never going to get the rest of us on their side by telling us we're too scrubby to understand why their way was the most MLG way to Esports on Planet Head-Clicker safari (especially when we all know if they were actually the gaming lords they pretend to be... they'd be raking in real actual money playing CSGO or DOTA2 right now instead)

    You obviously have never met Wild-Cards or the Space P1gs
  9. Zagareth

    Ah, that's why I got it that easy to kill people - I'm the only remaining Vet (playing since PS1 Beta) :cool:
    So kids, don't mess with grandpa! :eek:
  10. JustGotSuspended

    What would help is what server/what fights you play on, because I observe the polar opposite. One of us can post screenshots of our typical boards if you wish.

    It makes no sense that new players are a majority, for all the reasons stated above and more. It makes even less sense that the few new players who stick past the first 10 minutes manage to (confused and at the start of a huge grind) top out the vets in a fight.

    And ofc, that's simply not what I've observed on Connery, Miller, Emerald.