Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JustGotSuspended, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. JustGotSuspended

    Give people an option to opt out when they see everything sucks
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  2. Blam320

    It's literally free. You either get access for free by being a member or you pay some certs, which you can earn back pretty easily within at least one or two good sessions. So your point is absolutely moot.
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  3. JustGotSuspended

    So it's free if you pay real money

    or you pay certs to get it.

    Neither of which is "free"

    Alright Midas, I'm glad you think 2750 certs is free, but for the other players out there who paid to hop back and forth from the sanctuary and harvest 100 plants, we'd like a refund!

    I'd love to see what one of your sessions looks like, it would take at least 36 hours of play based on your spm to make that much. So I guess you have 18 hour sessions, and you're swimming in certs (which doesn't really look like it) or you're full of sh*t.

    Also, it is a lot of certs for new players, and forcing an expensive membership down a new players throat for this disastrous garbage is also quite revolting.

    I do have quit a lot of certs, and I have 6k left after unlocking the campaign, but even I know how silly it is to charge players this much for nothing.

    You either don't have the campaign, or you're wrel.

    And please enlighten us on what your sessions look like
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  4. UltimaRecon

    Yeah I found it more puzzling that you have to pay more certs for the campaign for being a higher level. My low level NC only has to pay 750 but my high vanu has to pay 2750, like what? Why am I gouged more for playing longer than someone new? At the time I wasn't aware they removed alert rewards either. So making those 2750 certs back then becomes much, much slower all for the sake of these **** missions with **** rewards. Only thing I enjoyed getting out of the campaign was that tool to get other faction vehicles. Plant harvesting is the dumbest thing ever, must be said any time it can. They just want to gouge certs from vets and get them back to a slow grind to recover, or pay real money to bypass all this bs. Wrel even said on reddit he doesn't like how many certs vets have so he wants to "control" their economy by making them have less.
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  5. JustGotSuspended

    yeah instead of adding new suit slots, weapons, vehicles, implants, or using certs to purchase more ASP, the devs decided to add something that bores veterans and new players to death, for a significant price.

    Wrel just gets angry anytime someone is better than him, all his ideas are trash and his implementations are worse. Just look at the game's population charts...

    Who even cares if veterans have so many certs. If they want to spend them, they will. Besides everyone is so disappointed they left or they'll never cert into a campaign again, so this "cert sink" isn't a viable option anyways.

    They could've added Oshur and a new amphibious vehicle and everyone would've been happy and used up all their certs kitting out the new vehicle.

    Another concept could be to get players to spend certs (100-250) for a "membership" of the base they are at, say maybe for a continent rotation or a day/week. This "membership" would give minor benefits like a few extra mags in reserve, a health defensive regen, a slight discount on vehicles, quicker shield regen...maybe a combination of small things, or just one decent one. Would serve as baby modules basically. This would allow for a continuous cert spending, which is less revolting because it's very small amounts for veterans, with reasonable benefits.

    Idk it's just an idea I came up with instantly, I'm sure a team that actually gets PAID to improve the game and produce ideas to cater to the current and future community would come up with something better - that doesn't include these out of place campaigns.
  6. Twin Suns

  7. Blam320

    Literally you answered your own question. Vets are sitting on mountains of certs with not much to spend it on. Campaign cost scaling with battle ranks means you have something to spend your certs on at higher battle ranks, while at lower ranks new players aren't automatically denied access.