Dear Rogue Games, you are even more ******* useless than I could ever have imagined....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NotziMad, Oct 3, 2020.

  1. NotziMad

    that is all
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  2. UltimaRecon

    Well put haha
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  3. RexBlack

    wow, so many salty crybabies out today
  4. NotziMad

    Calling people salty used to be a thing.

    Like "you mad bro lol kek".

    There was also the "are u ok"?

    Not a thing anymore, if you're cool, that's not what you say, cool people say "whine whine wine". (fyi, that one used to be "would you like some cheese with that whine?"

    You're very creative in mixing salty and crybaby, well done, I'm sure all your friends will be nodding their head in approval!
  5. RexBlack

    ‘If you’re cool’ hahaha thats hilarious kid.
  6. Blam320

    This sort of stuff has been going on since Operation: Make Faster Game. Literally every major update since then has "killed the game" and made it "unplayable/not worth playing." It's honestly disgusting at this point, these people just lurk around constantly screaming at the developers, not doing anything useful themselves.
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  7. icufos

    Totally disagree. The game now runs hugely better than it did.
    Rogue are my heroes.
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  8. RexBlack

    Lol, yeah, they should rename this section’Whiners Corner’.
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  9. NotziMad

    It's been going on since way before that.

    And it's justified.

    But here's the thing, if a dev does something wrong, and a player points at it and says "that's wrong", you're always gona get :

    1. RexBlack type kids just posting to say "omg whiners and salt" (tears went out of fashion a while ago).

    2. Blam320 type fanboys saying : "I'm tired of these whiners it's disgusting."

    and @icufos, the game runs the same as 6 years ago, plus, no one was commenting on how the game runs.
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  10. RexBlack

    “Tears went out of fashion a while ago” haha no idea what the f you are talking you even know? Maybe you should spend a little more time practicing English.

    its a shame you didn’t put this much effort in to your crybaby post. Apart from just insulting the devs.

    yup and someone’s going to criticise you for your childish whining. Seems you don’t like it tho.
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  11. NotziMad

  12. icufos

    NotziMad said..
    'and @icufos, the game runs the same as 6 years ago, plus, no one was commenting on how the game runs.'
    Thought I just did.:p
    However I did like the gif. Top marks.
    Should I have commented on the gif?

  13. Zagareth

    THIS IS A GOOD ONE! :D And reasonable too
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