Don't kill the game, swallow your pride.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TombsClawtooth, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. TombsClawtooth

    So I tried playing for a bit tonight... Alerts are entirely meaningless now. TI alloys is even harder to take than it was before. Campaign is legitimately impossible to do as it locks down from an alert as soon as you finally get on Esamir. Fights are broken significantly by all the changes.
    Just revert it to the patch before this one, this is a game killing patch that's nearly as bad as NGE was for SWG. I've had fantastic nights every day for the past month, and all of that is now out of the window. Learn from mistakes made with other games, cut your losses while you're ahead. Scrap it, swallow your pride, and forget about everything in this godforsaken patch.
    I was having such a great time all this month and last month, the game was in the best state it had ever been in. Now we're back to the place the game was in when I quit playing years ago.
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  2. RedFoxxie

    Registering here just to give my input.

    I used to play this game back in 2013-2016's before I took a break. I came back in a few months ago and I've had a blast. Such a good time that I decided to subscribe again and few of my friends followed me in this game again and we've had a very fun time playing the game, feeling it's in a pretty good place right now. We were excited about the game still getting patched and the new campaign stuff and such sounded exciting.

    Well, now all my friends swore that they aren't playing this again due to the current patch and I am torn trying to enjoy the game as it is. I like the way the Esamir looks, the Campaign sounds fun but I've been unable to even try it as Esamir locked 5 minutes in me attempting to enjoy it. To distract myself from the disappointment, I digged in the mission system, instead. I managed to do one of the 75 ISO rewarding missions after finally getting lucky enough that our faction was protecting the drill, as attempts between the first hours involved enemy people diving in deep into our territory to take the drill. Nothing I could do as a solo player. Managed to do meanwhile a mission involving a Harasser driving around from base to base, once it finally gave me a run which didn't involve having to drive said thing deep into an enemy base.. y'now, to deliver a message there. Convoy seemed to involve people waiting for 45 minutes, then going everywhere else except the point they were told to go in as you are simply required to get kills, not actually enforce the area. Oh boy..

    So after getting my ISO, being worn after two hours of doing that and gaining next to zero certs as I've been distracted from the actual gameplay having to hunt this elusive ISO, I figured I'll just play the game as I would normally but it quite just does not feel the same when the game does not actually reward you for playing the Alert, and people not really caring about it either as it gives you no rewards, resulting in just a general feeling of meaningless chaos. Sure I got some certs playing and stuff, less than before that's for sure, but I didn't feel like playing through the Alert made me happy. I just felt exhausted.

    In the end of the day, I am just worn and tired and do not feel like I want to play this on this weekend. I had easily my worst day with Planetside 2 I've had during my time with the game and that's making me sad and disappointed. I do not want to see the game like this, but I'll just collect my daily certs and that's it for now, and hope they'll revert at least some of these changes as this just is not fun for me and doesn't represent to me at all how Planetside 2 has been for me years back, or during these past few months. I feel sad and scared as I am unsure how the future of the game will be like after this.

    I hope I wake up from this nightmare after the weekend to a message from the dev team that they're reverting back some of the changes made and they put the old Alerts back in while perhaps keeping the mission system as-is alongside while they tinker with it and listen to community feedback as to how they can improve it further.
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  3. JustGotSuspended

    Whole update is a headache as expected, tons of players just wanna quit, and the devs say they are listening to our feedback - lol.

    maybe someone should write on twitter to explain to them how stupid this is. Oh wait, you'd have to explain everything wrong in 240 character right?
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  4. Blam320

    How about you all swallow your pride and accept that there are going to be updates you don't agree 100% with? People have been screeching like children since the Combined Arms Initiative about how every. Single. Update is going to kill the game, yet here we are. Alive and well, even starting to thrive again.
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  5. Zipr

    HELP I fought one battle against good players I'm strongly wrong and highly opinionated or worse yet vice versa Highly wrong and Strongly opinionated Sorry brah you just showed all your cards One fight Really? Hope to God you not NC based on some recent experiences Days taken to setup an attack More tanks than players near the point Followed closely by a somewhat temporary backcap (Delay mostly....) Extremely high pop on the NC side of the Fight(s) IF it was TR tho? I hope you understand about NC and their bio lab fights (About that XP) Crown/TI TR has viewed in similar fashion Quite enough to the point it makes some others consider acquiring and holding the base for such fights (Smart playa's anyway)

    P.S. Choose to Be Happy! Thank God you didn't find a counter the first day for changes (Upgrade/Update) instilled to slow or hinder chokeholds at the base
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  6. Caydn

    The game owners dont give a ****
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  7. Liewec123

    A surprise to noone, it was absolutely obvious that deleting the land bridge would make TI Alloys uncappable,
    But hey, Wrel gonna Wrel.

    That said I don't want the entire patch reverted,
    Stuff like Armadillo sunderer and 300 nanite Harass-holes should stay,
    But yeah Less-amir is trash and central indar is ruined,
    Can we get an ACTUAL lead developer? Wrel is destroying our game...
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  8. Gadanfar

    I only returned around two weeks ago after I got fed up with the previous surge in grind a few years ago. There is no guarantee there will be the game to return to when they are done polishing an update like this and I'll get reminded of its existence. Gradual changes are fine, but the devs went and removed the main incentive to play. It was weak before, but now there is none at all. If I were good enough at this game I would've sticked around to troll give the people who explore the new content a challenge, but I am among 99% of players who are getting farmed by the demigods with every gun auraxed, so I'll just quit.
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  9. Chielz0r

    Came back to this game about a month and a half ago and had an absolute blast, most fun I've had with this game.
    Perfectly fitted my casual play style, play an alert now and then and then back to something else.
    This patch kills it for me, alerts are useless now and I have no interest in doing MMO-style waypoint quests.
    This is not why I played planetside.

    It's a damn shame, I was really excited about getting back into this game.
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  10. OpolE


    Must come back to Planetside 1 Emulator. Anyone reading this
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  11. ChaoticMonk

    I guessing they hired Wrel cause Daybreak thought they could save a buck and underpay him if its just some no account youtuber. This game doesnt need an armchair developer from youtube, we need an actual developer with actual C R E D E N T I A L S! Someone who can say "Yeah, I was project lead/creative director on that game, that game, and that game". Wrel has proven he is incompetent as a developer and his ego is too big to take community feedback.
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  12. Nepas77

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  13. V` agic

    Patch is fine. The only missed exploit - is players bases RIGHT F~ ABOVE CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES.
  14. Johannes Kaiser

    Ironically, there is a campaign objective to build a base. The devs have very much shot themselves into the knee right there.
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  15. Liewec123

    i you think that would be the only exploit then you don't know DBG! XD
    for instance there is an infinite ISO exploit. (don't do it you'll just get banned)
  16. FLHuk

    Banned as in banned or banned as in come back when we unban you having not told you why either way?

    Speaking as a player banned in Jan of 2013 who had it changed to seven day suspension when I pointed out they had my system specs in a current ticket but never ever told me why either applied to me.... :D
  17. RexBlack

    Is it entirely possible that you can make one post this year without frothing at the mouth about Wrel?

    you are embarrassing mate.
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  18. JustGotSuspended

    If you're talking about me I made a post about it when it happened.

    I called insulted a cheater in game and got a 3 day ban a few hours later for "toxicity".

    My behavior was unacceptable and his exploiting was a "much lesser offense"

    I just have this account autosaved on the forums now so I use it