[Suggestion] (Ps4) balance pop limit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RedSengorr, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. RedSengorr

    VS is winning almost every continents that it feels like a one sided fight and not even fun at all. I play on the TR and we are losing every continents and starting to get stale. only few times I have seen TR win a continent and it shift back to VS winning again. can you guys please balance the ps4 pop and force some people to play other factions besides VS.
  2. Blue_Lion

    Balancing populations is what the NS operative was intended or. Forcing people to play something other than their choice would drive away people.

    I do not know why you say VS always wins we loose over half the alerts I play in, maybe it is server or time specific.

    There is a issue with people changing to the side they think will win an alert for the rewards. Perhaps that is why the rewards are going to be removed.
  3. RedSengorr

    I play around morning to noon and nighttime. when I login its either VS or NC wins a continent and there isn't enough TR online to win a control point.
  4. Blue_Lion

    So you are playing off hours.

    The issue is what does your faction have or do bring in players. Solve that and you solve your population issues.

    Punishing other players because you are on the loosing side is never the correct answer.

    (odd first it was just VS and now it is VS and NC.)
  5. Twin Suns

    Let's be real. The PS5 comes out real soon. Ain't nobody gonna play DBG's dinosaur of a game with their new system anyway.